
Monsanto Research Papers

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Do people eat genetically modified food? Are people currently asking themselves what a genetically modified food is? People may not know it, but GMO products are in our stores. GMO began long before we even knew about them. Monsanto is taking our land and producing their engineered crops. Are GMO’s really going to end the world hunger or is that just a phrase that a corporation like Monsanto uses to get away with their products. They use government subsidies. The health risks are unknown to the public even though there has been research done to show the risks of consuming such foods. Have the people in our country found themselves wondering, “Why are GMO files and techniques a secret if it is good for you?” They no longer have to. We are about …show more content…

Monsanto claims that they are helping farmers around the world. They have included that they are trying to produce more from the land of a large or small farmer while at the same time saving resources such as water and energy. They are able to accomplish this due to their leading seed brands in crops such as corn, cotton, oilseed and fruits and vegetables. Monsanto has also mentioned that they are the produce leader in the seed trait technologies for farms. They do that to protect the yield of the farmers''' and to support their on-farm work and to reduce their cost of farming. Monsanto is trying to make their products available to farmers all around the world. They are doing that by licensing their seed and trait technologies to other companies. They also manufacture round-up. Farmers, consumers and lawn-and-garden professionals also use Aliu 3 herbicides. Monsanto claims that they are genetically modifying plants and organisms to feed the people in our country and world to end world hunger. Monsanto says that they are supplying farmers and consumers with high-yielding conventional and biotech seeds. They have said that these traits and technologies make it possible to put more nutrients in their crops and make …show more content…

Caterpillars feed on the milkweed and not on corn, but there is a huge fear that pollen from B.t. corn is going to spread out to a neighboring field with the milkweed plant that the caterpillars will consume the pollen from B.t. corn and vanish. (Dill) People did not see this on the news because at the time it received no attention, but a British biochemist in 1998 told the horrifying truth about how consuming a GMO product can cause organ damage, reproductive failures, digestive dysfunction, impaired immunity, cancer and many more conditions. He was fired right on the spot. His research team was dismissed within twenty four hours of the leaked information to the public. GMO products have many toxins. “ Arpad Pusztai, who is considered to be one of the world’s most reputed and well learned biochemist for three years has led a team of researchers from Scotland’s prestigious Rowett Research Institute (RRI) in studying the health effect of a novel GM potato with built-in Bt toxin.” stated Natural News. Some tomatoes are not natural. There was a test done on rats and it was discovered by Arpad Pusztai and his team that the Bt potatoes were responsible for

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