The personality of these two characters is the same, but so different. They both have an agenda and will not let anyone or anything stop them. Their thoughts and behaviors are very calculated that their next move is somewhat unexpected. Each character is influenced by the environment that they are accustomed to; and their egos co-inside with their reputation. Throughout the entire movie, you start to see exactly how the characters develop and match their personality. You see how each character interacts with the people around them. Danny Ocean is very instinctive; a born leader. He knows how to delegate to get want he wants done. Although he is very articulate, one may not know this based off his past. There is a self-confidence about him, that makes him the best at what he does. Danny is also a persuader that usually gets whatever he wants and will go through any means to get it. As we look at Terry Benedict, he is very slick and by the book. Everything runs like clockwork and his next move is always by the book. Mr. Benedict can also be an antagonist; an adversary. Terry knows that he is dating Danny Ocean’s lady and tries to rub it in his face every change he gets. But Mr. Benedict is a control freak; likes to be in charge. He does not want anything or …show more content…
Personality plays a big part in who we are, it is such a broad subject when it comes to science and in daily life. The various theories of personality that play throughout this movie has helped us gain a deeper and better understanding of what makes each character unique. By learning more about each character, you can better understand how they interact with themselves as well as each other. The Trait Theory can be applied to this movie since it focuses on specific types of behavior by traits. The traits focus on a person’s personality, how they think, and why they behave a certain
The traits between the two characters appear similar in the beginning, but despite this their traits
The two protagonists in the story share many similar traits, but also are very different.
Funder discusses on how personality psychology formulates around numerous basic approaches. One approach Funder talks about is the biological approach, which addresses the mental process on our behavior including anatomy, physiology, genetics, and evolution. This approach analyses our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors through our mind. Another approach that Funder discusses is the trait approach, which is basically the study of human personality; the trait approach concentrates on the way an individual differs in emotion, thought, and behavior and how those differences are measured. These two approaches complement each other because the trait approach focuses on routine patterns of an individual that are behaviors, feelings, and thoughts which those
Overall, these two characters mostly have different tones of communicating.
characters are in many ways divergent, and it is in fact these traits that reveal the most about
In the movie, Ocean’s 11, upon his release from prison, Danny Ocean seeks to carry out one last job, a 3 in 1 casino robbery. Immediately, Ocean seeks out his smart and trustworthy friend, Rusty, who must help him coordinate the ultimate plan. After carefully running through the concept and evaluating the chances of success, they decide to go with it. Together, the two carefully develop an effective team, selectively recruiting people they personally know, each with different sets of skills and knowledge needed to perform certain critical tasks. More importantly, the two masterminds pitch the idea to Ruben, whom they know loathes Benedict, the owner of the casinos they wish to rob, almost instantly he climbs on board.
Which Danny wants to steal back for himself. On the side note Danny Ocean wants to rob these Las Vegas vaults is because their owned by Terry Benedict who is married to Danny's former wife Tess. Then Danny ocean and Rusty Ryan hire nine men to do this job a card dealer Frank, pickpocket Linus, con artist Saul, British bomb man Basher, computer techies expert Dell, two brothers Virgil and Turk and a acrobat expert that can fit in tight spaces Yen. They follow three rules in this movie, no blood, rob only people that deserve it, do it as if you have nothing to lose. The main character always keeps his cool even in uncomfortable situations where it would make the average person very uncomfortable this is the type of man the media makes you want to be. Of course at the end of the movie they rob Terry Benedict and Danny leaves with his wife.
Personality and how we behave have been of much interest to psychologists for a long time now and because of this there have been many theories and theorists that have been developed. Personality is defined as consistent behavior patterns and intrapersonal processes originating within and individual (Fritzley, 2012, p. 10). There are six main approaches to personality psychology they include: biological approach, humanistic approach, behaviorist approach, trait approach, psychoanalytic approach and cognitive approach. Each approach shines a little light onto why we behave the way we do and how our personalities are formed, the approaches contain many different theories from
Danny Ocean Rusty’s faithful co-leader, plays on the desire of Rusty to have excitement. Rusty is bored teaching celebrities how to play poker. Danny pulls Rusty out of this mundane way of life therefore inspires a personal change for Rusty. Rusty’s networking of resources has allowed Danny and Rusty to quickly identify which members needed to build their team. Danny and Rusty target potential members for their team that were dissatisfied with their lives. Rusty as well as several of the members fall into the Maslow’s stage of sense of belonging. This Maslow stage ultimately works well within the team, with Rusty using several influence tactics to manipulate attitudes and behaviors of the team to exercise his power over the rest of the team.
There are many theories that have been created to help try and explain how personality
They both shut out the world and turn to violent behavior in order to cope with their situations. Both characters are mysterious and withholding information from people around them. The society in both of these
In both cases, we as readers can clearly see the ways in which the traits of the characters differ, and how it relates to the way in which our personality traits come about when we face adversity in society.
Burger (2008), says that there are many theories of personality and psychologists try to explain it with their own approaches. Discussed here will be the psychoanalytic approach, the trait approach, the biological approach the humanistic approach, the behavioural/social learning approach and the cognitive approach. They were devised to search for specific patterns in behaviour and ways of thinking about these
Danny and Rusty set up the path to be followed to achieve their goal - to rob three casinos owned by the ever ruthless Terry Benedict. Danny acts like the charismatic leader of the team. The plan is to pull off the heist, but what enhances the movie’s plot is Danny Ocean's charm. Besides the common shared goal, the film also focuses on
Chapter 10 is over personality. Personality is described as a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize the way an individual adapts to the world. The book goes over psychodynamic perspectives, trait perspectives, personological and life story perspectives, social cognitive perspectives, and biological perspectives.