This article is about how statistics show that the number of motor vehicle deaths in Georgia have risen by fourteen percent in two years. Although, they do not know why it has risen considerably more in Georgia. The article also states the main reasons why these deaths are occurring. Why the motor vehicle deaths have increased in number specifically in Georgia, no one can explain. Although people can give reasons why the motor vehicle deaths have occurred in general. Alcohol, speed, texting, and in car calling systems are the main reasons for motor vehicle deaths. But people have been texting, calling, and drunk driving for a long time so this does not explain the increase in deaths. All we can say is that people have become less aware
Results: As we are able to gather from both of these graph which came from U.S. Department of Transportation. We are currently slightly down on DUI’s, but the part that I have found to be even more shocking in a good way that fatalities not involving alcohol has drop almost 10,000. While this graph only shows the amount of crashes it does not put it in as detailed as the next graph does.
As much as 33000 fatalities happen each year in the United States by the cause of car crashes. People don’t realize the number of crashes occurring because of people that don’t know how to drive. El Paso is the number 8 city in Texas with fatal crashes. And it all goes back to how they got the privileges for driving in the first place.
What do you think is the #1 cause of car crashes and accidents in the world? The obvious answer would be driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Wrong. The main source of death for young drivers is currently texting while driving, not drinking or drugs, with almost twelve teenagers passing on every day in a messaging related auto accident.
Men drive more miles than women and more often engage in risky driving not using safety belts, and speeding. Crashes involving males often are more severe than those involving females.
A major factor contributing to alcohol-related car accidents is binge drinking. Teenage drinking is not legal, therefore teens usually cannot drink whenever they want. When teens do drink, they often times drink to get drunk on the
In summary, it cannot be said that exact cause of most severe traffic accidents are known with certainty but it is believed that speeding and drinking, jointly or separately, play some role in the events that lead up to those accidents. Also to blame, in many instances, are the design of the highway, the condition of the weather, the maintenance of the vehicle, the time of the day (many severe accidents occur at dusk, with poor lighting and tired drivers), and the presence of radar detectors. A study by the Ohio State Police found that radar detectors were present in at least one of the vehicles involved in 69% of all severe traffic accidents on the highways of that state in 2005. Studies in other states have confirmed that finding, with some estimates of the relationship running as high as 75%.
Although not irrational to think this, the opposite is true. During the presentation for the 15th International Conference on Alcohol, Barry Sweedler states that “When the United States increased the drinking age to 21, its rate of traffic fatalities in the 1980s decreased less than that of European countries whose legal drinking ages are lower than 21 and therefore is proof that the drinking age doesn't play such a prominent role in preventing these fatalities. In Germany, for example, where the drinking age is 16, alcohol-related fatalities decreased by 57 percent between 1975 and 1990.” The most likely cause for the decrease in traffic fatalities is a combination of law enforcement, education, and advances in automobile-safety technologies such as airbags and roll cages. (Minton) Actually, in an award-winning study in 2010, University of Notre Dame undergraduate Dan Dirscherl found that banning the purchase of alcohol between the ages of 18 and 21 actually increased traffic fatalities of those between the ages of 18 and
Every 20 minutes, someone will die in an alcohol related traffic accident. Most people think it could never happen to them but experts estimate that everyone has at least a 40% chance of being in a crash that involves alcohol use sometime in their life. According to a survey by Mothers Against Drunk Driving, drunken driving is the number 1 highway safety problem. Some believe that better education, more police and higher penalties, the number of alcohol related deaths and accidents can be reduced(madd).
The amount of drunk drivers that have been pulled or involved in accidents is shocking. According to statistics, in America, every 53 minutes one person is killed from an incident involving drunk driving, bringing the amount of people in America killed by drunk drivers to 27 people per day. Out of the entire world, it is estimated that someone is killed from drunk driving every 90 seconds. Even though drunk driving is not the number one cause of car crashes, it comes in third behind texting and speeding, it is still an epidemic that we need to
Texas traffic accidents leads the nation in car deaths. In some ways, the large number of crashes is to be expected; Texas is a very large state. However, the Texas death rate of 1.44 deaths per hundred million miles travelled also exceeds the national average of 1.28 deaths per hundred million miles travelled. In this proposal, I will provide accurate statistics of last year’s records and then provide a possible solution to reduce fatalities.
accidents occurring from people driving drunk and there are a lot of fatal crashes occurring from
These data will be examined thoroughly, both by descriptive statistics and statistical models to identify the relationship between the accident rate and the factors that influence the accidents such as competence, road conditions, vehicle condition etc. Finally recommendations on how to tackle these factors will be delivered in order to reduce road accidents and therefore death rates.
Background and Audience Relevance: According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2015, about thirty-five hundred people were killed, and four hundred thousand were injured in car crashes.
Accidents as a cause of a death accounts for around 4.5% for Canada where in United States it is slightly more which is 4.8%. This is a leading cause of death and it is preventable. More traffic congestion and not following traffic rules (wearing seatbelt, driving under influence) could be the reason for motor vehicle
Third reason of accidents on the road is teenage drivers. “2,739 teenagers died in car accidents in the United States during 2008 ", ( Some teenagers cause fatal accidents, because of immaturity and lack of experience. Teenagers are very impulsive. Although not intending to hurt anyone, they sometimes drive very aggressively. It is not difficult to find teenagers driving with one hand on the steering wheel, seat pushed back, and with loud music playing. In traffic they go wild, trying to seek attention. They underestimate the risk of what they are doing. All these acts result in serious consequences on the road. Many accidents of young drivers result from their own mistakes.