
Montesquieu And The Magna Cart The Roots Of Democracy

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Roots of democratic leadership and ideology can be traced back to the first civilizations, to ancient Greece, and to the works and ideologies of Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch, Cicero, Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Jefferson, among others.
Leadership first appeared in humans as a means to resolve basic group organization efforts where, once a person did something, others followed. It was designated to promote cooperative group behaviors and ideologies in settings dealing with disagreements such as those regarding the group’s stability. Dominant leadership, however, became weakened by wars and social uprisings, resulting in the implementation of democracy-based leadership. Human population growth and the development of complex societies triggered the …show more content…

It also became the foundation for other countries’ constitutions. The European movement of the Enlightment in the 18th century rejected established social, political, and religious ideals, giving root to democratic ideologies and support. Two influential philosophers of this movement were Locke and Montesquieu. Locke’s Two Treatises of Government alleged that all governments should be based on "the consent of the governed." This impacted and modified political theory, creating support for the democratic movement. Additionally, Locke’s Natural Law theory rebelled against monarchies’ origin of power, and stated that all men have “the right to life, to certain liberties, and to own property and keep the fruits of their labor” (Locke, XXX). Locke stated that to keep their rights, civilians must agree to obey the law in order to be protected by the government. This law became an inspiration for a generation of philosophers who supported the democratic leadership movement. These include Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hume, Kant, Jefferson and Franklin. Inspired by Locke, Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence in 1776, which became a the foundation for democracy in the United States. During the 20th century, modern democracies were implemented throughout the world as a result of conflicts, uprisings, decolonization and financial circumstances. Currently, most of the world’s countries are governed by democracies; however, the presence of oligarchies, monarchies, and dictatorships still prevails in a small

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