I chose the eruption of Mont Pelee in Martinique in 1902, to discuss this week. This volcano is a stratovolcano that began to release pyroclastic flows in the early months of 1902, shortly after the eruptions began it was evident that a larger eruption was imminent. In preparation for this eruption, the town of about 25,000 people began to evacuate in groups of about 300 a day to a nearby town called St. Pierre. On 5 May, a larger eruption occurred which caused further anxiety, but the Governor of the area was concerned with an upcoming election on 10 May, so he used his power to prevent people from leaving the area, which resulted in everyone left in the town (Abbott.) The VEI of the eruption is assessed to be a VEI of 4. In the case of this
In the early 1900s St.Pierre on the French Caribbean island of Martinique was famous tourist destination.”It was known as the Paris of the west Indies”, and home to more than 20,000 people,Mount Pelee sits about 4 miles from St Pierre.On May 8, 1902 the volcano erupted. Sending a volcanic surge directly at St.pierre's at a rate of 420 miles per hour.Killing 30,000 people in its wake.National National Geographic News”Deadliest volcano of the 20th century, 100 years later””molly pell and channo wOodage for National Geographic News, 5-8-2”
Analyse the factors that causes differences in the hazards posed by volcanoes around the world (40 marks)
● This was the first time this type of volcano eruption was actually witnessed and
11. The Kilauea Volcano eruption was one of the largest and the most destructive for its time, “As the lava field spread, cooled and spread again over the next three years it destroyed many homes and the Visitor Center…” (http://www.livescience.com/27622-kilauea.html) Familys and companys had no were to go, jusst like the the people in the Dust Bowl at the
Have you ever been near a volcano when it erupted? Most of us haven't, but if you're unlucky enough, you just might have. Many people think it would be cool, but it is indeed not. In fact, the people of Pompeii were very unlucky when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. Nearly two-thousand people died. Although that eruption was very similar to the 1980 eruption of Saint Helens, it was also very different.
that the volcano must be classified as dormant rather than extinct. Moreover, the unexpected 1995 eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano on Montserrat, situated in the same volcanic arc, demonstrates that continuous awareness of the associated hazards is required.
Writer, Sidney Powers follows the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, as she writes about their data and research. Generally, the volcanoes in Hawaii are active, and are constantly being studied. Powers writes about the size, temperature, and lava flow of several volcanoes in Hawaii. Kilauea, one of the more popular volcanoes attracts many tourists due to its lava being visible, and an accessible road for the public to view its crater. Furthermore, Powers advocates the need for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, as she writes about its opening, and the research that has been conducted there.
Data collection and sources; the data used in this study comes from Azzalin and Bowman(1990). It includes a data frame with 272 observations on 2 variables that is eruption time and waiting time. The data is heavily rounded times originally in seconds.
Assess the extent to which primary rather than secondary impacts are the more serious effects arising from volcanic eruptions. (30 marks)
Mt. Vesuvius, a dormant stratovolcano, had not erupted for over 71, 500 years. The city of Pompeii was isolated from all that was outside of its borders. The only other natural disaster recorded in the area was on February 5, 62 AD, when a major earthquake occurred in the epicenter of Pompeii (Modigliani). This severely damaged the town, causing buildings, temples, and houses to collapse. The society was ignorant to natural disasters, so many were unsure how to react. Because of this, a significant portion of the population evacuated the city after the severe quakes. The towering
The Capulin Volcano interestingly enough, is apart of what's known as the Raton-Clayton volcanic field (RCVF), a collected scattering of other volcano's that stretch well over 7,000 square miles. Located in Northeastern New Mexico, the Capulin lies dormante, although some believe extinct, since it's last volcanic activity more than 60,000 years ago. Capulin underwent a rather large eruption that formed its current 1000ft cinder cone shape, which gave way to "a number of small lava flows and cinder eruptions [that] paved over the mound, steepening it's slopes"(NASA, 2016). The base was inital made from the hot ash, cinder, and rock debris of the eruption, and the lava flows themselves were "basalt, deriving from the melting of the mantle" (Sayre and Ort, 2011). Due to
The Raton-Clayton volcanic field is about 20 000 km2 in size, and has been active periodically for the past 9 million years. The area is filled with peaks, cones, and lava-capped mesas. The mesas developed as lava flowed into valleys and depressions, cooled off and formed a resistant top layer over sedimentary rocks. As the surrounding rock eroded, the lava protected the underlying stratigraphy from erosion. This caused todays topography, where that which was once the lowest point, is now the highest. There is some disagreement over why the volcanic field is here, one possible cause is that it is near the end of the Jemez Lineament, which has numerous volcanic centers along its reach, possibly
The focus of this research paper is on Mount Vesuvius is two of its most deadly eruptions in 79 A.D. and 1631 that destroyed the ancient cities of Pompeii and nearby Herculaneum forcing the citizens to flee to the Bay of Naples to escape the ash falls and its pyroclastic flows. Both eruptions left the populations
Volcanoes can be found throughout the entire world and are formed when there is a rupture in the mantle of the Earth's crust. This effect allows the output of volcanic lava, ash, and various types of gases. These tectonic plate breaks are normal, the planet Earth is divided into 17 tectonic plates and consistently move against each other forming shifts from low to high intensity. It can cause displacement of earth or water.
On 24 August AD79, Mt Vesuvius created European and world history as it erupted in the most catastrophic and infamous manner. Pliny the Younger has educated historians on the eruption of AD79. Pliny the Younger was a Roman administrator and poet. On the 24th of August Mt Vesuvius exploded with a deadly cloud of volcanic ash, stones, and gas to an approximated height of 33km, spewing molten rock and pulverised pumice, this was rated at one and a half million tons per second.