The Most Important Qualities of an Outstanding Educator. By Mark Brest The most important qualities of an outstanding educator can be evaluated using many measures. One such measure is the educator’s personality. The educator has the opportunity to stimulate, inspire, and encourage a student by having an approachable, affable, and genuine personality. An outstanding educator knows that their presence, in a student’s life, should be an inspiration to the student. On a daily basis, an educator personality needs to set the mood in the classroom to be uplifting and stimulating. Another important measure, that is important to consider, is an educator’s ability to be flexible. Students are not exact copies of each other and lesson plans need to be designed to fit the students learning ability. An outstanding instructor will use a variety of resources and teaching tools to reach all students in a meaningful way. When a student is having difficulty, it is the responsibility of the educator to change his or her approach to better teach the student because every student matters. …show more content…
The wrong words can be destructive and humiliate a student while the right words can inspire and encourage. In addition to choosing the right words, an educator’s body language can be a nonverbal form of communication that is a direct indicator of their character. Facial expressions, eye movement, and gestures can say a lot without a word even being spoken. The words and body language that an educator chooses to express themselves with are driven by the educator’s core values and beliefs. Simply stated, an educator’s core values and beliefs can be seen in the body language and the words they choose to express themselves
First and foremost, an educator’s commitment should be to the student. She should be caring, honest, and fair. She should be clear and concise with policies, always maintaining control of her class. She should build up not break down. She should explore ways to enhance the learning experience so that her class does is not lost in a sea of boredom. She should be diligent in giving her students the best of what her field of study has to offer.
Outstanding teachers are respected by students, faculty and families and are professional when performing all duties and communicating with students, faculty and families. When dealing with families a teacher must be understanding and empathic of students' diagnosis and family life challenges. An outstanding teacher needs to be open-minded to others ideas and theories and to changes. You also need to be consistent to provide stability to your students, as well as know the content that you are teaching. An outstanding teacher has to be able to be organized, patient, ask for help and participate in professional development to learn new techniques to grow and learn and stay up to date with new findings. An outstanding educator needs to encourage students to push themselves, reach their potential, show them that you have confidence in them and give them acceptance to be who they are, inspire students by showing them a love for learning so that they will have a love for learning and being in school and a teacher needs to have drive and passion to make students reach their full potential and putting in extra hours to make sure your students are
An elementary educator also needs to have a wide personality. By “wide” I mean they should be prepared to multitask, learn not to get distracted easily and really know how to connect with children. Teaching a child is not easy, so they need to demonstrate self-control, concern, independency, tolerance, and flexibility. A good teacher is known as a teacher who is willing to help others and learn how to cooperate.
In order to be able to meet each student’s standard, an educator should go beyond that extra mile to be able to fulfill their goal in each student’s lives.
An outstanding educator possesses unique qualities that set him or her apart from others in the field. Ask any student about a favorite teacher and listen intently as he or she describes that person with a smile. Ask a parent of a child who will enter first grade in the fall about the teacher choice for their child. The parent would describe the outstanding educator in their desire for that special teacher. The qualities of an outstanding educator are easily recognized by those whose lives they touch, shape, and change on a daily basis. It is in this writing piece that they will be described and discussed.
An educator recognizes the importance of reaching each student in the classroom and keeps learners engaged. Students often learn at different levels and it is essential that a great educator knows his or her students well enough to understand what instructional activities best engage each student. One student may understand the presented material by watching a video clip, but another student may need a hands-on activity to comprehend the lesson. An outstanding educator recognizes how each
1. Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be an outstanding teacher.
The most important qualities of an outstanding educator are thoughtfulness, patience, adaptability, and creativity. A thoughtful educator cares about the whole child academically, emotionally, and socially. In this aspect the educator continually strives to best meet the need of their students.
An outstanding educator is passionate. Not about teaching, but about the subject they are teaching. Their passion shows through in their work. These types of educators capture the students' attention when they are teaching. The teacher being excited to pass on the knowledge gets the students engaged. Since the teacher is passionate the cons of teaching don't show through in their work. Teachers can become run down and overwhelmed; since an outstanding educator is passionate the positives
Successful teaching occurs when the teacher is able to select the most efficient method for reaching out to each student’s individual style of learning and inspire students to rise to their highest potential. While the responsibilities of a teacher are extensive (as one can serve as a teacher, a friend, a counselor, a disciplinarian, an entertainer, a facilitator), I believe that students should play a big part in shaping own education as well.
This includes dressing appropriately and conducting yourself in a professional manner. The teacher should take every opportunity to improve on their own professional brand; being an advocate of education and science- educators should act as a role model to learners and should inspire . They should inspire and encourage learners to strive for greatness and live to their full potential. Learners learn through educators, through their commitment to excellence and through their ability to make them realize their own personal growth.
While there are many ways to be an outstanding teacher, every high-quality teacher should, in my opinion, have these skills and dispositions:
“What the educator does in teaching is to make it possible for the students to become themselves.” 1A teachers objective should not be to shape the students as a reflection of that educators image, instead they should see themselves as the medium of which the information in communicated, they should see themselves a person who elevates that students to higher concepts of learning, aspiration and liberation. A good teacher must recognize the strength and weaknesses in skills of the individual and class and reflect on how to leverage strength amongst learners to
Teaching is a difficult occupation. Teachers play an important part in training children, teenagers… So, a good teacher must have some special qualities. They are: knowledge, creation, confidence, empathy, sense of humor and passion.
Teachers also have to have special qualities to make them an effective teacher. According to Robert J. Walker teachers need to have twelve basic characteristics that he highlights in his article Twelve Characteristics of an Effective Teacher. The twelve characteristic included in the article are being prepared, positive attitude, high expectations, creative, fair, personal touch, sense of belonging, compassionate, have a sense of humor, respectful, forgiving and able to admit mistakes. I believe Walker has encompassed all the important characteristic of an effective teach. These are all characteristics that I possess, which will make me an effective teacher (Walker, 2008). Cathy L. Seeley believes there are ten roles teachers have in the classroom that she highlights in her article Ten Roles for Math teachers. I found these roles to be creative in description of their purpose. Those ten roles are: 1) An architect for creating a learning environment. 2) A composer for creating the tasks the student will engage. 3) A director because teachers determine how students will relate to each other, their tasks, and the environment. 4) A stockbroker which is where the teacher analyzes their own teaching and the students learning. 5) A ship captain, which deals with the unpredictable factors and make sure the students ' learning does not veer off course. 6) A red jacket which helps the students experience the connection between the different concepts of mathematics. 7) The