
Morality And The Existence Of God

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In this essay, I will be arguing that Zagzebski’s argument illustrates that it is rational to believe that God does exist. I will briefly explain the “Does Ethics need God?” fundamental argument about morality that is presented in Zagzebski’s argument. After the first two parts of my essay I will discuss some objections and respond them. I will argue that Zagzebski’s argument indeed proves that God exists and I will do this by outlining the main claims of this argument and by responding to objections to this argument.

According to (Evans, 2014) “The have been several arguments that have been central to the discussion of morality and the existence of God form a part of a diverse body of arguments that reason from some feature of morality …show more content…

(Zagzebski, 1987: 295).

The first premise states that if there is no God humans need to rely on their own human intuition in regards to living a life based on moral truth, as our own selves do not possess the necessary faculties to be able to judge what is perceived as ethical. Since, there is no what of knowing what is morally correct, as there is no moral compass that one may follow then moral despair is a rational thought for the atheists. However, moral despair is not a rational thought as humans are constantly trying to live a life that pertains to some sort of moral code and that is embedded in theistic principles.

Furthermore, the second premise extends this thought and denotes that humans are constantly in pursuit of living their lives in a moral way in an attempt to be rewarded in the hereafter. In addition, there needs to be a lucid reason as to why human beings attempt to lead a moral life and there needs to be an essence of trust in a deity that would make it sufficient to partake in this attempt to lead a life that would be deemed as moral otherwise why would humans simply waste their time in this attempt initially.

An opponent might object to my response by saying that that morality is not primarily based on theistic belief but instead a moral law that has no direct correlation to religion but yet encompasses ethical principles. Zagzebski

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