
Morticia Addams: A Narrative Fiction

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I threw with all my might, but the third stone came skipping back. I looked at Julieta petrified. I ask her if she saw that. “It must have been the wind or something,” Julieta said. “That’s impossible!” I cried. “Ray, nothing interesting can happen in a boring river like this,” she said. We then started heading home. I couldn't help, but to look back at the river. I keep thinking about what happened on our way to Julieta’s house. Julieta was a very strange girl. She dressed like she was auditioning for the role of Morticia Addams. Her house looked normal, but her room was the opposite. Her room looked like the inside of a Hot Topic. Julieta’s style made her unique and I liked that. “Ray, I need to show you something,” she said. …show more content…

I used my magic to find out who killed him and it was her. I can take a bit of teasing from her, but she can’t get away with this!” Julieta said with frustration in her voice. “You can kill with your magic?” I say nervously. She pulls out a black vintage book. She starts explaining that her dad showed her that book. “I felt powerful when using magic.” Julieta said. She starts telling me about a curse knife. All Julieta had to do was to kill someone with the curse knife. Then Meghan would die. “When I kill someone with the curse knife, the dark demons will see that I truly want my wish. Then, Meghan will instantly die.” Julieta explains. “Who are you going to kill with the curse knife?” I ask Julieta terrified. Julieta looks at me as if I had just said something stupid. “You’re an idiot if you think I’m going to sacrifice you!” she says. We start laughing. I grab both of her hands. “Please promise me you won’t use this magic for anything bad. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” Julieta looks at me and sighs. “Fine, I promise, but nothing will happen to me. My magic can’t kill me.” she says. I trusted Julieta. That was a wrong …show more content…

She told me to come to her house. Although it was really late, I still wanted to see her. I waited until my parents went to sleep to go to her house. When I got to her house, it was silent. I knocked on her door and it immediately opened. I saw Julieta. “Follow me,” she said. We go up to her room. When we enter her room, she puts on her jacket and grabs her curse knife. I instantly knew what she was going to do. “Sorry,” she said with a tear streaming down her face. She looks at me and runs down the stairs. I chase after her screaming her name. I chased her down the street. I ran as fast as I could, but I had to stop. I had to catch my breath, but I could still see Julieta running down the street. I knew she was going to the

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