Mood disorders- these are where there are changes in a persons feelings. This will cause them feel high moments and low moments in their life. According to the DSM/ICD, it states unbalance in a person mood is thought to be underlying feature of the changes. Personality disorder-This is a condition where a person may feel different feelings at once and express them in different ways throughout their personality. In lne with the DSM/ICD its states that the way a person thinks, percieves life and feels in relation to theirs will differ from an average
Mood disorder covers all types of depression . Some people are prone to suffering depression during winter when the days are shorter. Bipolar disorder is a condition that affects your moods which can change from one extreme to another this can range from a euphoric mania to a deep low depression these highs and lows can be so extreme that they interfere with day to day life
Personality disorders: is when someone think, feels, sees, and receives things differently than others they can have extreme or unextreme feelings. This can be distressing to that person.
The video begins with a stagnant introduction by Mr. McDaniel, and explains this video is covering the topic of mood disorders. The common definition of mood disorder is given, a collection of psychiatric conditions that involve a pervasive distortion of one's emotional state. He also notes that everyone has normal, periodic changes, and this common occurrence. What makes mood disorders is the extreme changes unrelated to a person's circumstances. There are more often then not a person will have a near normal affect in between manic episodes. A normal mood of neither positive or negative is known as euthymia (neutral). Mood can be classified as happy, or sad on the opposite spectrum. Mr. McDaniel has am inforgraph that shows the many stages of one's psyche.
Sybil, by Flora Rheta Schreiber, is the true story of Sybil Dorsett, a woman diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder. She developed sixteen separate personalities in order to cope with various traumatic childhood experiences. Born to older parents, Sybil’s father was a well - respected and religious businessman. Her mother was an untreated schizophrenic. She would often subject Sybil to various methods of abuse, such as cold enemas, broken bones, and belittlement.
Bipolar disorder is defined as a mood disorder that causes drastic emotional changes and mood swings. These mood swings can range from manic highs, to depressive lows. It is also characterized by severe changes in mood. Bipolar
Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by the presence of " least two separate ego states, or alters, different modes of being and feeling and acting that exist independently of each other, coming forth and being in control at different times" (Davison and Neale 180). "Each personality is fully integrated and a complex
Dissociative Identity Disorder, commonly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, exists as a bizarre mental disorder in which a person acquires two
Bipolar Disorder also known as Manic Depressive Illness involves outstanding mood swings. The individual has periods of depression, and periods when they feel either unusually good or pressured and irritable. It affects 1-2% of the population. Genetics plays a significant role. About 15% of children with one bipolar parent develop the disorder.
Mood disorders are the most common cases of mental illness. Every person encounters a type of disorder at least once his life time. Having a mood disorder means that your' emotional state, or in other words your "mood" is distorted (not stable). The disorder is characterized by bringing the persons mood extremely up, or extremely down. Two examples are depression and bipolar disorder. Mood disorders are usually episodic, they come every once in a while according to the person and the events he would be going through. Some episodes might last longer than others. Mood disorders vary in their different types, and every type of disorder has its specific causes and effects.
In clinical settings it is used to describe a “persistent emotional state that affects how the person sees the world” (Lane, 2013) . While Psychologist may have defined six different basic emotions such as anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise moods tend to fall into two broad categories’ simply by “good moods and bad moods”. So when an individual has a significant disturbances in their mood this is considered not normal. And can be medically referred to having a “mood disorder. When this happens it can be categorized as depressive disorders and bipolar disorders (Smith,
Dissociative Identity Disorder is also known as Multiple Personality Disorder or DID. It is stated to be when a person has the presence of two or more distinct personality states. Having this disorder makes you have multiple personalities and many people say that your personality is not a type of behavior. In reality your personality is a behavior stated by experts. With this disorder you have two or more distinct personalities that show at certain times. For an example, a person with this disorder could be happy and joyful but even with the slightest change in their surroundings can change their behavior or personality. Not only it can be their personality that changes but the person with the disorder can also think they are someone else by having a different unique name, characteristics, and their
Mood disorder refers to the destruction or disturbance of the mood. Firstly, this paper will explain the causes of mood disorders using psychological and sociocultural factors followed by the arguments of the strengths and limitations for each factor.
So what about Bipolar Disorder well first lets describe it “Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out daily tasks.”(Bipolar)
Multiple personality disorder also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder is a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present in and interchangeably take control of an individual.
Lots of people everyday experience mood changes in their lives. They feel happy or energetic when things are going their way. Maybe Sam got a bonus at work or Elias caught a peek of the pretty girl he has been crushing on for weeks. They feel sad or dismayed when things are not going their way. Possibly Chris’s laptop went shot or Danielle just found out her favorite sister has cancer. These feelings are normal and usually do not last very long. When feelings of intense sadness or feelings or extreme elation last for a long time and they interfere with normal functioning they are considered to be mood disorders such as depression or mania (Comer, 2011, p. 193).