Good morning Pat,
I have completed clearing my plot (plot#63) of weeds and remaining dead/dying plants, and have attached two photos of my garden plot. I hope my plot is in full compliance with the rules of the Montgomery County community garden program. Thank you for your work on behalf of all community gardeners, Steven Funkhouser
Plot #63 South Germantown Community Garden
It’s the grassy greens, near the winding pebbly road I remember first. The long stalks of spinifex still line the edges, though now neatly trimmed all around. The uneven crunch-crunch-crunch of the gravel as I drive my sunny Porsche across town. Even in winter, bindies pepper the half soccer field, other foliage: a bush dotted with withered yellow berries and emerging saplings surround the patchy lawn like spectators. Smack bang in the middle, winter clawing its way in, stands a grandiose resilient oak, basking under the mild heat of the country sun, glorified as it houses two tombs. Its boughs stretch towards me invitingly and I smile…
According to the Map on the STEMS Tour Map page, which treatment takes up the most acreage?
Following a fruitless session of the Continental Congress, a sabbatical at Adams' Braintree farm is disrupted by news of the attack on Lexington and Concord. Adams witnesses the aftermath of the bloody battle, and later reports back to Philadelphia. There, he jousts with delegates debating the pros and cons of independence, eschewing an olive-branch proposal from Pennsylvania John Dickinson and throwing down the gauntlet for independence. As more violence rages in and around Boston, Adams nominates George Washington to lead the newly created Continental Army. After another brief return home, Adams returns to Philadelphia - and a proclamation from King George III that treason will be met with death. After several debates and postponements, Adams
No project is too big or too small, Ellis Total Lawn Care does it all. We have daily meetings about day to day operations as well as upcoming projects. Ellis Total Lawn Care, LLC always approaches each project with a strong focus on strategic planning and proven results. As a team we do walk throughs and study aerial views of all our facilities so that we can familiarize ourselves with the footprint of the facility.
After a 6 month investigation done by the TV network fusion they have come to a conclusion and released a scholarly article, that Miami Gardens Police Department has been using strategies that were Unconstitutional. With a act that was the Zero Policy Act (ZPC). The City of Miami Gardens seemed to be depriving African Americans of their 4th Amendments by stopping and frisking at will all. After going through 30,000 pages of field contact reports from the city of Miami Gardens Police Department they founf that “BLACK MALES” between the ages of 15 and 30 according to a Police Officer who was told to do so by their sergeant. Miami Gardens has a population estimate of 110,754. And it is 20 square miles. 99,800 total “Stop & Frisks” that did not
The United States is made up of two different types of immigrants: those who are born on U.S. soil and those who travel to settle here. However, despite whether one is born in the United States or not for most their lineage runs back to other countries. It is evident that a majority of the U.S. first immigration wave was around the late 1800’s to the 1920’s. This was a time in which many immigrants where leaving their countries due to different reasons and finding prosperity in the U.S. In the book 97 Orchards: An Edible History of Five Immigrant Families in One New York Tenement (97 Orchard) by Jane Ziegelman she explores and paints the history of five different immigrant families. The book goes into great detail sharing stories of daily
Everyone dreams of living a happy and fulfilling life. Sometimes, we need a fresh start. In “Mammita’s Garden Cove,” Max daydreamed about a life where he could start over in Canada. He thought hard about his life in this new place. However, the situation didn’t unfold like he wanted. Cyril Dabydeen uses literary techniques such as diction, imagery, and irony to express Max’s intricate attitude towards his new home in Canada, and his old home on the island.
The African American Cultural Gardens are situated on a four-acre sloping site, extending from Wheelock Avenue at the highest point and down to Martin Luther King, Jr., Drive at the St. Clair exit. The Gardens, dedicated to the past, present and future of the African American community, is one of the more than 30 established or planned ethic cultural gardens that are part of the 100-year-old Cleveland Cultural Gardens and its representative organization, the Cleveland Federation of Cultural Gardens.
The article states that the "let it burn" policy caused major damages to the Yellowstone park since people let the forests burn more than two monthes which causes three main damages for the Yellowstone park forest and provides tree reasons of supply. However, the professor argues thath this fire leads to an ecological change on the park and was creative not disructive and refutes all grounds mentioned by the author.
Garden City, Kansas and New York City, New York share some similarities and some striking differences. Life tends to flow the same in both cities, however the energy and movement of the two cities is vastly different. Geographical features put apart the two cities, the trees and hills of NYC to the flat plains in Kansas. The demographics of the people that make up the population of the cities are more different than similar. The culture and or lifestyle between each of the cities is quite similar with a few variances.
“The Search for Marvin Gardens” by John McPhee was a short story about an international Monopoly tournament and also a narrative of the narrator walking through Atlantic City through switching perspectives.
After interpreting Animal Farm I have been convinced that the major theme of the book is “Power with the Usage of Corruption.” As I was reading through the book, there was a pattern with the way the pigs led the other animals. The pigs would mistreat the rest with lies and deceitfulness; they lived an extravagant life behind the animals’ back. Such as, eating better quality food and not helping around the farm. However, I believe this theme is important, because the leaders (who were the pigs) had an advantage compared to the other animals. They were filled with wisdom and knowledge; which led them to the idea to rule with corruption to betterment their lives.
Audience Hook: Increasing community gardens and green spaces in urban areas can help decrease crime in some neighborhoods, revitalize neglected industrial areas and create healthy, livable neighborhoods (Kuo & Sullivan, 2001). Increasing trees in urban areas has been shown to lower asthma rates in resident
Imagine living in a country where you would have to wear a respirator mask to breathe at all.
In the back of my high school, there was a dirt plot, fenced in, covered in weeds, and it was going to concreted over. I walked past the dirt plot and wondered “Why doesn’t anyone do something with it?” I thought about it on the way home from school and I talked to my friends about it. I told them that I wanted to do something with space, we came up with many things to do with the space before but then I realized that we could use the space for a garden. I remembered that I love gardening, when I was young my mom and I would always garden together, we would have the best time harvesting our plants and we bonded so much over our garden.