
Monroe Doctrine Research Paper

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Background- The Russians had been occupying present day Alaska and British Columbia since 1741, but in 1821 the Russians started to make their way down the coast of the Pacific Ocean, near present day California. James Monroe and Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams, were concerned that the Russians would get to California and try to control the land in America. With Monroe and Adams fearing the Russians taking control, together they created the Monroe Doctrine. The document clearly stated that America was not to be colonized on at all and that the Russians were not to interfere both North and South America.

Opinion- The Monroe Doctrine clearly expressed that not only North America but North and South America were not to be involved in …show more content…

The United States just wanted the Latin American countries to be just as successful as they were. Once again in the Monroe Doctrine it was said that,” if left to themselves, would adopt it of their own accord.” The United States had some sympathy for the countries and that is why the Monroe Doctrine clearly states that they hope that the Latin American countries make the same decision to make sure that there would not be anymore colonization. Latin America, like the United States, was founded around 1492 by the spanish sailor Christopher Columbus. Decades later Hernando Cortez arrived in the Latin Americas in 1519 . Later on many Spanish countries were established in the Latin Americas and many of the countries are spanish countries. After the Spanish the Portuguese came to the Latin Americas. Pedro Alvarez accidentally found today’s Brazil in 1500. Spain and Portugal agreed to split the lands of the Latin Americas and shared what both had to offer. Portugal took eastern lands and the Spanish took the west land in the Latin Americas. After the Portuguese and the Spanish had taken most of the land in the Latin Americas, France came to take the unclaimed land. So the History of the Latin Americas was part of the reason why the United States mentioned the Latin Americas in the Monroe Doctrine. The United States also payed attention to the Latin Americas so they could be sure that there would not be any conflict between

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