My heart was racing, my breathing was rapid, and my knees were shaking, why was i so nervous? i've done a game winner several times, why was this game so different from the others. i looked over to my friends and gave them a nervous smile they tried to comfort me by shouting at me supportive comments. I returned my attention to the shot clock 2 seconds to go, down by two ‘’can i do this?’’ I said to myself, but what was i doing here? i could only think of one reason and that was what coach had said to me before the start of this game.
“There are plenty of teams in every sport that have great players and never win titles. Most of the time, those players aren't willing to sacrifice for the greater good of the team. The funny thing is, in the end, their unwillingness to sacrifice only makes individual goals more difficult to achieve. One thing I believe to the fullest
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Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. So let's go get that championship"
We were in a full timeout i was zoned out, and my mind was blank, i was scared to death for the team, this was the championship game, I didn't want to let down the team by missing a shot completely, a lot of people were telling me a lot of things such as ‘’you can do this’’ ‘’ you've done this many times’’ but i was completely out of my mind, I couldn't think straight i was hearing voices but didn't really catch em’ but there was one thing i did catch and it said ‘’never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot... when you think about the consequences you always think of a negative result, Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen, and this is your time to make it happen,’’ and that's exactly what I did I wasn't afraid to fail, i was able to accept failure, everyone fails at
For your final follow-up assignment for the “Most Dangerous Game” you will choose ONE of the following activities.
Everyone having their inside thoughts but I was thinking to myself “We can’t lose, we just can’t.” That’s all i could think about. It was the fourth quarter which was the last one. The score was close 44-47 we were down though the entire game. We have never been down before. I can’t believe what was happening at the moment but I tried not to let that get to me.
The game was about to start, walking onto the court, warming up and getting ready for tip-off, I had a huge amount of confidence before hand. The game had begun, although, as the game went on, I wasn’t doing as well as I would have liked. It seemed like I couldn’t hit a shot, neither could the entire team.Throughout the game, we were always down, we never lead at any
Jealousy is the key factor that pushes us to do better or it can overpower our thinking abilities because we want to be the best, so we don’t think about how it can affect the people around us. This is exactly what happens in the story, “MVP,” by Clare Mishica. Derek wants to be the most valuable player on his basketball team instead of Cole so much that he forgets to be a team player. When Cole gets hurt, Derek realizes how much more important the trophy and being a part of the team is than getting MVP. Teamwork is always more efficient than trying to achieve something individually because a person can do very little alone, but together we can accomplish a lot. The saying, “Two heads are better than one,” goes along with this perfectly.
There are survivors all around us, and they all could have faced grave challenges to be standing where they are today. Rainsford, in the "Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell, faced intense challenges in a "fight to the death" conflict against one of his most successful supporters, General Zaroff. Lee, from "My escape from North Korea" by Hyeonseo Lee, faced tough challenges while trying to escape the depths of a country that treated her horrendously. Aron Ralston, from "Trapped", a story explaining that Aron himself was hiking alone when the unthinkable happened: Two large, heavy boulders fell on his arm and he had to endure over a hundred painful hours of being trapped in between the two rocks until he did a self-amputation on the arm
1) Some commonalities in “ The Gettysburg Address,” and this is that they both use figurative language and rhetorical devices. For example in “The Gettysburg Address,” Lincoln uses parallelism. He uses parallelism when he says, “ that government of the people, by the people, for the people.” In the LT HOF Speech Tomlinson uses parallelism when he says, “ Let’s not slam the door on those who may look or sound different from us. Rather, let’s open it wide for those who believe in themselves, that anything is possible, and are willing to compete and take whatever risks necessary to work hard, to succeed When we open the door for others to compete, we fulfill the promise of ‘one Nation under God with liberty and justice for all.”
In the short story by Richard Connell, The Most Dangerous Game, Sanger Rainsford finds himself in a sticky situation when he meets General Zaroff. General Zaroff is a very talented hunter and had become tired of hunting the same old animals as always, they bored him as he explained in the story, he had now moved on to the best prey he could find, a prey that could fight and think for themselves, and that prey was humans. Rainsford is taken aback by this confession and is alarmed, he asks Zaroff to let him go, but Zaroff has other plans. In order for Rainsford to get off the island alive he must survive three full days on the island while being hunted by General Zaroff. Rainsford agrees, knowing that if declines this choice his life would have a much more unpleasant future. And so the the hunt began, but Rainsford had some tricks up his sleeve.
Can you imagine being hunted? The Most Dangerous Game was originally a story that then got turned into a movie. I will be comparing and contrasting the differences of initiating events, characterization, and plot between the story and the movie. This will show the differences of how directors can completely change the original story to fit what they think will be more interesting. For example, they may add characters or change the setting to create a different scenario.
He ran for his life when seeing a man and a other man with dogs. When seeing one image fall he ran straight for the water to get away from the hunter. In the short story, "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell, Sanger Rainsford was a hunter taking a boat ride. When Rainsford fell off the boat and hearing a pistol shot swam toward the shot to get help him find his way home. Then met Ivan the giant, and General Zaroff who live in a big house. General Zaroff talks about hunting and the deadly hunting game. Rainsford is forced to play the game and kills General Zaroff and Ivan. Rainsford kills both of the people not because he wants to but to escape and he is forced to.
“The Most Dangerous Game” this is story about sanger Rainsford and his hunting partner Whitney are traveling down the river to hunt down the legendary giant cat of that region, the jaguar. After a discussion about where the hunt should take place, Rainsford listens to cannon shots, loses his pipe, and attempts to retrieve it falls off his boat in the Caribbean Sea. After he realizes that he can not swim back to the boat, he decides to swim to an island, the island Catch-Boats, which is the subject of local superstition.Discover a palatial chateau inhabited by two Cossacks the owner, General Zaroff and his giant servant, the deaf-mouthed Ivan.
Imagine turning up on an island with a psychotic man, a man who hunts humans. This is what General Zaroff does, on Ship-Trap-Island. General Zaroff is a rich hunter who hunts most animals, even the most dangerous. This is the story written by Richard Connell, called The Most Dangerous Game, It is about a psychotic man with a hunting obsession. Once Zaroff gets bored with the hunting animals he turns to something new, humans. The author thinks that hunting is normal, that people have a killer instinct. That it is our human nature to hunt, and kill. The author also thinks that it is human nature to look for new challenges and to live strong. Much like Zaroff, the author believes life, is for the willing.
Imagine, you're sitting silently, stealthily waiting, watching for your prey to come by and in the blink of an eye, you are the prey. Rainsford, a big game hunter experienced this in the story, "The Most Dangerous Game", by Richard Connell. Rainsford fell off of his ship and had to swim to a nearby island, where he met a man who would soon make him the prey. Rainsford had many feelings and thoughts that changed throughout the story, further developing the theme, that you can't judge someone or something if you have never experienced what they have.
Richard Connell's "The Most Dangerous Game" is a very exciting story of a manhunt. This story made me think about the morality of hunting: Humans are the cleverest creatures on earth, but does it give them a license to kill the other animals and even human beings weaker than themselves? I give below a short summary of the story to set the scene and then I will explore the ethics involved in hunting as a sport. "The Most Dangerous Game" presents the story of a hunter, General Zaroff, who finds hunting human beings as the most dangerous and fascinating sport.
who speak rashly will come to ruin. A athletic team’s success is measured by the seasons
We walked together to the field, the spikes on the bottom of my cleats clicking with each step on the parking lot pavement. A huge field with onlookers filling the bleachers on the far side came into view, lit up by the soft evening light. I spotted the girls on my team and my tired looking grey-haired coach. Me and my dad split up, me going to warm up with my team and my dad going to sit with the team parents. As I was passing with my teammates I watched the opposing team carefully. I observed how neat their drills were and how accurate their shots and passes were. They all looked so athletic and that really made me doubt myself. How was I supposed to prove to everyone that I was a good player if I had to play against a team this good? What if I mess up and the other team completely destroys my team? The loud buzzer that ended the warm ups sounded and both teams went to their side of the field. My coach called today’s starters out, and luckily he didn’t choose me. Relieved, I went to go sit on one of the hard metal chairs they provided for the teams on the sidelines. The chairs were uncomfortable but that didn’t bother me. I had other things on my mind. I sat shivering watching the events of the game