
Motifs In Romeo And Juliet

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Imagine you are a teenager and you are in love with a boy you just met.And in three days you fell in love,got married,and died for each other. That's exactly what happened in ,The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet By William Shakespeare. There were a lot of patterns and contrasts in the language of Romeo and Juliet. The motif of Stars in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is developed by imagery to explain how people's fate lies in the stars. In the beginning of the play, the motif of Stars is revealed by imagery throughout the play.In Act 1 of the play it states,¨From forth fatal loins of these two foes/A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life (Prologue 1.1.5-6).¨ This quote from the play clearly shows how the motif Stars plays a great role

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