
Monsters Inc Classical Conditioning

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A behaviorist approach to personality can be used to explain the personality of the character Boo in Monsters Inc. Behaviorists typically do not believe there is an internal structure for what is known as personality, but instead a collection of responses to the environment (Friedman & Schustack, 2012). In addition, Boo is a small child with a limited vocabulary, so it is difficult to analyze her internal traits and motives. Therefore, Boo's personality can be analyzed based on her responses to her environment or in other words, her outward behavior. Boo's personality and how it changes throughout Monsters Inc. can be explained using the Behaviorist theories proposed by Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, and B. F. Skinner. Ivan Pavlov's theory of classical conditioning can be used to explain certain elements of Boo's personality, especially her fear of monsters. In Monstropolis, the monsters employed at Monsters Inc enter into a child's room at night to startle them awake and collect their screams. The unconditioned stimulus differs for each monster as each use a different scare tactic, but most often it is a loud roar or scream. The unconditioned response is fear, exhibited by the child jumping …show more content…

F. Skinner's principle of operant conditioning can also be used to explain elements of Boo's personality. When Boo first enters Monstropolis, Sully does his best to conceal her in order to avoid the negative consequences her presence may have on his scaring career at Monsters Inc. However, Boo is curious and unfortunately for Sully, very loud. In order to keep Boo concealed, Sully uses principles of operant conditioning to modify her behavior. While she is coloring quietly, Sully continuously tosses pieces of cereal into her mouth to increase this behavior. He then uses the same reinforcement to lead Boo to where he has designated her to sleep. The cereal serves as a positive reinforcement for her behavior and aids Sully in keeping Boo's presence in Monstropolis a

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