
Motivational Intervention Paper

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Wood, M.D, et. al (2007). Brief motivational intervention and alcohol expectancy challenge with heavy drinking in college students: A randomized factorial study. Addictive Behaviors, 32(11), 2509-2528. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2007.06.018

This study is the first joint study covering both Behavioral Motivational Intervention (BMI) and Alcohol Expectancy Challenge (AEC). This is relevant to our issue, as we chose to look at behavioral modifications and interventions to help curb college binge drinking, and both BMI and AEC are both Tier 1 preventative intervention measures recognized by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Previous research in BMI or AEC individually was limited by small sample sizes, brief follow up periods, and inattention to potential mediators of intervention effects. The hypothesis of the study was that using both BMI and AEC together would lead to lower alcohol use than either alone. The rationale for this was if both techniques were moderately effective, combining the two may strengthen the effectiveness by have more successful and longer lasting impacts. The study also looked at intervention longevity with a follow-up period after six months, as well as any gender effects.
For this study, 335 …show more content…

While the combined did significantly lower alcohol-related problems initially, there was a much quicker rebound with the combined intervention than the BMI only. The main limitations of the study was the lack of ethnic diversity and non compliant subjects. The authors of this article suggested there is a need to continue to research new and refined interventions at an individual level and how to reach a greater proportion of college students. This study relates to the group topic to show that behavior modification can be successful when it comes to binge drinking on college campuses, by helping to reduce alcohol-related

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