Every Community faces a variety of community health problems. The health of a community relies on four factors: physical, social and culture, community organization and individual behaviors. I believe my hometown struggles most with individual behavior, specifically poor and unhealthy lifestyle decisions. How individual community members behave reflects back onto the community as a whole. Unhealthy lifestyle decisions can have a lifetime affect on the individual as well as the community. My hometown is Morgantown in Butler County Kentucky. It is the picture perfect small town that you would see in a movie. However, what the movies don’t show is the underlying community health problems that every small town or community has. After reflecting back on my hometown I have come to the conclusion that Morgantown gets bad a reputation due to individuals who make poor or unhealthy life decisions. Morgantown is suffering from drug and alcohol abuse not only adults, but minors as well. According to Mackenzie and Pinger (2015), “…control of behavioral risk factors alone-such as lack of …show more content…
I interviewed a local police officer on drug and alcohol abuse in the city of Morgantown. I asked the officer if Morgantown had a Drug Task Force or a certain team of officers who only work to prevent the abuse of drugs and work to enforce the federal drug laws. He informed me that we do not have a Drug Task Force. An example of community organization that would help prevent drug and alcohol abuse in Morgantown is a Drug Task Force. In 2015 Butler County Kentucky suffered a total of 8 deaths caused by drug overdose (Tilley and Ingram, 2015, p. 8). Not only is drug abuse and overdose affecting my hometown, it affects communities all over the United States. 159,302 people died from drug abuse and overdose nationwide (Multiple cause of death, 1999-2013 Query
DISCUSSION: Orvis Campbell explained the Tuscarawas County Drug Task Force was funded by contributions of entities within Tuscarawas County. The Multi-County Drug Task Force (MCDTF) includes Tuscarawas, Carroll, Holmes, and Harrison Counties and received a small grant for this year from the State of Ohio. They will be funded on a larger scale next year through the Office of Criminal Justice Services and the Drug Task Force Fund. The State did not want (2) two drug task forces so Tuscarawas County had to eliminate one and they decided to eliminate the Tuscarawas County Drug Task Force. The MCDTF board decided to turn the remaining funds over to the county general fund. Tuscarawas County will still be the grantee and
“It is the mission of the Southwest Metro Drug Task Force to provide a comprehensive and multi-jurisdictional effort to reduce drug trafficking and its harmful consequences and to provide effective drug awareness education through the coordination and resource sharing of its participating agencies.”
One of the initiatives to arise from the task force is the Good Samaritan Law. Senate Bill 654, passed by Governor Larry Hogan, put the Good Samaritan Law into effect on October 1st, 2015. Those involved in a situation involving drugs are less likely to call 911 because they fear they will be in trouble. This law protects individuals who call in an overdose from further prosecution. It extends to those who are currently on parole and protects their probation status from being effected. Hopefully this increases the number of reported overdoses, so the right medical personnel can respond with assistance while decreasing the number of death exponentially.
My hometown, Linglestown, Pennsylvania was founded originally in 1765 in Paxton Township. The land was bought by Thomas Lingle to develop a 90-plot living, working, and studying community for newly arriving European settlers. He called his new settlement “The Town of St. Thomas,” after his namesake “St. Thomas,” the disciple. In 1811, when Mr. Lingle passed away, he was buried in Wenrich’s Church Cemetery. The cemetery still remains behind the St. Thomas United Church of Christ at the east end of the Linglestown Square. Soon after, village and area residents started calling the village “Lingle’s town.” The official name changed to Linglestown soon after (Linglestown History, nd).
The purpose of this community assessment was to identify the strengths and weaknesses using objective and subjective data on the community of North Judson, Indiana. This community assessment provides the foundation for improving and promoting the health of a community. The assessment identifies and describes factors that affect the health of a population, and factors that determine the availability of resources in the community to adequately address health concerns We used there vital statistics to determine the potential issues that this community faces and may face in the future. We used the information collected in a variety of different ways, such as through windshield survey, interview with the community residents, local police, firemen, school nurse and administrative assistant, town council members, internet databases and website and statistics to determine the community strengths, weaknesses and
The community I decided to research and compose this paper is one from which I live, Kent County Michigan. I gathered data from several different resources such as the Kent County Health Department and Michigan Department of Community Health in order to create a community assessment. The data I collected can be broken down into four different assessment pieces.
This article starts by stating that substance abuse is a significant problem in Oklahoma, to tackle this Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services aimed to handle these problems using the Strategic Prevention Framework to empower local communities and help in implementing prevention strategies based on epidemiological data by establishing the Regional Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (REOW) network. Seventeen REOWs across the state assist to identify and use community resources for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting epidemiological data to calculate the burden of substance abuse problems and the associated intermediate variables. The concerns identified among various public health areas can help different community sectors define their strategy and focus on key problems in their areas. The REOW network brings awareness more effectively and efficiently to communities about eminent dangers posed by different health-related problems and behaviors. (API Ikkada PETTU Bharre)
After my research of the neighborhood and, statistic facts it is clear that the Kings County population environment is very upkeep however, the community does not rank well using the healthcare assets accessible to them. There is a moment destitute and neediness level populace inside of this county. The insights and registration are tackled the region all in all, and not singular towns inside of the area. Consequently, the main source of death among the Kings County populace was heart disease and, cancer I feel as though based on the statistics of insured individuals it is determined that either the population is not utilizing the health care coverage and, or health resources that are in place for the community. I can honestly say that based on my community assessment that a major factor that always seems to matter is the high income families compared to the lower income families. According to the statistics it is evident that the numbers declined on topics such as health issues like Obesity and, childhood obesity, due to the fact that the higher income counties were able to provide a more healthy eating habit for their families where as the low income families tend to eat more affordable foods such as fast
A major influence on health in a community is the availability of services and opportunities within the neighborhood. Public health can be further influenced by the social environments. Accessibility to health care along with education and employment opportunities are fundamental factors to be considered (Riegelman & Kirkwood, 2015). These elements create both advantages and disadvantages for those living within the neighborhood. If we want to improve public health outcomes, we must consider and evaluate these along with many other contributing factors.
neighborhood segregation, and other environmental factors within communities. The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
Communities are sometimes largely unaware that social factors rather than medical ones, such as income, and employment status, shape our health. Our health is also determined by the health and social services we receive, and our ability to attain high education levels, food and safe housing, among other factors.
The social determinants of health have been said to be causes of a variety of mental and physical illnesses. There are five main social determinants of health, in agreement with the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, and they include: "education, economic stability, health and health care, neighborhood and built environment, and social and community context." These five identified factors shape and influence everyone within a community and assist with understanding health across various levels of the socioecological background.1-2
During the evaluation of the objectives in the (LHI) and the analysis of the perceived health of the community, three key factors were identified as potential health problems including children exposure to a second hand smoke, obesity among adults, and limited access to dental care. The identification of the LHI perceived as problems was based on personal observation and perception from community members.
If one traveled through the small quiet community of Monroe, MI you would probably never think that this town has a drug problem. From the outside it seems like a nice middle class suburb that might be ideal to raise a family. For those that reside here however, they know that there is a growing problem. There aren’t many families that haven’t been affected by heroin addiction in this small town. The drug has literally swept through this county like an angry mob of rioters bringing crime, death, and destruction with it, leaving many people in the community asking, “Why?”
community is through the unique cultural foods and festivals. If one is to improve the health