Data gathered from morbidity and mortality have been used to implement health prevention strategies in many ways. Aschengrau & Seage (2014), noted that mortality and morbidity and can be used to study fatal illnesses on a national, state, city or neighborhood level (Aschengrau & Seage, 2014). This information have been used by researchers, epidemiologists and health care providers to develop prevention strategies to decrease adverse health outcomes. In addition, epidemiological surveys have been used to establish the mortality rates from specific diseases, allowing efficient use of limited public health funds for control of those diseases having the greatest negative impact on the health of the community. For example, an epidemiological
Communicable diseases account for approximately 1/4th of worldwide mortality, contributing to more than 15 million deaths each year (Kierny, Exclor, and Girard, 2004).
The National Prevention Strategy aim is to increase the number of Americans to live healthy in every stage of their life (CDC, 2014). It provides leadership at the federal level that emphasize on prevention, wellness, and health promotion and its landmark represented in a vision, goals, strategic direction, priorities, recommendation, and act. The National preventive strategy supports the Affordable Care Act, as both of them emphasize on the importance of prevention for all Americans.
It is critical to understand the epidemiology of such diseases that overcome a population. With this skill, it would enable health care managers to incorporate such skills to make proper evidence and population based decisions, especially when health resources are limited. In addition, finance, planning, quality issue assessments, and evidence based public health practice would be considered (Healey & Lesneksi, 2011). This can allow them to not only develop best practices, but to also share them through the health care system (Healey & Lesneksi, 2011).
In an approach to health promotion and the prevention of diseases that affect the Hispanic community disproportionately we can look at prevention in 3 levels, primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary prevention would be preventing a disease or injury before it occurs. This could be done with the use of education and legislation on safety and health practices. Secondary prevention would be reducing the impact of the disease or injury that has occurred. This could be accomplished by early detection and health screenings. Lastly the tertiary prevention would be used to alleviate the impact of ongoing illness or an injury that has lasting effects. This would be accomplished by helping to manage chronic and complex diseases/conditions and permanent disabilities. This would help improve quality of life and life expectancy. One condition, while not a leading cause of death, but on the rise in the Hispanic community is the high incidence of HIV. The incidence rate is 3 time higher for Hispanics than white Americans. In 2013 the HIV rate in Hispanics counted as 23% of all new infections. Hispanic males were 85% of these new infections. ("CDC," 2015)
“For over 60 years, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been dedicated to protecting health and promoting quality of life through the prevention and control of disease, injury, and disability,” (CDC, 2012, p. 1). The organization has a focus of decreasing the health and economic disadvantages of the principal reasons of demise and incapacity through diverse programs, thus safeguarding an extended, prolific, vigorous life for people, (CDC, 2012). This paper will expound on The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and it is enhancement to the fundamental operations
Good post this week. According to the CDC, effective policies and distribution related to health and its resources can significantly develop community health. There are necessities to recognize some aspects of support raise effective policies and terminate poor ones, such as generate proper metrics, which is covering policy that can impact on large populations, intervention approaches within organizations, and individual-level behavioral methodologies for prevention or disease management. They suggest some recommendations for Policy-Related Metrics. A few struggles are under way to mature public health policy surveillance systems (CDC, 2012).
There is no proper definition of population health. However, population health is broadly described as the distribution of health outcomes within a population. The main focus of population health is to create health equity to promote health and wellness within a population. The components and attributes of population health are described in a figure 1-1 as the chronic care model (Nash et al., 2011). Population health is important to achieve a goal of improving the United States healthcare system to create an epidemic of health and wellness. The book describes in figure 1-2 as the main four pillars of populating health, including chronic care management, quality & safety, health policy, and public health to achieve common goal (Nash et
Data Collection. The following data sources were used for collection: “the Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data File, 2000–2002; the National Longitudinal Mortality Study (NLMS), 1988–1998 (through an agreement with the NLMS Steering Committee); the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), 2001–2005; the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 1999–2004; and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 2005–2007” (Braveman, Cubbin, Egerter, Williams, & Pamuk, 2010).
The epidemiologist for the department study the patterns which cause and effect of health and disease conditions in New York City neighborhoods. In turn the studies provide information to help develop public health policy decisions and preventive health care agenda for the city. This health department challenges are like other departments across the country. Common issues for this health department are obesity, heart
Healthy People provides science based 10 years national objectives for improving the health of all Americans. Healthy People help encourage collaborations across communities and sectors. It helps to empower individuals toward making informed health decisions. Healthy People measure the impact of prevention activities. There are different missions that they are trying to achieve such as, identify nationwide health improvement priorities, increase public awareness and understanding of the determinants of health, disease, and disability, and identify critical research, evaluation and data collection needs (About Healthy People, 2017).
In a article by the Annual Review of Anthropology, by Dressler, Oths, & Gavlee focused on race and ethnicity in public health research. Most of the research found that African Americans suffer the most health disparities compared to other ethnic/racial groups. The article stated health disparities as, “differences in morbidity, mortality, and access to health care among population groups defined by factors such as socioeconomic status, gender, residence, and race or ethnicity” (Dressler et. al 2005). The article went over different models that explained why African Americans suffered the most health disparities. In class, when we had the discussion panel, a lot of reasons and situations were mentioned as to how researchers and society can better
The historical evolution of health promotion and disease prevention in the United States began in the eighteenth century. Back then Public health was limited to individual cities and it was focused on treating and protecting those in the cities from a disease that may have been brought in by travelers. The public health department would go around and inspect the ships and harbors in search of people who may be carrying a disease and they would quarantine them(Williams & Torren, 2008). Then in the nineteenth-century public health began to become more advanced. They discovered that poor sanitation was causing diseases. So they begin to focus on improving social and environmental conditions in the cities. These public health activities were mainly
As a CEO of a hospital with a mandate to spend $100 billion dollars, it would be spent in the following areas of preventative services, staff training and education and universal software for EHRs.
Religion is a system of beliefs, practices, and philosophical values shared by a group of people. This relates humanity to spirituality and also moral values (Henry Tischler, 2011). Therefore, religion is seen as a vital institution in our society. According to Emile Durkheim in his book, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, he defines religion as an unified system and practices that are related to sacred things. He says that religion is divided into two categories which a profane and the sacred. Profane means things that are knowable through common and consist of empirically observable things. Sacred on the other hand means, things that are amazingly inspiring and knowable only through remarkable experiences. Religion consists of certain elements, which are ritual and prayers, emotions, beliefs, and
Anonymous, Case Study 2 “World Health Report on Urban Population Growth”, Retrieved February 17, 2016.