
Movie Review: The Giver By Lois Lowry

Satisfactory Essays

The movie the giver was premiered in 2014. Lois lowry was the writer of the book which the movie was based off of. It is about a made up society where they took and changed everything. They only have one person ( the receiver of memory ) who knows all of the stuff that used to happen. Jonas changed this he made everything back to what it was. Jonas and Asher are friends but have a different way of life. They are like best friends but they are totally different. Jonas is very courageous and rebellious. He is the new receiver of memory. After jonas starts training he starts seeing all the good memories and wonders why they tooked theses away but then he sees bad things. Jonas wants to make a change and so that's what he does. Asher obeys the rules and doesn't know that he could disobey. Asher is very calm and collective. He is the drone pilot so he trains with drones and other aircraft. Asher is very serious and does not know how to take certain things. Asher is a very serious person and Jonas is not. Jonas likes doing stuff he is not supposed and he wants to show people …show more content…

Of course Jonas and Asher are both boys. They are both friends with Fiona. Both of the boys live in a family unit with a mom and dad. Jonas and Asher both got their bikes when they were nine for a source of transportation. Both of them were assigned jobs when they turned 12. Asher and Jonas are both very serious about their jobs. They are both in the same society but Jonas is exposed to the real world at his training.
The boys are very close with their similarities because of their society. Even though both of them live the same life they begin to get really different after they start their training. The movie the giver was a very good movie and very similar to the book. There are some differences with the movie Asher and jonas, And the book Asher and jonas. I recommend both the movie and the book to anyone they are very good and

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