
Mr. Benedict

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The personality of these two characters is the same, but so different. They both have an agenda and will not let anyone or anything stop them. Their thoughts and behaviors are very calculated that their next move is somewhat unexpected. Each character is influenced by the environment that they are accustomed to; and their egos co-inside with their reputation. Throughout the entire movie, you start to see exactly how the characters develop and match their personality. You see how each character interacts with the people around them. Danny Ocean is very instinctive; a born leader. He knows how to delegate to get want he wants done. Although he is very articulate, one may not know this based off his past. There is a self-confidence about him, that makes him the best at what he does. Danny is also a persuader that usually gets whatever he wants and will go through any means to get it. As we look at Terry Benedict, he is very slick and by the book. Everything runs like clockwork and his next move is always by the book. Mr. Benedict can also be an antagonist; an adversary. Terry knows that he is dating Danny Ocean’s lady and tries to rub it in his face every change he gets. But Mr. Benedict is a control freak; likes to be in charge. He does not want anything or …show more content…

Personality plays a big part in who we are, it is such a broad subject when it comes to science and in daily life. The various theories of personality that play throughout this movie has helped us gain a deeper and better understanding of what makes each character unique. By learning more about each character, you can better understand how they interact with themselves as well as each other. The Trait Theory can be applied to this movie since it focuses on specific types of behavior by traits. The traits focus on a person’s personality, how they think, and why they behave a certain

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