
Moral Particularism : A Deeper Level And Oppositions Essay

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Moral Particularism is the philosophical theory that there are no moral principles that determine what one should or should not do. This theory is a stark contrast to other moral theories such as Utilitarianism or Kantian Ethics, which are moral theories that rely on absolutes to determine which actions or morally correct or incorrect. Moral Particularism relies on the context of each varying situation to guide one’s moral compass. One can pick and choose which moral assertions to subscribe to for a single situation. There are no absolutes or overarching themes that can apply to more than one situation. In this defense, facets of moral Particularism will be explored at a deeper level and oppositions will be argued against. This is the most appealing moral theory due to the fact that everything about the situation is taken into account before concluding which action is the most moral. In a world inundated with gray scenarios, absolutes seem irrational and myopic. Every culture, person, and situation has its own beliefs, conditions, and moral conclusions. Absolute principles are flawed in nature simply because there are rarely any naturally occurring absolutes. Even the laws of hard sciences such as physics and math have been disproven and reworked once new information is discovered. Instead of a static set of rules governing society and nature, the theories and guidelines are flexible and can be modified to fit new situations and/or information. This assertion is initially

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