My memory that I am going to transfer to you is one that I remember everyday. One that I want you to know about. One day while I was getting ready for school, I felt an unsatisfying itch on my arms, legs, hands, and feet. I was surprised and I immediately started scratching as hard as I can. It felt really good and I quickly finished getting ready for school and I noticed something weird. There were millions of tiny bumps on my arms. I didn't think it was a problem so I went downstairs and went into the dining room where I past my table and a couple chairs so I can get to the closet that my family had that goes downstairs. I got my backpack with my white socks and with my red Levi's shoes and I closed the closet and I went to my living …show more content…
How did I not see that? I must've skipped it on accident when I was getting my stuff from the closet. I went to the chair and I picked up my jacket while I still had my shoes, backpack, and socks. I went back to the living room and sat on the couch. I put on my socks and then my shoes. And all of a sudden the itching came back. I started to scratch again and after I was done, I got up from the couch with my jacket still on the couch. I past the dining room to where the stairs are and I yelled to see what my sister´s doing.
¨Ahliyah! Are you ready for school yet!¨
¨not yet!¨ she said.
“What is she doing”, I whispered to myself.
I went to the dining room again to put my jacket on and I picked up my jacket and passed the couch to go to the computer. I turned it on to check the time. It was 6:50 on the bottom righthand corner of the computer. My brother was still watching youtube on the xbox 1. I put on my jacket while I was on my way to the stairs to see what my sister was doing. As I was walking up I heard a TV on. I went up to investigate what was going on. I opened my sister’s door and I found both of my sisters watching TV instead of doing what they have to do.
“What are you doing”, I
Ellie Wilbers, is thirteen years old, as long tangled brown hair that she always puts in a ponytail, she has blueish green eyes, she is about 5ft 2in, and wears yellow glasses. She is about to get some news that will change her life forever.
Piedad removed the duck and told Deyonnah to, “Finish your snack first.” Deyonnah went back to the snack table and sat down. Deyonnah got up and Ms. Piedad redirected her back to the table to clean up. Deyonnah flopped to the ground, “Bye everybody, bye, bye” she cried. The telephone rang and Ms. Piedad went to answer it. Deyonnah got up and began to climb up the cubby to get the popcorn. Ms. Chantel went to the cubby and removed the popcorn. Deyonnah hit Ms. Chantel and cried, “Why you crying?” Ms. Chantel told her, “Its ok, don’t cry. I’ll give you a napkin.” Ms. Chantel placed the napkin on the table and gave Deyonnah more popcorn. Deyonnah ate a handful then got up, ran to the carpet area and ran in circles around the stool. She then went back to the table and ate a few more pieces of popcorn, then ran back to the stool and ran in circles. Ms. Piedad prompted Deyonnah to go back to the table and helped her throw her stuff away. Deyonnah then grabbed the toys from the table, ran to the cabinet and got the whisper phone then went back to the table and began to eat her classmate’s popcorn. When her classmate returned to the table Deyonnah ran back to the carpet area and ran in
I can still recall the days where I would run down the block chasing after the ice cream truck. I lived near a park in Brooklyn, and my daily summer routine consisted of endless enjoyment at the park. As a nine-year-old, all I focused on was having fun and playing handball with my friends at the park. Every day I set out on the same task, and did not realize what I would do if those friends were no longer there.
I moved away from my friends and town i grew up in. I thought that moving away well decrease my intelleges and well become a bad influence and depressed. I was already depressed since we started packing, but i tried so hard to hangout has much as possible, they even helped me pack things and get back into my house when i was locked out when my parents left without warning. I was also sad because i broke up with my girlfriend because i was moving, she didn't do long-distance relationships, she’d helped me smile and enjoy life, but it change now. All i say to her was bye and couldn't bare remembering but it was hard to forget something beautiful. My friend surprised me and cheered me up a little and then
One out of five children, between the ages of six and nineteen, are overweight or obese. Does this surprise you? The challenge against obesity in kids can be won with healthier eating and physical activity
Ryder’s class. So, then I realized that My laptop was in my room. So I opened the door slowly and want to my table and grab my MacBook. Then when I was coming back I fell down on the floor. “Boom”!! Immediately my parents came upstairs like they were going to go run a race, and like they were going to win.They saw my door opened. My sister came to my room with her phone, and says” should i call the doctor, or should I call 911, or wait should I go get your phone and call the doctor”. “Go get my phone, and call the doctor as quick as possible” dad reply after hearing my sister Brooklyn talk a
I must say I struggled with the idea of going back to college. I am 34 years old. What in the world was I thinking? College, now? How old will I be when I graduate? Well I went against my thoughts and self doubt and went for it. I am enrolled in college, community college, but it’s a start. Hopefully it will be amazing and will lead me to success. I am currently in my first quarter. I have a long way to go, but I am going to get there, no matter what.
Many historians debate the reason behind Europe’s global dominance, even to this day. This is because before 1800, Europe was fragmented due to religious conflict. In addition, their resources were depleting because of the Little Ice Age, which impacted Europe and North America and caused animal species, as well as crops to die out because of the immense cold. In contrast, by 1660, Japan controlled one third of the world’s silver supply, and they had a booming economy fueled by global trade. By the year 1800, Europe was poised for global dominance because they needed to colonize the New World in order to obtain natural resources, which were affected
I scream before my sister even realizes this is reality. I turn the opposite direction in the water and head for the mud hill out of the creek screaming at the top of my lungs. I’m fighting the water that’s now over my face because I’m tripping over rocks in the water. I smack my face on a tiny rock at the shoreline of the water that gouges me in the mouth from slipping on the smaller mossy rocks. My chin and bottom lip feel like they are on fire, but I’m so frightened. I get back up and run out of the creek; I literally trip over every object in my path until I reach the backyard. Which is when I realize my sister is not with me. I hear her, but she’s nowhere to be seen. I hear her screaming and crying, but from a distance that terrifies me. I don’t run to help her myself. I could hear the water splashing and Destany screaming still as I was already to the backdoor.
Giving back hold a high part of my life and special part in my heart. I've always been told if I can give back, do. Thus, throughout my life, I have participated in many community service projects and activities. With this being instilled in me at a young age, as a grew older I knew to keep this lesson as moral. I took this with me through all walks of life and with me to Morehouse College. Upon my first few days on campus, I came into contact with many different people and became involved in a few social clubs on campus. Do Better and Lytehouse, are two of those, just name a few. What leads me to want to join these groups where there involvement with self-improvement and community service around campus. In these group, we participate in plenty
The room wasn’t entirely big, but definitely bigger than the waiting room. There was a TV that was much larger than the one in the waiting room. And the walls weren't the same pale brown, with detailed flowers, as the previous room. It was mostly white with a color cream brown plastic line and stickers of small lions, hippopotamus, monkeys and giraffes. To the right side of the room, there was a bathroom with a bathing tub and a toilet. And in the bed, mom laid down. I could lie and say the my mom was laying on a bed with my sister in her arms with her long hair braided to the side while my sister had big eyes and was smiling, in reality my mom was caring Ximena. But her hair was braided. She was tired and my sister wasn't smiling. She was
Not much focus goes into a moving date. Oftentimes, we research heavily for a moving service, pick a random date, and give our full attention to packing. Recklessly selecting a moving date is unwise. Place emphasis on the moving date. Thorough research reveals the best moving date based on month/season, week, day, and time of day. The perfect date saves time, money, and stress.
Hey guys, hope your week has gone good. Okay let's get to business, today I would like to talk about 'Ghosting'.
Could you ever even think about having to move from your home school.Well I moved from my home school Chief Leschi to Frontier middle school. I was in the fifth. About to to middle school with all my friends.And I was so excited till my mother told me I was moving schools.I was so sad i did not want to move. Ever she tried to get me to move. She tried everything i would not budge. She even tried bribing me. Then me and my friends tried so hard to get me to stay but nothing would work. We very much wanted to fix what happening and we are still working on to fix thing to this day. I asked myself could it get any worse but it did she tried to say permanently.
There are many causes of poverty and inequality in both India and Afghanistan including the poverty circle, problems with population, poor governance and a lack of access to international markets