
Motherhood Screen Off Summary

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On September 24, 2015, Susan Dominus wrote for The New York Times in the magazine section, Motherhood, Screened Off. This article is based on Dominus’ view of parenting, smartphones, and children. Susan Dominus compared her childhood with the childhood of her children. Of Dominus’ belief that the relationship between parents and children have always been the same, smartphones are just the newest object onto which people displace their parental guilt. Susan Dominus uses imagery of her own childhood to explain that parents should not be chastised for developing more attention to their smartphones because it does not mean that parents are distracted by them.
Parents and children never really talked or had a conversation with their children. And …show more content…

Study’s made by AVG shows that fifty four percent of children think their parents check their smartphones too often and thirty two percent of children ‘feel unimportant’ when their parents are on their smartphones. The constant use of the smartphone is a bad model of parenting, but it does not mean that parents have to stop using smartphones because parents can give hundred percent attention to their children without giving hundred percent of their time. In fact, it is healthy for children and they will not see the smartphone as more important than …show more content…

All the while I am fighting the ever-swelling urge to locate my phone, so that I can do something productive”. Nothing is more important than to comfort your own children, take time to be there for him because whether or not parents intend to mode behavior for their children. Dominus felt even though it was important to do so, she saw more productivity in doing her work with her smartphone. Children between zero and ten years old need more attention to their parents because they are more likely to get sick more often and become rebels, or use drugs as they grow up. Smartphones have the power of shutout children, because feel less

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