
Movie Review : St. Ignatius And Imagination By James Avaar

Decent Essays

Ever since Dr. Hoover mentioned in class that one discussion board would be around a movie that frames to “see and see again” some vital aspect of leadership, I have been thinking about James Cameron, Avatar. I remember seeing this movie when it first came out in while I was living in Seattle. I am not a science fiction movie person, but this movie had an element that was more than a science fiction flick. It has a lot of layers and messages, but the one thing that stood out to me was how one could change and become a better person. After reading about St. Ignatius and Imagination there are parallels that I see are reframing the mind to "see and see again" and facilitate personal transformation in the minds, hearts, and souls. ( Carey, …show more content…

You have to become your avatar and make the change as a leader to reframe your mind and not limit your view to become the leader you strive for and want to be.

The other item that comes up is that is he in love with Neytiri. Remember this is a James Cameron film, same director as Titanic, so a love story must exist. The chaos from the corporation he works for is unleashed, and the Na’vi are almost destroyed. Neytiri finds out he is a spy, rejects him and he has to leave and is disappointed with the outcome. Fortunately, this is a movie, and he doesn’t stop to win over this girl. Yes, the disappointment he created is still real, but as leaders, we may hit disappointment as well. What matters is to rise above our limitations. This is what Jake does when he decides to tame Toruk ( a type of dragon) not only to gain the trust of the people but also to become the new leader of the Na'vi.
In the movie, there is a lot of focus around the Hometree. This is the base for Na’vi gatherings, a giant tree because it stands above the richest deposit of “unobtanium” which is the center of the Na’vi people. The Hometree for me represents the values and priorities of a leader. Hometree is the center of the Na’vi people and brings them their energy, spirit, power, and promises. As a leader, we each need our own “Hometree.” As the world and priorities are changing to make sure you always have a place that you care for and is your
“Hometree.” It can be many things to

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