Vietnam Research Write Up
I am researching about the geography of vietnam and how that affected the war. Some of the things that affected the war are the monsoons. The monsoons made it hard to bomb, weapons failed, and it was hard for the americans to fight.
First some information on what are the monsoons? The article “Encyclopedia of Modern Asia” explained very well on what the monsoons are. Monsoons are seasonal winds that happen usually between april and september. They are caused by the winds that come from the warm southern indian ocean winds that bring humid heat and uncontrollable rainfall. They often bring several feet of rainfall.
The article “Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War” explains how the monsoons were very long and the
Assess the consequences of the Vietnamese victory against the French for Indochina in the periods 1954-1964.
Vietnam suffered enormous environmental damage from the war, manliy from US bombing and use of defoliants such as Agent Orange. Bombing destroyed many rice-growing areas in South Vietnam and severely damaged the ecomony of North Vietnam. US government s denied Vietnam any foreign aid after the war.
The Vietnam War was one of the most intense, stressful and exhilarating wars to fight due to the factors of fear and not knowing the surrounding environment. Vietnam’s land is a jungle filled with natural dangers. Monsoons were common on the Vietnam land, which made harsh wet and hot fighting conditions. Animals such as snakes and scorpions made it dangerous to wander blindly in the jungle. On top of all the natural dangers and conditions of the land, the communist enemy known as the Vietcong were known for their use of booby traps such as bear traps, wooden stakes applied to dangerous designs, and use of poison. American soldiers found these factors made it hard to fight a war and found it even harder to fight when the U.S Army couldn’t discriminate the enemy from civilians. The Vietcong and South Vietnamese were the same people with different views, so this made war hard to fight when it is nearly impossible to identify the enemy. The use of guerrilla warfare made it difficult to beat the enemy in a foreign jungle terrain. The Vietcong having the upper hand in almost every aspect of the war made warfare conditions very stressful for American soldiers. Most of the American soldiers were already experiencing anxiety and stress due
In the mental setting, “search[ing] the villages, . . . kicking over jars of rice, frisking children and old men, blowing tunnels, [and] sometimes setting fires” (O’Brien, 399) along with the constant reminder that it was kill or be killed wore down and weighed heavily upon the American soldiers. “They are asked to violate social norms, [to carry] out orders to fire upon the enemy [,] (MacLean, 564)” and commit other atrocities that corrupt their moral code. However, more daunting than the mental strife is the physical challenges the soldiers must overcome. O’Brien describes how on a daily basis the men could catch disease like “malaria and dysentery . . . [and] lice and ringworm (399)” and how the monsoons and the jungle threaten them. The physical setting is perhaps a secondary antagonist, respectively following the enemy soldiers and the war. The physical setting challenges the American soldiers and attacks in ways that differs from the enemy soldiers; the monotonous, never-ending jungle and terrain drains their energy, the monsoons threaten to drown them, and the threat of disease is almost as terrifying as a gunshot wound. The physical and mental challenges in Vietnam create insurmountable burdens for the soldiers to try to cope
The war in Vietnam was a war against communism that tore apart the US. The United States of America plunged together with its allies and played a tremendous role as far as fight against communism is concerned. A huge number of American soldiers were deployed in Vietnam a practice that coupled with much unpreparedness. The soldiers were not aware what exactly they were up to in Vietnam. Most Americans at the time were very much against the act. It was one of the most deliberating wars America plunged herself into and the only one to have been lost. Most intriguing is the amount of publicity and media buzz created by the film industry. Vietnam War was the topic of many television networks, music and Hollywood. Journalist and veterans and scholar were never left behind and went ahead to produce tones of literature on the legacies and lessons to be learnt from the war (Hochgesang, Lawyer, and Stevenson). The exploitation of the soldiers and rejection of the veterans created just as much interest as the war had created. One such commentary came from George Kennan, who depicted the war as one of the most disastrous mission The United States has ever undertaken (Westheider 155-159).. This essay will establish the effects the war had to the US soldiers.
The military was getting stronger and the people of Vietnam were affected by the casualties. Between both North and South Vietnam 2 million civilians were dead. There was another 1.1 million North Vietnam and Viet Cong people dead (Spector) A way to honor those that have passed was to create a memorial. The people were dying fast therefore the economy was suffering slightly. The farming was beginning to go down and businesses were widely affected by the amount of people injured or dead (Spector) The struggle with both farming and business caused yet another wave of refugees. Due to the amount of bombing there was 1,034,300 hectares of forest destroyed. Since there was so much land destroyed it has a serious impact on the lives of the people of Vietnam (Rohn). Many suffer from diseases caused by the chemicals. These casualties have impacted the world around including all that were involved. It was also a war of a lot of deaths.
It’s a familiar phrase with a chilling alteration. This was the catchphrase of “Operation Ranch Hand,” the nickname of the military mission to rain down 19 million pounds of herbicides over Southern Vietnam between 1962 and 1971. 11 million pounds of these herbicides were Agent Orange, an herbicide, named for the identifying orange stripe on its barrel, intended to devastate the dense vegetation and force the enemy into the open. At the time, the United States government insisted that the herbicides were harmless to humans and created no lasting harm. The main focus at the time was that this development would turn the tide of the war and most importantly, spare American soldiers’ lives. After further laboratory
The climate that the soldiers serving in Vietnam War were exposed to was an additional challenge they faced since it was extremely different from what they were used to. “When I arrived in Vietnam, it was so tropical that it took a while to get used to the humidity,” Denis shared. The climate
Norman Bowker's flashback of Song Tra Bong, sets up the story for cultural analysis. The monsoon signifies the war as a whole, as it causes violence to spill over the entire world. Over
The Vietnam War was cause do to The United States wanting to stop the continuation of Communism, this war however had major consequences on several societies and communities. The war caused many American casualties and the soldiers who did survive suffer from many mental and physical problems to this day nearly forty-three years later. The Vietnam war was well known for its chemical warfare. The two most common chemicals were substances called napalm and agent orange. The war was also well known as America's biggest mistake for warfare. Soldiers who served were disrespected and disgraced after their return. And many of the politicians in office were threatened and the government was beginning to fall apart do to miscommunication.
Arrowood, Janet. Vietnam . Edison, NJ: Hunter Publishing, 2009. eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 1 Oct. 2015.
Through O’Brien’s description of the Vietnamese monks, he highlights the absurdity of the effect of war on the Vietnamese people. Americans find themselves often forgetting the effect of their presence in foreign countries. The Vietnamese people and their needs were affected indefinitely by the Vietnam War. What is also underestimated is how much of an emotional toll the Vietnam War took on the average citizen.
The Vietnam War started on November 1, 1955. 9,087,000 military personnel served on active duty during the Vietnam Era. Those that went into the war zone suffered, not only from wounds but also from a variety of jungle diseases and malnutrition. One of the few sources of clean water came from water purification tanks at Vietnamese refugee camps.Preventive medicine teams worked to control rodent and insect infestations, spray for malarial mosquitoes, and purify unclean water.
Holmes came to he conclusion that doctors make the best criminals is because doctors have prescriptions and the know the symptoms of what the medication can do you if you take it. Even though the doctors may not get a way with they sometimes do and even if they don't they might not get caught right way they will soon get caught. Doctors have plenty advantages of getting their hands on things and just giving them to people to harm them.
During the time of the war the Vietnam came about war a different way than the Americans. The Americans used the same strategy they used in WW2 which seemed to be very successful for us and the Vietnamese used an all out, no grudge strategy known as guerilla warfare. This strategy had no petty on mankind. A group of people sprayed trees, houses, grass and etc with a chemical called herbicides. They sprayed over 19 million gallons of it across about 4.5 million acres of land.