
Movie Review : ' Moonlight '

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I have truly enjoyed this semester in Blacks in Film this semester. I have been introduced to a wide variety of Black films that I probably wouldn’t have had the opportunity to watch if I was not in this class. Out of all the culturally diverse, emotional, dramatic, strange Black films that we have watched this semester, my favorite was Moonlight and my least favorite was the original Birth of a Nation. Moonlight was an extremely powerful and eye opening movie. Before having the chance to watch this movie I just kept hearing about it and when it won won Best Picture, I still wasn’t very sure of what to expect from the film. But after watching and internalizing it, I realized that this film was extremely deserving of the honor. This was …show more content…

During the first Chiron, I was really appreciative of his character and Juan, played by Mahershala Ali. I thought that because of their close relationship his death should’ve been explained and Chiron’s mourning should’ve been explored because the death of a father figure would impact anyone, but especially someone who is struggling to find themselves. I enjoyed the second Chiron the most because, it represents the most life changing moment in this young man’s life as he has his first sexual experience as a gay man. You also see him lose everything and have to start all over again which leads into the third Chiron. When the third Chiron was presented, I initially thought that the third chapter wasn’t going to be as moving to me because I felt he was a coward hiding and trying to be a hard gangster. As the third Chiron progressed you see that this is the final stage in his development. He is a person who is learning to forgive, rekindling old connections and accepting his sexuality as reality. This movie was my favorite film this semester, because it was a true definition of a coming of age and even the viewer couldn’t relate it to their personal circumstance, they could relate in some way. I feel that Moonlight is a must see film, especially for those who are homophobic or judgemental, and even for those who feel they aren’t because it is truly eye opening to another perspective. My least favorite film this semester was the 1915, original Birth of a Nation by D.W.

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