
Mr. Collaboration Case Study

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In Scenario 2, Mr. Collet’s homework policy promotes best practices with positive social interaction because he permits his students to develop the homework assignments during class which encourages collaboration and peer-sharing among the students. According to research collaboration promotes a deeper understanding of homework content and inspires a higher motivation to remain on task (Wnet Education, 2004). Students have an opportunity to connect with their teacher and colleagues by asking questions, providing input, or requesting clarification. This policy would also prove beneficial to students who struggle with interpersonal communication because they may benefit from the controlled and structured environment that collaboration provides. …show more content…

In Scenario 1, Ms. Smith writes down the homework assignment on the whiteboard and she leaves the responsibility of recording and completing the assignment at the students’ discretion. Her homework policy promotes best practices with self-motivation because the students know what is expected of them and they know that the information she writes on the whiteboard is important and that it is to their benefit to write down that information and complete the assignment. Ms. Smith’s policy promotes self-motivation because the assignment is not spoon-fed to her students. They are expected to be responsible for recording all pertinent information regarding the assignments and completing them on time. According to research it is important that teachers set high but realistic expectations for their students to develop intrinsic motivation by providing early opportunities for success (Davis, 1999). This policy would be effective in a fifth grade classroom because it will teach my students discipline, responsibility, and accountability. My students are going to be motivated within themselves to be involved in this policy because they are held accountable for their own success or failure in class. Having the assignment written on the board eliminates any student from making excuses that they didn’t know what the assignment was or they didn’t know when it was due because the whiteboard is there for

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