Monuments are important in keeping history in the present. The viewer experiences the emotions and actions in that specific part of time. Some monuments have awkward locations or the people chosen are unsuitable to represent the time. Any group or agency must consider who the person is and where the monument’s location should be before publically displaying it. In order for a person to become a monument, he or she must do something memorable for a country or state. Although Christopher Columbus was the first European to discover America who seems to be the perfect candidate to be a monument, what he did in America contradicts the purpose of creating a monument for a person (source B). He murdered several Native Americans in order to have the
In December 1777 to 1778, George Washington Sent all his soldiers to Valley Forge. Valley Forge is a winter camp for all of his soldiers to stay. It was very hard to live there and the conditions were bad they did not have much food and the food they did have was very bad and nasty. Would I have quit and went home, instead of staying with the army?
The purpose of many monuments is to honor and protect the legacy of some of America's greatest heroes. Kirk Savage in the book Monument
When you are trying to honor an event or person, what should you consider? There are many things to consider, yet what are the most important things? Well, you should consider the location of the monument, the time it takes to create and the money used and gained from the monument. When you are creating a monument, you should consider location. Source b was a picture of the Christopher Columbus statue, and when I first saw this picture it impressed me on how beautiful the statue was.
Ivanna Viloria Enciso Altenburg AP Language and Composition Pd 6 12 February 2024 In A Concrete Jungle Despite the overwhelming amount of memorial buildings one can find nowadays, that means nothing about how easy or how difficult it is to actually make and care for said buildings and make the ideas come to fruition. Because of this, one should consider a person’s or event’s significance when monumentalizing them, as well as should consider the impact in nature said monument will have once it is built. First, one should take into account the relevance of the subject of a monument when deciding to actually build said memorial, as monuments without an important subject can oftentimes be forgotten or not cared for due to the community’s negligence. An example of this is Source F, in which the monument of H. Elroy Johnson was forgotten for a period of time due to the fact that the subject of this statue— the fisherman— was
People do bad things in a group setting for numerous reasons falling under the category of social influencing. In many cases people tend to succumb to “deindividuation” in which they let go of their individual morals and mimic group behavior.
From 1880s-1930s mechanization has increased in both Japan and India. More machines had started to be used than using one’s hands which produced more cotton than hand spinning would have. Female workers were overworked in the cotton factories that favored using machines instead of hand spinning to increase the production of cloth and yarn.
If pictures are worth one million words then a 3-d picture which is a monument is worth one million stories. The purpose of monuments is to tell a story about an events therefore crital thinking adn efforts are placed into making monuments. Depending on where the monuemnt is located and how it is built including its pose and the material it is made up of, it helps the audience live in that moment with the monuments,making the monument and the sudience one.
Monuments: The Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, and The Washington Monument. All are representations of our past and have historical meaning behind them. However, what about the other monuments scattered around? While monuments are wonderful and powerful when done right, location, size and resources needed must be considered for the monument to truly mean something. Firstly, monuments are meant to mean something, but can only do that when the location has been planned out and is significant to that area.
Symbolizing meaningful aspects of individual communities, monuments are an exceptional way to increase patriotism for one's society. However, they can be a major responsibility to bear, and careful consideration must be made before resolving if a memorial is the proper fit for a city. When discussing factors considered in creating monuments, the cost, ethics, and location are important because the monument will be an extensive commitment to the locality it is constructed around. Economics are the lifeblood of many cities.
From Trajan’s Column, completed in 113 AD, to the statue of Christopher Columbus in Easton, Pennsylvania, monuments and memorials have been a significant element of celebration and honor throughout history (Source B). Though monuments are typically meant as a symbol of honor, recent controversy over statues dedicated to Confederate leaders and generals has sparked the debate over how to choose subjects to memorialize, and the actual development of these memorials. When considering what or who to honor, one must also consider the subjects impact on history, ensuring that it is positive. In creating memorials and monuments, groups and agencies should examine the historical significance of the events or persons they wish to memorialize, and the
A monument is an solid, carved in statue that is an representation of a person or event that has made an remarkable time in the past. However, there are many different ways to remember a person or event. Memorializing an person or event is a great way to preserve history; because everyone agrees to enormous expensive statue is more entertaining than reading a boring textbook about the person or event. As a matter of fact, every person in American can not remember every person or event in history because there isn’t enough time and space for that. Therefore, a group or agency should consider the three main factors, size, location, and materials when planning or creating an memorial monument of an important person or event.
The idea of keeping monuments in public spaces is a challenging choice for us all because for those who don’t like the idea of the monuments being removed they can become really violent much so that in the article “Battle Scars”
The monument that stand in my hometown is the soldiers and sailor monuments as tribute to the men in the Civil War from Athens, Ohio. The monument was built in 1963 for the 2,610 men who served for the Union from Athens County. The men went into battle for the defense of the Union. A lot of these men served in the 18th Ohio infantry. The veterans of the Civil War along with resident General Grosvenor set out to find funding for the monument. There were a lot of troubles in the beginning. The monument had failed to be erected previously because of placement issues. Where the monument stand now is in middle of Ohio University, and one of the question that arises when finding a proper place for the monument was is the University capable of maintaining this monument and whether or not it was a good location. Grosvenor led other residents from Athens to create the Athens Monument Association to fund the monument. And so the monument was then erected in 1963.
It is a natural tendency for people to assume that they are smarter than people that are younger than they are. It is widely thought that with age, comes more knowledge, and a better understanding of the world. However, this thinking can't be used as a broad statement for entire generations of people. While there certainly are older people that are much wiser than younger people, this fact doesn't mean that younger generations as a whole are dumb. With the knowledge and discoveries made by previous generations at the disposal of younger generation's, the young people of today are smarter than ever.
In many places throughout the world many buildings, monuments and sculptures have been made. Some were made centuries ago, and some were made recently. Many works of arts are significant or a great part of history. Some of the many buildings that have been made throughout time could have also been dedicated to someone or something. For example, the Arch of Titus was dedicated to Titus. Another example would be the Arc de Triomphe which was dedicated to soldiers. Many buildings can have a very significant meaning behind them, in the following essay I will be speaking about the importance of both of these works of art, which are the Arch of Titus and the Arc de Triomphe.