
Montresor Persuasive Analysis

Decent Essays

As a final point, Montresor's persuasive is another trait that helps him achieve his final goal of murder. I believe he used his persuasive skills to his advantage by talking Fortunato to come see if this so called “Amontillado” is real. A little bit after the beginning of the text Montresor tells Fortunato how the “bought” a cask of Amontillado. “It is lucky we meet. How well you are looking today. I have just bought a cask of what passes for amontillado, but I have my doubts that it i the real thing” (Poe 68). This citation reveals how the persuades Fortunato to come taste the amontillado and how could Fortunato pass up a chance to taste such a rare wine. I can surmise that the also uses Fortunato’s will to be the best wine taster to his

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