D/A: Mr. Brown had two appointments this week. On 02/06/17, Mr. Brown was transported to his appointment with Dr. Chua. According per Nurse Note, assessment states shortness of breath, coughing and tiredness. Consumer complained of pain, headache, back pain and arm pain. Consumer was assisted to his appointment with Dr. Redelcovecui in Dover at 2:42 p.m. On 02/08/17, according to the Nurse note, consumer was seen by Christiana Care Vising Nurse Associates for physical therapist evaluation. The Visiting Nurse stated that “consumer tolerated treatment well today.” Consumer met with his psychiatrist Dr. Capiro on02/06/17. Dr. Capiro provided consumer a comprehensive, psychiatric & medication review and an assessment of his needs. Consumer was …show more content…
Brown showered independently. On 02/05/17, Case Manager was helping Mr. Brown search for his missing cell phone when Case Manager came across a pack of Newport cigarette and a lighter. Case Manager took the pack of Newport Cigarette and light and placed it on Manager’s table. Case Manager warned Mr. Brown about the hazard of sneaking cigarette in his room, because of his oxygen gas and the implication smoking has on his health. Staff noted in the communication log that consumer showered twice on 02/05/17, the consumer diaper was covered in feces. Mr. Brown asked for Zofran medication at 7:30 p.m... Mr. Brown was prompted and assisted with personal care on 02/06/17. He was compliant. Mr. Brown refused to eat lunch on 02/06/17; staff encourage the consumer, but did not respond. On 02/08/17, staff noted in the communication log that if Mr. Brown did not have his proof of his divorce certificate by February 23; his Long Term Care application will be denied to move to a Nursing Home. On 02/08/17, when Mr. Brown was prompted to come out for his medication; it took him 15mins before coming out. Staff stated that on 02/09/17, Mr. Brown showered immediately when he returned from dialysis treatment at 4:50 p.m. Mr. Brown nose was bleeding while receiving his 5pm medication on 02/19/17; he reportedly told the Nurse that his nose has been bleeding for the past few weeks and staffs knew about his nose bleed. Jody a Nurse from Christina Care called concerning Mr. Brown medication. Jody stated that she will visit the following day at 8:00 am and would like to speak with the Nurse in charge of Mr. Brown’s medication. Mr. Brown showered independently in the morning on
During interview Ms. Stoker was alert, aware of surroundings, and answered all questions appropriately and independently. During the visit Ms. Stoker dry heaved into a garbage bucket, and visited the restroom once. The worker was at the residence for about 2 hours. Initially Ms. Stoker was shaking uncontrollable to the point of shaking the entire bed. At the end of the visit the shaking had stopped and Ms. Stoker was smiling and interaction with worker while talking about DELETEbeing a wife and mother. During visit Ms. Stoker received a call from Alacare Home Health. She informed them she was out of her pain medicine but did not inform them she was out of all medicine. Alacare called the pharmacy and was informed she did
appeared her stated age and appeared in good health. She was in no acute distress. She was alert, satisfactorily groomed, and casually dressed. She was cooperative and appropriate in the meeting. She had normal motor activity, with no unusual gestures or mannerisms. She made eye contact appropriately. her affect was appropriate. Client ambulates with a cane. She was oriented to person, place, time and situation. She denied suicidal or homicidal ideation.
Mrs. Carroll stated on today’s date, she noticed her husband, James Carroll, was missing some medication. She advised the medication that appeared to be missing was listed as Fentanyl Transdermal, methadone 10 MG, and Morphine Sulfate. She stated the last time she seen the medications was approximately 3 days ago. She continued to state only immediately family was inside the residence the last few days. She also stated she can’t pin point anyone because she did not see anyone take the medication.
How has the outlook of the police changed over the last five years? Well there has been very many controversial cases where citizens have ended up dead. Are these officers really cold blooded killers? Or are the citizens the ones at fault here?
The patient went as far to admit that she currently is having a hard time breathing, but has an appointment with her gynecologist on Monday. This writer advised the patient that if she has difficulties breathing she will need to go to the ER immediately and be medically assessed by Nursing. The patient started crying about she does not want to be medically assessed as she needs to return her boyfriend vehicle so that he can work. This writer informed the patient about the seriousness of her health comes first. This writer called Nursing Chrystal, but no response. Then this writer and the patient went to the Nursing Director office to be medically assessed. According to the Nursing Director, she advised the patient to go to the ER first and will not be dosed today unless she provides proof of documentations of her visit. Again, the patient fussed and then says, " I am fine, it's not serious," however, the patient was advised to follow medical
D- The patient arrived on time for her session and reports being stable on dose and haven't used any illicit drugs. This writer advised the patient that this writer was in fact in receipt of missed phone call about coming to the session at 10:30 am rather than 10 am due to her mother in the process of selling the house. This writer addressed with the patient about letter from CHR from her counselor, Jade Bray stating about the patient non-compliance with her appointment due transportation barrier. According to the patient, she is going through hardship as her mother is no longer taking her to her appointment as the patient says, " She's tired of bringing me everyone, Charlene. She complains about bringing me here and does not understand why I can't even get a bottle...:Like c'mon. What do I have to do?" This writer explained to the patient about TEAM decision, at which the patient disagree with the decision. This writer asked the patient about her "judgement." According to the patient, she feels she is making judgement by not engaging any further altercation with patient at the clinic, dosing daily, coming to her counseling session, and trying to get help from Chrysalis for
Psychiatric- patient is a little anxious about these new symptoms and their significance. We discussed her situation and I offered her psychologic services, she refused for now.
a 44 year old Divorced African Male came into Henry Ford Hospital ED as a walk-in and told the HFHS staff that he was having mental health issues he does still struggle with depression and anxiety. The consumer stated that he initially went into the hospital after his brother was shot twice in the head. At that time the client reports that he was placed on Risperdal, while at Kingswood in January, and he became a zombie at that time. He stated that he has been in and of the hospital multiple times since then, and each time, he has been placed on Risperdal and he doesn't feel that his meds were ever adjusted correctly.
The patient was admitted to the hospital by her daughter after discovering that she had abandoned her medication and was significantly experiencing adverse effects from the withdrawal. The patients’ medical history included renal dysfunction, anemia, malnourishment, back pain, and a family history of mental health. The patient has a psychiatric history of being previously placed in the same clinical structure eight months ago due to related issues including the failure to take her medication and increased levels of mental health conditions that led
In this case Plaintiff Jim Brown is regarded as one of the best professional football players of all time, starring for the Cleveland Browns from 1957 to 1965 before his eventual induction into the NFL Hall of Fame. Defendant Electronic Arts, Inc. (EA), produces and sells video games, including the popular Madden NFL series of football video games. The Madden NFL series allows users to control avatars representing professional football players. Those avatars play football, the game allows users to participate in other aspects of a simulated NFL teams by mirroring real players, even including the their names, jersey numbers, physical attributes, and physical skills. While EA has entered into licensing
The decision of the Brown case once again caused the white of North Carolina to have a mixed reaction. The Governor William Umstead said that he was “terribly disappointed” in the Supreme Court’s ruling. A few days after the Brown decision Irving Carlyle, a Winston-Salem lawyer and Democratic leader, declared that North Carolinas had “no other course except to obey the law laid down by the United States Supreme Court.” In response to the Brown Gov. Umstead created an Advisory Committee on Education that consisted of sixteen whites and three blacks. The Pearsall Plan was issued in 1956. This plan did not end segregated schools, but it provided parents and local school boards the necessary tools to avoid desegregation. The committee gave local
Differential diagnoses are developed by a clinician upon learning of the chief complaint. One must begin to develop the possibility of potential diagnoses mentally to guide the care provided to the patient. These potential diagnoses are developed by the care provider and are often based on one’s past clinical experiences, awareness of the illness and a clear understanding of the patient’s complaint (Goolsby & Grubbs, 2014). The care provider with experience may develop these diagnoses independently and others with less experience may utilize evidence-based resources and clinical guidelines to aid in this process (Goolsby & Grubbs, 2014). The process for reaching a final diagnosis requires further investigation and use of physical assessment
MBDO Brown will Archives Excellence by Serving as a role model , peer-to-peer coach to fellow BDO in accurate and timely completion of all BDA related reports that included but no limited to Notebooks, BEAM reports. Notebooks will be needs to be clear and legible, when called-out MBDO Brown will have to update your BEAM reports to include you U/A, Early-out requested and any trade-shift, trade day and Overtime if any.
2/9/2016: After several attempts to contact the Mental Healthcare of Cullman, Dr. Kahn’s office I called the patient back and explained that I was having difficulty reaching Steve in nursing and requested another contact there who may assist with her prescriptions. She gave me the name of her former counselor, Cindy and I left a message for both Steve and Cindy today. The patient confirms that she is nearly out of her medications and asked about her referral to the GI physician, which per the patient was to be sent several weeks ago and she hasn’t receive a response yet and is very distress over it. I confirmed that it was recorded in Dr. Turner’s note from the patient’s visit on 12/22/2015, although a referral could not be found in her chart
Counselor flagged Pt. on the AMS computer system to meet with this writer before dosing. Pt. met with counselor discussed and completed an AMS Dose evaluation to increase her dosage of methadone because she isn’t feeling well and experiencing side effects. Counselor prompted Pt. to talk about her pregnancy, medical appointment and to schedule her monthly therapy session with this writer. Pt. reported that her pregnancy is going well and she is having a lot of appointments at the Bay health hospital in Dover, DE. Pt. stated that they can’t determine the baby sex because her baby has the legs cross. Counselor told pt. that the Bay Health Hospital has a good nicu care unit and professional doctors. Counselor asked Pt.is