Mother to Son “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed”. This quote by Michael Jordan who never gave up in life. Mother to Son was similar to Michael Jordan because he always fail in life but then he never gave up in life and mother to son ‘life for me hasn’t been no crystal stair”. The author is Langston Hughes. Life was hard for them but they kept going they didn’t stop working hard. She was telling her son don’t turn your back and keep reaching for your goal. My theme is when things get hard don’t give up. The author purpose of using details mother starts to say how her life is hard and never give up. For instance, she said in the story “don’t you fall now”. She telling her son don’t give up now
Mothers are a very important part of their children’s life. In “Mothers,” Nikki Giovanni presents two different portrayals of the narrator’s mother. The first one is when she is seen by the narrator as a young child, and the second one is when she is seen the the narrator as an adult. The narrator uses flashback to tell their story. The narrator also stays unidentified and mysterious.
The book ‘Shooting Stars’, is and autobiography written by Lebron James and Buzz Bissinger, provided a fantastic read. Published in 2009, the book briefly covered Lebron’s early life while spending the majority of the time covering his teen years. The reader is informed about the struggles that Lebron and his single mother faced through his early years. He had to move houses often due to financial circumstances and thus found it hard to make friends. James soon found a passion for basketball and formed a strong bond with his 4 best friends: Dru Joyce the 3rd, Romeo Travis, Sian Cotton and Wille McGee. They combined to create ‘The Fab 5’ and began on a journey to win the ‘National Championship’. They began to feel invincible as a result of
She remembered saying, "We were constantly hungry, humiliated, we worked, but we knew that the end was coming... We just hung on to
Throughout the story described a difference between her mother’s experience and that of her own. Although the woman in the story was a victim of circumstance she wanted and achieved what thought was a better life for her
Her life wasn’t perfect, she had many obstacles to overcome. Being a mother you try to teach your kids how to survive life. No one is going to be there to always be by your side guiding you, sometimes you have to just put your mind to if and preserve through life. “Life ain't been no crystal stair” the mother told her son.
Creed, is a movie that performances by Michael B. Jordan as Adonis Johnson, Apollo Creed’s son, Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa, and Tessa Thompson as Bianca was directed by Ryan Coogler. Adonis Johnson, who is the son of former heavyweight champion Apollo Creed, was living in the youth facility when Mary Anne, Creed’s widow visited him and decided to adopt him. Adonis work as a professional, but he was not satisfied with his current life. Mary Anne was so disappointed with him because Adonis’s father passed away in the ring, and she did not want Adonis to follow his dad’s step. Despite the fact that he wanted to pursue his dream to work as a professional fighter, he gave up his current job and went to Philadelphia. He found Rocky Balboa there and he requested Balboa to become his mentor and trained him. In the process of becoming a professional fighter, Adonis went through challenges. Even though Adonis faces challenges in life, he overcomes them because he never gives up.
First of all, the story talked about the basketball player Michael Jordan. And he shares his views on what he achieved, including his goals, fears, commitment, teamwork, and leadership. Jordan also shows how to set goals and overcome challenges, confront fear and self-doubt, being a leader and a team player, makes him stay focused and fight distraction. Which he said that “I Can't Accept Trying” Jordan talked about the simple truths behind his self-discipline by giving us his creed. Also, Jordan's talks about his life as a professional athlete and all the hard work that goes into performing to your fullest potential. Therefore, he always set short term of goals but he always achieved that goal he needs.
Amy Lyles Wilson father’s passed away and left her mom widowed. Her mom now had to deal with not only grief but learning to do many things that she had never done before. She was a fast learner so learning how to do things she’s never done before wasn’t hard, it just took courage. For example, pump her own gas or any car mechanics but even throughout the obstacles that her mom had been challenged with after her dad passed away she learned that always, and she means always, you keep going.
In conclusion life was never easy for her, but she never gave up. No matter what life throws at you you should never give. Education was never an option for her nor should it be to anyone else it should be a must do for everyone. She never wants any of her children to give up or someone to give up because she survived so you can
The Middle Ages was one of the most bloodiest times because of the torture tactics that were used as forms of severe punishments, handed down to citizens for a majority of crimes such as murder, theft, kidnapping and even trivial crimes like gossiping, sorcery, and heresy. Lack of education along with impunity caused excessive amounts of crime during the Middle Ages, making many of the lower class citizens resort to stealing. Multiple forms of torture were enforced to keep the community in a state of fear that would keep citizens thinking that they might end up being the next victim. The middle age punishments for crimes were precursors to today's law enforcement and prison system. With no police to regulate citizens on the daily keeping order and peace was in the hands of the community.
Black single mothers have overall negative stereotypes linked to them, their children, and their financial situation. Single black mothers are getting labeled as Gold diggers, lazy, con-artist, non-supportive, emotionally unstable, and uneducated. To make their reputation even worse most of the songs in the Hip Hop community make hypocritical songs that generalize all single black mothers based on their particular experience. Hip Hop narratives such as “Faith” by Kendrick lamar and “Baby Mama” by Fantaisa, challenges the race stereotypes about co-parenting. Not all Hip Hop songs reinforce the negative stereotypes about single black mothers. Songs like “Faith” by Kendrick Lamar is a great song that represents the struggle single mothers go through.
The definition of paradigm shift is a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions. The paradigm shift that John Mcphee refers to in Basin and Range is the transition from pre-tectonic plate geology also know as old geology and the geology after the introduction of the now widely accepted plate tectonic theory. Mcphee uses geologist Kenneth Deffeyes as a focal point by observing how an old geologist can work after such an upheaval in ideology. The paradigm shift caused everyday geologist including Kenneth Deffeyes to focus on seeing the mega-picture of earth instead of the single picture that geologist have been examining
Terry Fox Do you think you could run 3,336 miles with an amputated leg? Perseverance is the willingness to keep going no matter how hard or how long you will have to wait to achieve your goal. Passion is a very strong emotion to do something. Effort is the attempt to try something.
The speaker’s message to readers in “Mother to Son” is that life can be difficult, but you have to keep trying despite these difficulties. I believe this message is directed towards people who are experiencing hardships and poverty, because the speaker is directing her conversation to her “son,” who does not have a life that is like “crystal stairs” (line 2). The crystal stairs in the poem represents a wealthy and easy life, as wealthy people have not probably had the same difficulties in life. Her message of not giving up is evident throughout the poem as she demands her son to not give up. She says, “So boy, don't you turn back, don't you set down on the steps, cause you finds it’s kinder hard” (lines 14-16). As readers, we know the message for us is that you can’t give up, even though you will face challenges—just like you have to keep going on a “staircase” even though the staircase has many obstacles on it. She clearly believes that we need to be fighters in our lives, as life will often be difficult. More importantly, I believe this message was also meant towards African Americans in the early 1900’s (when Langston Hughes was writing poetry), to remind them to never give up on fighting for equal rights, even though it is
The time came for her to be delivered. She gave birth to her first born son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in the manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. These were the words that I had spoken during a church Christmas play while I was just about to see the light at the end of my elementary school career. As I looked out into the faces of my family, I realized that I was making someone proud. I too was proud to have such a caring family whom I thought would be my strength throughout my life. Life has been so good to me thus far with wonderful parents, an older sister to whom I worshiped, and an older brother to keep me in tune with the magnificent