Background- The Russians had been occupying present day Alaska and British Columbia since 1741, but in 1821 the Russians started to make their way down the coast of the Pacific Ocean, near present day California. James Monroe and Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams, were concerned that the Russians would get to California and try to control the land in America. With Monroe and Adams fearing the Russians taking control, together they created the Monroe Doctrine. The document clearly stated that America was not to be colonized on at all and that the Russians were not to interfere both North and South America.
Opinion- The Monroe Doctrine clearly expressed that not only North America but North and South America were not to be involved in
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The United States just wanted the Latin American countries to be just as successful as they were. Once again in the Monroe Doctrine it was said that,” if left to themselves, would adopt it of their own accord.” The United States had some sympathy for the countries and that is why the Monroe Doctrine clearly states that they hope that the Latin American countries make the same decision to make sure that there would not be anymore colonization. Latin America, like the United States, was founded around 1492 by the spanish sailor Christopher Columbus. Decades later Hernando Cortez arrived in the Latin Americas in 1519 . Later on many Spanish countries were established in the Latin Americas and many of the countries are spanish countries. After the Spanish the Portuguese came to the Latin Americas. Pedro Alvarez accidentally found today’s Brazil in 1500. Spain and Portugal agreed to split the lands of the Latin Americas and shared what both had to offer. Portugal took eastern lands and the Spanish took the west land in the Latin Americas. After the Portuguese and the Spanish had taken most of the land in the Latin Americas, France came to take the unclaimed land. So the History of the Latin Americas was part of the reason why the United States mentioned the Latin Americas in the Monroe Doctrine. The United States also payed attention to the Latin Americas so they could be sure that there would not be any conflict between
1. The Monroe Doctrine was articulated during the period when there was the need for democracy. It was drafted by the then Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, and his primary reason was to end colonization and promote democracy. He feared that Spain could rise as a superpower and reign over United States colonies. President James Monroe later implemented the Monroe Doctrine.
In my opinion, I do not believe that we follow the Monroe Doctrine as the foreign policy as the way President Monroe would have intended it or meant it to be used as. One of the reasons I believe this is because during the time that this was created all the stronger European nations at the time, Spain, Great Britain, and France, were looking for new territories to expand their country into. This was also during the time the Americans had just claimed their independence from
1.The circumstance for the Monroe doctrine was to that European powers would be obligated to respect the land they brought from them in Louisiana purchase as property of the United States. The Monroe Doctrine had three part to it First, the U.S. would not let Europeans influences settle in American. Secondly, the U.S. would not get involved in wars in Europe. Lastly Monroe issued a warring to Europeans authorities not to get involved with American. Also United States American felt that the only way to gain power and independence was to flee from aid from other European countries.
After, the Convention of 1818 which would set a border with Canada to stay with good relations with the British. We would gain Florida from Spain from the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819. The Monroe Doctrine was created in 1823 so that there could be no further foreign duties with foreigners. The US did not want foreigners to colonize, and if they did it would be considered a threat. The US would also stay neutral from European Wars from the Monroe Doctrine.
Since the founding of the United States the Monroe doctrine was one of the first foreign policy disagreements in history. The Colonies began to establish themselves as an independent nation that could dominate world affairs. Initiated by James Monroe, the Monroe Doctrine was formed in alliance with Britain to stop Latin America from colonizing in the northern hemisphere. The doctrine was a cornerstone of American Foreign policy by setting the political precedent that American will not let European powers oppress them, socially by becoming the “police of the world”, and by learning how to cultivate positive relationships.
Protecting and supporting newly-formed republics in South America was the most important factor of the Monroe Doctrine. Along with many principles the Monroe Doctrine possessed, one in particular was that any attempt to extend the European political systems into the Western Hemisphere should be considered dangerous to the South and North America’s peace and safety (Wilson). “Modern colonization was an abuse of government, and it should come to an end,” were words shared my Adams (Hart). This quote should be thrust in contrast with the Russian czar’s response to Monroe’s message he shared. Even though Monroe’s political philosophies stopped at speeches his public address was a scary move when Spain was in the process of ratifying the Transcontinental Treaty for the Florida purchase. Fortunately for Monroe and the Americans, there were no significant obstacles or stalls caused in other political affairs due to his message. This was because the European colonizers were still under the recovery from the Napoleonic Wars. If Prussia, Austria, and Russia did manage to successfully restore Spain’s former colonies and divided the land, they were possibly facing the military powers of America’s army and Britain’s navy. The Monroe Doctrine was idealistic because it revealed the pressure of European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere
The United States feared that Spain’s colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico would be captured by France or Britain. Once the Pyrenees was crossed by the French, to help put down the early sightings of rebellion against the Spanish monarch, Britain was afraid that the French and Spanish had formed some sort of alliance and wanted to reclaim Latin-American colonies. At first chance the British Foreign Minister George Canning discussed the idea with American minister Richard Rush, He suggested an alliance opposing the French and Spanish union. Rush sent Monroe word, who in turn asked advice from Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Jefferson advised that if European affairs had made their way into the western hemisphere it would not be good, but staying out of European affairs would be best for the
The United States fifth president, James Monroe, wrote the Monroe Doctrine. He wrote it as a response to the Czar of Russia diplomatic inquiries. The Czar of Russia’s inquiries involved how the United States would answer if European colonization were restarted in the Western Hemisphere. In the Monroe Doctrine, President Monroe responded, in the seventh annual message to congress, by proclaiming four very important points. The first point was that the United States would not get involved in European dealings. Monroe stated that they would not be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers. He went on to say that they would do well in their efforts among those to be considered equal among like nations of the earth. Monroe took a strong stance toward the independence of the United States. He also challenged
While there is a possibility that we could have done the things we did with Cuba, and the expansion of the U.S. and so much more without the Monroe doctrine. Again the doctrine made it so much easier, and faster than it would have been
The Monroe Doctrine stated that America was not to be colonized. It also warned other nations not to intervene in the Americas.
In his address, Washington states, “The Great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign Nations is in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible.” Washington is advising to avoid political relations with foreign nations. He warns not to accept foreign influence of any nation. Washington wants to preserve the free self-government that began under him. The procedures addressed in the Monroe Doctrine are consistent with Washington’s advice. Monroe wants to avoid relations with foreign countries, just as Washington did. He declares that the United States should not get involved in the internal government of any other nation. This is parallel to what Washington suggested in his address. Both leaders wanted to focus mainly on the United States and avoid excessive interaction with other nations. Monroe’s manner is consistent with Washington’s from thirty years prior.
US interventionism in Latin America started a long time ago with the Monroe Doctrine, in 1823. A policy which stated that any intervention by external power for example from Europe is the Americas is a hostile act against the US. In simpler words, America is for the Americas. From the 1900’s till the beginning of the Cold War, the United States started the military intervention mostly in the Caribbean and Central American regions. This has started a long history of the United States intervening on Latin America issues.
The Monroe Doctrine helps justify the Spanish American War because it states America’s ground and opinion. President of the United States, James Monroe, gave a speech to Congress in which he states: “... the rights and interests of the United States are involved, that American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintained, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers… ” “…we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere, as dangerous to our peace and safety.” These quotes mean that the United States considers any country attacking with the intent of ruling over independent and/or ally countries, as disturbing their peace and safety. So when Spain took hold over the American allied Cuba, the United States had to immediately step in to right a wrong. Since America stated their ground 75 years before the war began, Spain and any other countries looking to conquer in the hemisphere knew very well not to attack America or any country it considered an ally.
There have been many different occasions in history that the Monroe Doctrine has been exercised to settle unrest, usually ending with Marines being sent it to fortify unrest. Three of the main events that have required the U.S. to take action according to the policy are in 1904 involving the Santo Domingo, 1911 with Nicaragua and in 1911 during the Haiti crisis.