She had survived the pizza and movie night with the guys, so how hard would going to church be with the Lewis family? Morgan didn 't recall the last time she was in a church. The worst part was having to wear a skirt and the chunky dress shoes she found in the closet. She put on the alien outfit and brushed her hair. Many things in this time were familiar, but strange enough to make her feel off balance. The theater they went to the night before had popcorn and soda like every theater she had ever been to, but the seats were uncomfortable and cramped. No one seemed to notice the discomforts, so she didn’t say anything. Although she had not previously seen the movie, the tall man leaning over to speak to his girlfriend distracted her. "You …show more content…
How many years had he been enduring this dress up torture? The Lewis 's greeted several people as they took their seats on a pew about half way up on the left. Morgan settled into the unpadded seat, which made the movie theater seat from the previous night seem comfortably plush. The service started and she watched everyone else for the cues of when to stand or sit. No way in hell was she going to try singing the hymns so she plastered a smile on her face and let Andy hold the hymnal. His voice wasn’t half bad, but the song choice was another matter. When the pastor told everyone to sit and he started talking Morgan looked around for something to interest her. The windows of the church were stained glass and each one depicted a different scene. One was of a shepherd and a couple of sheep. Another was of an angel hovering above an kneeling woman. The one she studied the most was of a man stepping out of a boat onto the water. Another man stood on the water and held his arms out toward the boat in an obvious invitation to join him on the water. Why was he doing something impossible? Was it some kind of a trick? Were these scenes supposed to be of some event that actually happened or were they metaphorical? “That’s why we must be watchful as our town develops and builds the convention center,” the pastor said. Morgan’s head snapped up. Why was he talking about the convention center? What was he saying? “We must be ever mindful of the
wanted to go clothes shopping with the money she got from her Christmas. They usually didn't
“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.”
“ One of his closest friends, 94-year old Rev. Robert Lee Jr., visited Morris and recalled to Concordia Sentinel editor Stanley Nelson in 2008: “Only the bottom of his feet weren't burned. He was horrible to look at.” Morris survived for four days in the local hospital, then died.” Some people think that they got down into the water and then they rafted to a boat that picked them up and took them down the ocean. Well you might be wondering how did the boat know?
To be a successful church the author states that the church should function and relate to the people’s culture that the church is located within.
So, I accepted Kelly’s generous offer to go with her and Karlie on Sunday. My excitement to see the similarities and differences between my own religious views and the Baptist’s grew. I was also a bit nervous for the same reason.
her to "take a ride" with him in his car. She had seen this man the night before staring at her in the
would turn and a ship would pass his way, or to go up the mountain,
Sarah Good and Sarah Osborn were taken into questioning near the Nathaniel Ingersoll’s Tavern the very next day. During the trials evidence could be admitted in different ways. The first step in the process is when they’re accused they had to recite the Lord’s Prayer.
she hadn’t been there.” It appeared to be as though she went to this each Sunday event that it
there he was, still watching her. He wagged a finger and laughed and said, ‘Gonna get
But that was when my mom suggested visiting a portable church, inside a local movie theater to be specific. The church I had grown up in was large and extremely conservative. I had grown accustomed to the rows of wooden pews that creaked every time a person shifted their position, and the beautiful stain windows that sparkled when the light hit them at the right angle. The thought of stepping inside a worldly building that smelled like buttered popcorn and had sticky floors to worship was not only an uncomfortable thought but also it felt disgraceful.
My mother had often told me how much fun she had when she went to the
Then it fell on a holy day that this goodwife took her to the church
Every Sunday, after church, her father would bring her and her siblings to the park near their house and play with them until her mother was finished making lunch for the family.
The cold winter breeze is penetrating my skin; I feel the chill in my bones and start to shiver out of control. As I am lying down in the lawn of my home, all I can see is parts of the garden in the moonlight. I gather my last bit of strength and get up to knock the front door of my home again. There is still no response from my father. Hunger is driving my actions as I try to break-in and fail again and again. With no other options left I decide to go break the window near the door with a stone and try to open the door from the inside. After breaking the window, I can see my mother is still lying down in the floor and I try shouting to wake her up. There is no response from her at all. I feel the dizziness spreading in my head. As I try to unlock the door through the window opening, I feel the lights shutting down inside me and I fall down to the