Before the expedition: The reason why I choose to move to Mars is because my life is pointless on Earth. Think about it, almost everything on Earth has been explored or changed in some way and I just want to live in an area that I can make a difference. Soon it will be Autumn 2045, the arrival time to Mars, and I am so ready for the change. I know some of the people are going to have a hard time getting over their family, but for me it is a little different. The only “family” I have is a pet chinchilla Han Solo, R.I.P, and he is just not filling the void. Everyone has to choose a colony and has to go through training. I chose The Mars Force because of their great propaganda and how they planned ahead by choosing to land by a mountain for mining purposes. Their flag looks like outer space with mars in the middle and a person on each side. Their government is oligarchy because a group of specialists own the colony. The training …show more content…
I’ll be glad when the medical lab so that if I get hurt I won’t have to worry about it. NO! A massive dust storm hit us and yet again we are stuck inside for awhile. When it was finally over we explored the cave entrance to find out how extensive they are and wow it seems as if they go on for miles and miles. Also when we were mining we found some sort of fossil in Tharsis Tholis.
Summer 2046: Slowly but surely we are coming together and improving. The plan is to keep growing, so a concrete-brick factory and another basic greenhouse is going to be built. There was a fuel explosion so the greenhouses only produce have of what they normally do. When exploring the Euchos chasma there was an extremely old, like 2.5 billion years old, fossil which is so cool and could have never been found on Earth. Now that I have been here for awhile I have found out what I like about Mars the most, the sunset. Also not sure how I feel about leaving the non-space ice cream
In conclusion, the passage, “Getting Ready to Live on Mars”, was important to read because it informed the reader about Mars simulations, and had many different main ideas, however only one central idea. The central idea of the passage was developed by quotes and expert opinions, and is partly states at the end of the passage. The central idea of the passage is that Mars simulations are helping eliminate some logistical and emotional conflicts that might occur on a real trip to Mars, and is developed by using expert opinions and
Today is March 13th, 2114, just over 110 years since the first Mars rovers landed on the surface of Mars. Yet, little progress has been made in developing a human colony amidst the many issues that plague humans attempting to survive on the surface. Many people look back on the incidents of 2078, 2092, and most recently 2106 as reasons to not continue to explore Mars. Each one of those colonies of 300 people lasted less than a year before the last human was dead and the colony was considered a failure. Most people look back at the 2106 incident as reason to not settle on Mars. On February 23rd, 2106, a blast of Solar Energetic Particles with an energy of nearly
On a red planet that is half of it’s full size 154 million miles away from Earth name Mars, once lived an old man name Trump. He was send there as the first astronaut to be on mar. As soon as he landed on Mar he claim Mars as his own planet and called it Trump world. Since he wouldn’t cooperate with America, America stop sending support to help him on Mars. N.A.S.A. never let anyone or release news beside president Obama about alien being on Mars. The purpose of sending trump to Mars was to let the aliens kill him or take him to their own planet and do research on him and somehow remove him from our galaxy. But instead it backfire and the alien help him build a wall around mars to block the Earth from making contact with mars.
Scientists, philosophers, and the general population have attempted to answer what happens after death and what
The movie, “The Martian,” by Ridley Scott is about an astronaut who’s trying to survive on an empty and lonely planet. The astronaut surviving on the planet Matt Damon, also known as Mark Watney. After his crew left him because they thought he was dead during a strong storm, Mark finds himself abandoned and lonely on a desolate planet. Mark try’s to send a message back to earth that he is still alive on the empty planet. NASA puts in non-stop work and fights to bring him back home. In the end, he returns back to Earth safely.
Oliver Sacks is a very famous doctor of neurology as well as a writer. He spent most of his adult life treating patients. Oliver Sacks mostly concentrated on disorders of the brain and nervous system. In a lot of the cases that Sacks dealt with, there was nothing he was able to do to heal the patients. His goal was to find a way to live with and accept their condition as well as possible. Sacks enjoyed dealing with cases mostly about experiences of real people struggling to live with unusual conditions. That’s where he wanted to find ways to help these patients to the best of his and medical ability out there. Throughout his cases he studied he came across patients who had different
With enough resources to survive it was vital for the members to spring into action and get everything settled. First off the colony’s main purpose of coming to Mars has change. They all need to focus on survival, then once life is all settled and going well the research can continue. It is important for the Colony members to keep calm in the midst of the ciaos and have an open mind. Secondly, it is obvious that some form of government will need to be put in effect. Three representatives of each group will be the leaders of the colony. The reasoning for the group of leaders is so that one group does not abuse powers over the others. For example, if there was one Scientist who was the leader he could easily abuse his powers and harm the specials or workers. The mars Colony’s leaders will be voted in by each group (workers, scientist and specials). Each group would vote for
Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. I didn’t know a great deal before researching this topic and I’m assuming that it is part of the reason your classes have this assignment is to demonstrate what we have learned over the course of the two weeks. I knew NASA plans to travel to Mars in the 2030’s since it is the only planet that today’s technology will be able to reach and that can be livable by humans. I knew Mars is habitable since rovers have sent a great amount of information back to Earth and most importantly they have found water. I was motivated by wanting to find more information about the exploration to Mars because learning something new about an interesting topic astonishes
The topic of going to mars is highly discussed among scholars and ordinary people due to the reason that it is believed that Mars can support human life. Due to the fact, that global warming is on the rise has caused many scientists to believe that eventually the earth’s ecosystem will plummet, making life on earth for humans impossible. Many scientists argue that extra research on mars is needed due to the fact that the human race would eventually be forced to migrate outside of earth, if there is to be a continuation of the human race. However, the funding for such research is immense as it is, and it is projected that this “budget will increase by 20% by the government within the next few years.” This astounding increase in budget, has led to many uncertainties as to why the government funds such an expensive research for humans to leave earth when that money could be spent on the problems relating to global warming. Here on earth it is a fact that global warming is a serious issue regarding the future of the planet. Therefore, the government funds should be allocated to research ways to emit less carbon dioxide or to try and find cleaner and safer ways to create energy for the growing human population. Another reason to stop funding the research and exploration of mars is that most space exploration is caused by human curiosity. Human curiosity has led multi-million dollar institutions like NASA to explore the deep wonders of the world and discover new technologies which changed the world. Despite, the curiosity and the technologies that exploring the universe has brought, this interest is extremely expensive and time consuming. At times the curiosity led space exploration projects were made to look like a patriotic act due to political reasons. As a result, these projects were believed to be well-worth spent since it brought great
When scientists colonize mars it will give people the opportunity to find ice underground, it well inspire so many people, and it will allow mankind another place to live. People are ready to go to mars for things the Earth needs. It will be a expensive trip but scientists can do
costs six billion dollars just to send a couple of people to Mars. The people in which are organizing this expedition say it can be done by 2027. Colonizing Mars is a terrible idea, since people are risking their lives, there is not a natural source of water on Mars, and it costs a tremendously outrageous price to reach Mars.
The global structure of Mars is well documented through viewings by scientists. However, without actually stepping foot on the planet, all we know of it is through observation. Due to this, the issue of plate tectonics on Mars is a contested issue. While scientists are sure that the core of Mars is not active, which means no plate tectonics; they cannot be sure that there was never a time when there were.
The planet Mars is a red plant that is found in the Solar System in the Milky Way Galaxy one planets farther from the sun than Earth. The planet Mars has a very thin atmosphere full of primarily carbon dioxide. The surface of Mars is very dusty and rocky because of volcanoes. The geology of Mars is different from Earth in many ways including the amount of volcanoes, mountains, valleys, and internal makeup.
Mars Inc., cares about commitment and their organizational culture is built upon five principles: Quality; Responsibility; Mutuality; Efficiency and Freedom. Mars has practiced these principles for generations and plans to continue far into the future. “The company’s objective is the manufacture and distribution of food products in such manner as to promote a mutuality of services and benefits among all stakeholders” (Forrest E. Mars, Sr., 1947). Mars is a private, family-owned business and states mutuality (teamwork) and freedom are what makes them stand out from other organizations.
The Mars One project, a mission that will attempt to establish a permanent human settlement on Mars, has become immensely popular since its announcement in December of 2013. With the mission’s growing popularity, the CEO of the project, Bas Lansdrop, has established that within twelve years, the first humans will land on the surface of the barren planet and begin colonization (“Mars One: Roadmap”.) Mars One presents our species with the capability to discover new life forms, valuable resources, and it pushes the limits of our technological potential. It is not perplexing to see why countless individuals have signed up to be a part of this historic mission, and ultimately “the next giant leap for mankind.” (Lansdrop.) Although this mission