
Morehead State University Dining Case Study

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The auxiliary services units on campus are: concessions & vending, dining services, Eaglecard Office, Eagle Trace Gold Course, Environmental Health & Safety, Laundry Services, University Bookstore, and University Postal Services. All of the units receive funding from the general budget; however, some of them also generate funding for the institutions. The University Bookstores actually funds other projects on the campus as well. Dining services has been outsourced to Aramark, but they also provide a revenue to the university through meal plans. We provide free laundry services to students, but this has also been outsourced. 2. What is your institution’s credit rating? Has the rating changed in the past several years? If so, what factors may have led to an increase or decrease in your institution’s credit rating? Why is the change important? …show more content…

The rating has decreased in the past year. The factors that have led to the decrease are: 1) the outlook change in the university’s pressure as a regional public university in Appalachian Kentucky, 2) enrollment decline in the fall of 2015, 3) the potential reduction in state aid starting in fiscal 2017, and 4) Morehead’s operating budget may tighten over the next few years without incremental expense cuts. The change is important because investors would see Morehead State University as a credit

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