The most significant challenge I have ever faced was staying focused on my school work and getting things done when they needed to be. When I got into high school, I had a hard time getting focused because of all the distractions around me like sports, new friends, and new events to go to. I eventually figured out how to balance everything out but this challenge has definitely changed the way I am in order for me to be who I am today. Staying focused in school is very important in your academic career obviously, so at times it would greatly affect my academic achievement because I never performed to my highest potential. There were so many things that I could've done better on, but because I didn't give it the time of day and just left …show more content…
Before this challenge I would get half B’s on my report card and the other half A’s, but since I realized I could do better, it’s rare to see a B on my report card. I learned that
Southard 2 school is the most important and that I need to get that done before I go and do something else. Sports at the time was very big to me and that was my main priority in front of school, but I realized that it could only take me so far and that I would need the grades to back me up. I don't do sports anymore and so it gives me even more time to focus on my schoolwork. When I was going through this challenge of realizing I needed to focus on my work, I was alone in it. My parents were proud of my report card because I never got bad grades, they just weren't up to my par. In this situation I really didn't need help or support through it because it was all up to me to change the way I think so nobody needed to be involved with it. I was able to get through it on my own so clearly it shows that I was completely fine going through it alone. How my life changed because of this challenge was it gave me more potential to get into a great college and for great colleges to notice me. It shows my peers that I am a smart girl and it shows my teachers that I am a great
The challenges I go through on a daily basis is bulling from other students, being called names by my brother, myself not thinking positively, me not staying calm in situations, etc. The way I find strength to help me through my challenges is my mostly my parents, and my parents are, my mom Sue, and my dad
Some obstacles I had to overcome were mentally challenging situations. I always had people saying I couldn’t do it because it’s too hard to get into, especially for younger people, as me being 25. Another mental challenge is that it’s all on me, if I mess up I can’t blame no one else but myself. Odysseus had a challenge of this because he led his men on this journey as said in book. They trusted him, like my horse trusts me. We both had a lot of mental pressure from this and neither of us could mess up.
A particular instance I had to conquer happened very recently. In fact, I am currently persevering through it as I write this. A challenge I faced was applying for ASMSA. I needed everything to be pluperfect. There could be absolutely no mistakes, as I absolutely had to get into this school. It would bring a multitude of opportunities, so I couldn't do anything to jeopardize my chances of getting in. My essays had to be the most supreme essays I had ever written. I just had to get into this school.
The most significant challenge I have faced was when I was growing up was reading. Reading is one of the most important things it was hard for me to say some words that I thought I was never gonna learn to read ever even if they were just small words or big words I struggle so much while growing up. When I was
My biggest obstacle was August 1, 2005 when our apartment building caught fire. My Mother, Brother, Sister, and I were home, it was the most distressing thing I've ever had to encounter. The night of my Aunt's birthday a fire started and the smoke made me feel as if I was drowning. My cousin Kendrick Weber woke me up, because I wasn't waking up when my sister tried. He pulled me out through the window and my forehead
The first challenge I faced was fitting in socially. I frequently experienced being ignored and laughed at. These days were tough and I could only tell myself that things would get
School is the most important to me. I try so hard to keep up on my grades and because I don’t want to disappoint my parents or if my future jobs or my kids look back on it and I will hopefully be a role model and they follow my steps and say I want to be like her. My parents push me to get good grades. My parents are pretty strict but not in a way that you are probably thinking. If I asked to go out with friends or to like a football game or basketball they asked me if I have my stuff done and they will check my grades and wouldn’t be able to unless I had good grades. I might have been so
Share the greatest challenge you have experienced, how you managed it, and what you learned through the
The biggest challenge that I faced was doing research at school. The reason it was hard is because of the school's
I’ve never been the best student growing up. It was always difficult for me to focus and be motivated into doing my work, especially my senior year in high school. The high school I attended was Nogales High School in Nogales Arizona. That year, to be able to graduate, we had to complete a senior project in which we had to make a report, have a portfolio, and work hours in a career we wanted for our future. My only thought in doing my project on was on firefighting because it was the only thought I had going into once I graduated high school. However, on my spare time I was doing a whole different thing that could determine my future.
When I transitioned from elementary to middle school in seventh grade, I also joined an elite soccer team that was nearly an hour from my house. The practice ended up by taking nearly four hours of my time after school. I began to fall behind in work because I enjoy taking my time and making a perfect assignment. My teachers would ask me why I missed an assignment and I couldn't genuinely answer why.
Because of my persistence to make my artwork look realistic, I would take a long time to complete my experiments. I overcame this by trying not to be so picky about every mistake I made. I also had poor time management issues, but I overcame them by coming in during my recess and lunch time, as well as during afterschool.
In my lifetime I've encountered multiple challenges, one of them being attending a new school for high school. The new high school was Strive Prep-Excel, in this school I have had to experience change on a regular basis. Change is something that is not susceptible when it comes to the constant loss of teachers. The loss of teachers was inconvenient not only for me, but for all students. It was also difficult emotionally. I overcame all the change by working extremely hard to adapt to different teachers and getting used to change. Now when I encounter change I know how to handle it, instead of having it be a toll on my life. Overall, I believe this challenge has bettered me as a person, it has taught me that change does not have to be a negative
school as my top priority and put it above anything else. During high school I stayed on track
Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?