Morrie thinks that if you don't age you don't live your life to potential. Aging shows that you have experienced life. People are scared of aging. they don't want to be in pain or have to depend on others to do things for them or get wrinkly. I'm not scared of aging. I don't lime the idea of it but I accept that its going to come. Morrie accepted aging and he's okay with it. he thinks its him growing. "As you grow, you learn more" The older you are, the smarter you are. Old people have experienced life. Morrie thinks that people who wish they were young again have unfulfilled lives. Aging isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. You just need to know how to deal with it and accept it.
First, the forms of aging and life course structures depend on the nature of the society in which individuals participate. Second, while social interaction is seen as having the greatest formative influence in the early part of life, such interaction retains crucial importance throughout the life course. Third, that social forces exert regular influences on individuals of all ages at any given point in time” (Theories of Aging. (n.d.)). The movie portrays aging being more about living the rest of life rather than dyeing in them.
First, I think that I share with the author a biographical background with the author. Shields say “I may have grown old, but I’ll never grow up” (82). For me, I think the same as Shields said. It is true that we become old, but the fact that we do not want to admit it.
A lot of young people don't want to age because they think they will not have that energy they use to have when they were young. They also believe when they hit old age, they will not have a long time to live. But Morrie thinks in other way than we do of aging. he believes aging will let you learn more about living life. "As you grow, you learn more." In his quote he's saying that if we are positive of understanding we're going to die, we are living a life better. He also believes if you are being against getting older, you're always going to be unhappy. "If you're always battling against getting older, you're always going to be unhappy..." Morrie is telling us to not think when we where younger and to think the meaning of life because life
Aging is described as a sequential, irreversible, progressive, and non-pathological process of maturation in an organism and that translates to a gradual decline in the ability to perform activities optimally. Aging is an individual process that can be a period of stress for individuals especially following their retirement (Hiller & Barrow, 2015). The current study sought to understand the process and experience of aging from the perspective of elderly individuals. In discussing matters of aging and retirement, many assume that women are always eager to retire, and adjust well, as compared to their male counterparts (Bauger & Bongaardt, 2016). Many people assume that since women are generally made as homemakers, they are willing and happy to retire while men, whose nature is to be the main source of family income, find it hard to be out of work (Moody & Sasser, 2014). Indeed, there exists very little literature that sheds some light on this area, particularly on the attitudes of each gender towards retirement and process of aging. Given the significance of retirement to this life stage, the study sought to understand the emotions and views of individuals regarding their retirement through the lenses of (1) Physical health and wellbeing, (2) Friends, Family, and Community, (3) Work and leisure, (4) Finances and lifestyles, and (5) Living
Aging can be more than wrinkles, fine lines and grey hairs. In this photo, this woman appears to not feel confident with her age and her appearance. Makeup artists or doctors are on either side of her face, holding up cosmetics as if they were to fix up any of the “issues” that came with aging. “How can I be envious of where you are, when I've been there myself,” (Album 121) expressed Morrie to Mitch. Morrie explained to Mitch how he’d already been all of these ages and how deep down each of those parts of his life are still him in one way or another. He finds that people don't appreciate how the aging process is not only decaying. It is the act of growth in oneself, and people need to understand that than work up on the physical attributes
Morrie often expresses how he isn't afraid of aging. He sees aging as growth and something that is apart of life. Morrie isn't the type to dread or complain about things happening. He lives in the moment. he likes to experiment. There's a better approach to look at death and that's to be prepared. This can help get you more interested or involved in life while living. before Morrie's was sick he never really thought about death. No oen believes there going to die but its reality. Facing death helps you see things better, and differently. He says "learn how to die and you will learn how to live." This shows how he chose to see life and not everyone will agree. Some like to have joy thinking there going to live forever but as you get older there
Something we talked about in class is that “old” is not a certain number. It is different for every person. There is no one age that means a person is aging. There are a lot of factors that go into determining if someone is aging. Physical health and mental health have a huge influence. There are so many myths about today’s old folks like they are neglected by their children. Life can be dynamic when one gets into older life, especially if kid’s lives change and become more complex. The book defines aging as, “a biological, psychological and social process, starting at birth and ending at death.” (16) In a process called life course perspective in which takes parts of the older life and connects it with earlier life experiences. There are four
Getting old and aging are things that have become difficult points for many and despite
When asked about challenges to getting older (2012) Mr. E felt that accepting the challenges and just living the best you can is all you can do. Try to live in peace and love what is on earth. When you think of death you have to accept it. Why fight it you are going in that direction. You have to make a decision.
Growing old is inevitable, it is something that everyone goes through, well unless you are the Tuck’s. The Tuck’s some how lucked up and gained every lasting life, is it luck or is it a curse? That depends on which Tuck you ask. There is no pain from growing old and no dying. Agnus, Mae, Miles, and Jesse all have accepted their eternal life differently but, the two that differ the most are Agnus and Jesse. Agnus has a difficult time dealing with the fact that he will never die, whereas Jesse has embraced his longevity of life.
Maxine thought this question was quite basic. However, after much thought she stated that aging is simply "advancing in age." Upon further questioning she explained that her definition is a view of the "total process" of aging. She does not define aging in a biological, functional, psychological, sociologic or spiritual domain.
Aging is divided into the young old, the old old, and the oldest-old (Moddy & Sasser, 2015, p. 6). In contrast, the life perspective view states that views about aging changes as we change and our lives change (Brothers, 2016).Within aging biological changes occur as the progression to oldest-old occurs. My internship was at an assisted living facility; therefore I have spent a considerable amount of time with the oldest-old. Yes, their bodies are no longer functioning at optimal level, but they are successfully aging. I say that because each one of them offers a unique gift to those who take a moment and listen. For example, one evening in memory care, a resident did not want to eat and was loudly expressing it to everyone within earshot. She was quite hostile towards the man sitting across the table from her. I said her name, so she stopped yelling and looked at me. I said, “Hey why are you yelling, I love when you sing.” She began to sing, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.” She sang another song, and the gentleman she was yelling at joined in as a duet. For a half-hour she preformed for us. The table joined in the singing as did staff filtering in from around the building. As she closed her show and thanked everyone for coming, tears streamed from the caregivers faces. This dear lady, with the frail body drew on her life of music and shared her gift one last time. Bringing all that joy into the room is an example of successful aging.
Aging is a part of our life that the majority of us do not want, but it will happen regardless of what we do. When we are a little kid, all we want to do is grow up and be a big kid. When we become older we realize that wish we never said that, and seem to wish that we could go back in time. We always miss when we were younger, when we could be childish, do stupid things, and people would not think us to be weird. Then, they thought it was adorable, seeing a little kid doing stupid and funny things. Being a kid gives a sense of freedom; we have no burden thinking about school grades, or if we are going to pass the class. On the other hand, as a college student, there are so many things to do such as assignments, homework, quizzes, exams, and maintaining grades, but as we get older we become more responsible. Aging is inevitable and all that matters is what will we do with that time. If we waste it then we will not be happy with how our life turned out and we will keep saying, “wish we could go back”. In Mitch Albom’s biography, Tuesday with Morrie, Morrie Schwartz had a better perspective on aging and embracing his age: "It’s very simple. As you grow, you learn more… Aging is not just decay, you know. It’s growth” (Albom 118); certainly, popular culture tends to fear aging and even avoid the concept altogether, as indicated by Schwartz’s protégé, Mitch, who side-stepped his own age the closer he came to “forty,” for fear of “professional oblivion” (Albom 117). Those who wish
Society is big on staying and looking young. People are constantly working out, watching what they eat, and getting surgeries such as botox and breast augmentation. Our society is too concerned on looking youthful. Morrie had aging in better perspective, "The young are not wise, they have very little understanding about life. Who wants to live every day when you don't know what's going on? When people are manipulating you, telling you to buy this perfume and you'll be beautiful, or this pair of jeans and you'll be sexy It's very simple. As you grow you learn more. If you'd stayed at twenty-two, you'd always be ignorant as you were at twenty-two. Aging is not just decay, it's growth." Aging is more than the negative that you're going to die, it's also the positive that you understand you're going to die and that you live a better life because of it.
Like most people in American society and culture, when I hear the term aging it is almost always thought of negatively. Americans have become obsessed with finding ways to live a longer and healthier life and when one of those people here the term ‘aging’ it is viewed as a detriment to their thought of living longer. It is often a scary thought because people assume that the best years of their life are behind them. I personally do not feel physically as old as I do mentally. I am weary, however, as life goes on that my body will eventually catch up to my mind. I hope however that I can be healthy all around at an older age because I would hate to be ill and not be able to enjoy life at its greatest potential. I believe that most people, including myself, have the perception that aging limits your mobility. People often assume that the once you get to a certain age you will be limited to where you can live and must be forced into a retirement home. This perception more than likely is false, and perhaps coming from individuals that have seen loved ones not being cared for and have taken a similar path. This perception most likely comes from observation of adults telling younger ones by word of mouth however untrue it may be.