
Movie Review : Rear Window

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In Rear Window, Hitchcock uses visuals in order to capture the perfect cinematic film and experience. We as the viewers identify with Jeff because much like how he is watching his neighbors, we are also speculating his life as a film. Our hero, L.B. Jeffries or “Jeff”, out of boredom creates an outdoor theater for himself by spying on his the people outside his window. Hitchcock uses “murder-as-entertainment” and the idea of watching a cinematic film as ways to captivate the viewers and make us subconsciously take part in intruding on someone else’s life. Hitchcock then punishes Jeff and the viewers for being “peeping toms” and casting our unwanted voyeurism on other people’s private lives. Through fear and embarrassment, Hitchcock puts our actions into perspective as we become self-conscious of our indecent objectification toward human lives. The reality of voyeurism is masked by the fact that this film is shown as purely cinematic though its language and imagery. Lisa says the “show is over” as she closes the blinds to Jeff’s window then promises “coming attractions” as she heads into the bathroom to change outfit, or “costume”. Each room from across the courtyard are not just extensions of Jeff himself, but they also act as their own separate TV show. For example, Miss Lonelyhearts is inspired by a “social realist film” (Stam and Pearson 201), Thorwald comes from a “murder mystery” (201), and the dog couple comes from a “domestic comedy” (201), and by separating each

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