
Moral Obligation In Little Bee By Chris Cleave

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People feel many different ways about moral obligation. Moral Obligation is defined as “ a duty which one owes, and which he ought to perform, but which he is not legally bound to fulfill”. Moral Obligation is shown in many different ways throughout Chris Cleave’s novel Little Bee: When Andrew did not stand up for Sarah and Little Bee, when Sarah has to cut off part of her middle finger to protect Little Bee, and when Sarah quits her job and goes to Nigeria in an attempt to save Little Bee. The articles that show real-life instances about the popular topic Moral obligation are Our Moral Obligation to confront human suffering, Police recommend charges for teens who taunted drowning man, and Irene Sendler saved Jewish children from the Warsaw …show more content…

In Little Bee, Sarah cut off her middle finger to save Little’s Bees life and also her own life otherwise the killer would take them away. The killer wanted the middle finger since it represented people giving him the middle finger in the past. ”It hurts, Andrew it hurts, you shit” (Cleaves 87). Sarah did the right thing by saving Little Bee from danger. Sarah treated Little be like she was her own daughter. Cutting off her finger represents that she is strong and she would do anything in her power to help others. Sarah shows moral obligation since she had the power to do that to herself for Little Bee. Anyone should do this in any situation if it meant saving someone’s life. A finger is not as important than someone dying. People can live without a finger but it is too late if they die, so a life is more important. In the article, the Syrian Crisis shows how other countries aren’t as safe as the United States since there are many bombings and children dying. The Syrians need help but are not getting much from others, “When we turn away from suffering that exists outside of our personal realm, we stop making informed decisions and we disconnect from humanity” (Derhally 2). A picture of a five-year-old boy from Aleppo changed how people viewed the Syrian Crisis. At first, everyone ignored the problem but then people started to realize they need some help. To his day, the people still do not get the help they need but the society has changed a little. This supports my argument since there are young children in Syria dying, the adults should step up and protect them, No matter if the child is a relative or not, they do not understand what is happening and deserve to be able to live their life. It would be heartbreaking for the adults to die but in the end, people would do anything for their children and that is the best thing to

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