
Moving To High School Essay

Decent Essays

I was lost as my final year in high school came to an end and it was time to decide where I would spend the next four years. I received a rejection letter from my top school, placed on the waiting list by my second option, and put into a program that required me to internally transfer at the third. My remaining options, which were all great colleges, didn't stand out to me; I just couldn't find the passion in my heart for those schools. Finally, however, I decided to go to Michigan State, thinking it would be my best option, though deep down I knew I did not want to go there. This led to my decision to transfer before I even arrived on campus and my feelings were then reinforced when I started classes in September
The first evident reason was because my personality and goals did not fit into Michigan State's culture. The environment wasn't what I envisioned, the classes weren't as challenging as I would have hoped, and I felt as if …show more content…

I am a bright young man, full of passion, and I would never quit on my way towards success. From an early age I wanted to attend a prestigious university that I would be proud to represent for the rest of my life. Although I had such a challenging goal, high school was a time where I made mistakes that hindered my ability to attend the schools I dreamed of. Those mistakes obviously led to where I am today; but have humbled me, allowed me to learn, and determined me to change the path that I am on. I have learned what it takes to be great and I am ready to make sacrifices to do so. I refuse to let a few rejections influence the subsequent years of my life. At a Stanford University commencement speech Steve Jobs said, "Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking." Every day I try to live by his advice and prove that I can overcome failure. I want to move towards a better future by courageously pursuing my

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