
Moving To Mars Research Paper

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Before the expedition: The reason why I choose to move to Mars is because my life is pointless on Earth. Think about it, almost everything on Earth has been explored or changed in some way and I just want to live in an area that I can make a difference. Soon it will be Autumn 2045, the arrival time to Mars, and I am so ready for the change. I know some of the people are going to have a hard time getting over their family, but for me it is a little different. The only “family” I have is a pet chinchilla Han Solo, R.I.P, and he is just not filling the void. Everyone has to choose a colony and has to go through training. I chose The Mars Force because of their great propaganda and how they planned ahead by choosing to land by a mountain for mining purposes. Their flag looks like outer space with mars in the middle and a person on each side. Their government is oligarchy because a group of specialists own the colony. The training …show more content…

I’ll be glad when the medical lab so that if I get hurt I won’t have to worry about it. NO! A massive dust storm hit us and yet again we are stuck inside for awhile. When it was finally over we explored the cave entrance to find out how extensive they are and wow it seems as if they go on for miles and miles. Also when we were mining we found some sort of fossil in Tharsis Tholis.
Summer 2046: Slowly but surely we are coming together and improving. The plan is to keep growing, so a concrete-brick factory and another basic greenhouse is going to be built. There was a fuel explosion so the greenhouses only produce have of what they normally do. When exploring the Euchos chasma there was an extremely old, like 2.5 billion years old, fossil which is so cool and could have never been found on Earth. Now that I have been here for awhile I have found out what I like about Mars the most, the sunset. Also not sure how I feel about leaving the non-space ice cream

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