
Motivational Interviewing Paper

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Motivational interviewing is an approach, focusing on the patient, to change a behavior. It was started in the realm of addiction, but has been steadily moving in to the mainstream of healthcare for the past few years. Motivational interviewing (MI) uses different techniques to build a rapport between the provider and the client. Techniques used include empathy, collaboration, and encouragement of autonomy. The concept of motivational interviewing allows the provider to be seen more as a person and less as an authority figure. This allows the provider and the patient to take the journey toward healthcare improvement together. Motivational interviewing can be a positive tool for health promotion. However, the lack of use and understanding, makes it ineffective for long term changes in a patient’s healthcare. …show more content…

According to Dr. Morton, et. al. (2014), there was a 50% increase in physical activity among client’s in a primary care setting when motivational interviewing was utilized. This shows a significant impact on the health potential that could be gained by using the motivational interviewing process. This clearly shows that motivational interviewing can be beneficial when dealing with a client in a one to one primary care setting by including them in the planning and implementation of their healthcare. It is important that a person feel that they are the ones making the ultimate decision in what is going on. In a study to improve physical activity among reproductive aged women, Dr. Mahmoodabad, et. al (2015) found that introducing a motivational approach, promoted physical activity amongst the 70 women that participated in the study. These results further solidify that the motivational interviewing would be successful in encouraging health promotion among

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