
Moving To Mexico Research Paper

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Imagine waking up to a beautiful view every day, without a care in the world about the expenses of life, but instead enjoying the perfect weather that makes life just that easier. This would be the perfect description for the beautiful land of Mexico, that has proven itself to be one of the finest places to live in. This country would be one of the top three locations people would consider moving to when they no longer find their way of living in their country to be worthwhile. They are not only attracted to the great climate, but the affordable cost of living and job opportunities that are offered to them. Most people decide to move to Mexico when they retire so that they can enjoy the luxurious resorts and attractions. In fact, Mexico has …show more content…

On the website Expat Info Desk, an article titled “Living in Mexico: A Guide to Moving to Mexico as an Expat” gives people who are considering moving from their country a gist of what it is like to live in Mexico. Allegedly, one of the most beneficial factors in moving to Mexico is the difference in currency, that allows middle-class Americans to “enjoy a high standard of living” with lower prices for basic necessities such as grocery items (Living in Mexico). The drastic difference between a US Dollar and a Mexican Peso allow young families to adapt to the lifestyle in Mexico easily with only a small amount of saved up money. Another factor that families focus on when moving is what city to settle in and how expensive housing will be in those locations. Although places like Mexico City are far more expensive than other towns and cities, for the most part “housing in Mexico is relatively cheap,” in comparison making moderately sized properties the same amount as a small clustered property in the United States (Living in Mexico). This alone becomes specifically beneficial to Americans who never get to enjoy luxury time to themselves, or work all day throughout the week to live a barely lived life, which could all change by moving to a new country. Not only is moving to Mexico a stable place to start a new life, but a constant vacation with all of the easily accessible beaches and tourist attractions to some of the most beautiful places in the

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