
Mores By Zulema Analysis

Decent Essays

a) Mores/pg. 47: Norms that are strictly enforced because they are thought essential to core values or the wellbeing of the group.
The parents and the children of these migrant families use their crop picking as mores. If they do not go out, pick food and get paid then they have nothing. Time is also a thing that is strictly enforced for the wellbeing of the group, the family has to get up in time to go picking, kids have to go to school on time, and there has to be a time to eat and do chores. Everyone has to behave and keep a cool head otherwise you could break out a fight or be not allowed to come and pick the next day in other words get fired. Acting right to the boss and everyone is essential for being allowed to work the next day but …show more content…

With so little money they probably get embarrassed in the grocery store or the gas station. It has to also be hard on the kids not being able to get everything they want or need. In the video they spoke a lot of Spanish which leaves the watcher to read and hope the translation is correct. It also leaves the reader with the thought that the family does not really communicate with people that only talk English. In the video there was a part when Zulema is in the Guidance Office and when she did not want to talk about the subject or started getting irritated she would talk in Spanish. Probably because the subjects were hard to talk about or she did not want to be there but she was not very happy when to guidance counselor was understanding what she was saying in Spanish. The parts where Victor was shown showed his family speaking mostly Spanish at home and at work, understanding there are probably other people there that do and do not speak Spanish Victor and his family keep to the ones that are bilingual. Perla focused mostly on the idea that migrant is her label of identification maybe because she moves around a lot. All of these kids seem like they have trust issues and the idea that dreams are ridiculous. They have the thought that since there is a long line of pickers in my family I am next and then my children and so on. They do not seem to make a lot of friends because what is the point if you are …show more content…

However they are not the only people struggling in our country we have farmers and their families that struggle year to year depending on the crop. Also we have homeless people that are in a similar cycle of always being homeless. Illegal immigrants have to sneak around and practically be invisible. We have soup kitchens and food banks but no way of transporting them to the elderly unless they or someone else comes and gets it, or we do not have enough for everyone in need. Also there is not enough education going around about the harsh chemicals and the reason you should wash your food. Victor talked about having to wash his arms with bleach and the planting paper having some type of chemical that burns his skin off. One of the facts from the video was over 300,000 farmers suffer from pesticide poisoning each year. Another stated that four migrant children drop out of school each year. Child labor is the most important reason for the children dropping out so they can work enough to help support their family. A situation shown as well as child labor and age exceptions, these kids have been working since they could remember the earliest one recoded at about seven. In one of the part where it shows Zulema she was talking about being allowed to use one of her mom’s friends name so she could get paid, could that be a form identity theft. In the places where

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