In Scenario 2, Mr. Collet’s homework policy promotes best practices with positive social interaction because he permits his students to develop the homework assignments during class which encourages collaboration and peer-sharing among the students. According to research collaboration promotes a deeper understanding of homework content and inspires a higher motivation to remain on task (Wnet Education, 2004). Students have an opportunity to connect with their teacher and colleagues by asking questions, providing input, or requesting clarification. This policy would also prove beneficial to students who struggle with interpersonal communication because they may benefit from the controlled and structured environment that collaboration provides. …show more content…
In Scenario 1, Ms. Smith writes down the homework assignment on the whiteboard and she leaves the responsibility of recording and completing the assignment at the students’ discretion. Her homework policy promotes best practices with self-motivation because the students know what is expected of them and they know that the information she writes on the whiteboard is important and that it is to their benefit to write down that information and complete the assignment. Ms. Smith’s policy promotes self-motivation because the assignment is not spoon-fed to her students. They are expected to be responsible for recording all pertinent information regarding the assignments and completing them on time. According to research it is important that teachers set high but realistic expectations for their students to develop intrinsic motivation by providing early opportunities for success (Davis, 1999). This policy would be effective in a fifth grade classroom because it will teach my students discipline, responsibility, and accountability. My students are going to be motivated within themselves to be involved in this policy because they are held accountable for their own success or failure in class. Having the assignment written on the board eliminates any student from making excuses that they didn’t know what the assignment was or they didn’t know when it was due because the whiteboard is there for
OT and COTA collaboration: Both the registered occupational therapist (OT) and the certified occupational therapy assistant (COTA), should collaborate over the course of the client’s evaluation, treatment, and discharge. There is a hierarchy of supervision regarding an OT and a COTA, but nevertheless, both clinicians should have a professional team approach and partnership with the common core of serving the client. The team approach relationship should have sound partnership factors such as communication, trust, knowledge, and respect. Both clinicians would communicate clearly to one another of any client concerns, integration of activities within the intervention process, positive treatment outcomes, etc.
The cooperative learning activity of Homework Review can be used for the “out-of-class” assignment. Students meet in small groups to compare and discuss deficiencies they identified by schedule. After students have had a few minutes to compare and discuss their answers the instructor can randomly call on individual students to identify deficiencies they noted.
I interact with the mobile dental van. This van goes within the community to help the underserved population that lack access to care for various reasons. As far as the Dobbs Ferry Campus van come to campus and serve a huge population of children, who otherwise may not receive the appropriate care that is needed. They are referred out to specialties if needed. They provide care to the limited secured detention’s youth who are locked down and is not allow to roam free on campus. They provide care to the foster children that are followed by the clinic in the Bronx. It is a way to meet and provide care for the target population within their community. I also deal with the Family Assistance Program that houses
The two words most often used, ”cooperative and collaboration,” can easily be both applicable to the United States of America and other countries today, and are still often used to describe contract negotiations for the United States of America as well as other countries. (Barnardin & Russell, 2013).
Collaborative learning stems from the theory of Vygotsky’s conception of Zone of proximal development. The thought is that children learn best with “help and guidance” (Ormrod, 2012). In transitioning this zone to a collaborative learning experience, children work with their peers in broadening their learning experience, allowing small groups of students to work together to share knowledge, exchange ideas, problem solve, and more. These classroom environments help to create durable abilities in students and aid in producing a “smoother integration into adult society when the activities resemble real-world tasks” (Ormrod, 2012). As students work with peers and adults, they adopt some of the learning strategies demonstrated and develop more skills in problem solving. This scaffolding creates a trickle-down effect of knowledge construction. In collaborative learning, students are afforded a myriad of enriching opportunities to explore perspectives that may differ from their own. These activities serve to create a self-awareness in the student of their responsibilities to a group, requiring them to self-monitor their activity (Lee, Tsai, Chai, & Koh, 2014).
Kerrie has used the team collaboration, with her senior management team in resolving the problem of cost reduction. They had meetings where they brainstormed on how they can formulate and choose the appropriate strategies to achieve the cost reduction goal of 15% by the end of the year. As a result, the team has come up with recommendations and strategies on how they can implement them. Most of these involved the development of the account management resources and how they can implement and maintain the smooth flow of the system until such time that they have finally achieved their goals. However, the team understands that there will be resistance from the affected account management team, but they know that the senior management team can do
In scenario two, Mr. Collet permits his students to develop homework assignments during class. This homework policy encourages positive social interaction for a fifth grade classroom by fostering team work and collaboration. Students in a fifth grade class would have the opportunity to connect with their teacher and peers by asking questions, providing input, or requesting clarification. This policy would also prove beneficial to students that struggle with interpersonal communication. It would provide a comfortable and structured environment in which to engage other students. This policy increases the overall achievement of the classroom by elevating self-awareness, boosting self- confidence, and presenting the value of exercising freedom
I would collaborate with the unit manager to design the team. We will select diverse champions with different backgrounds, experiences, skills and qualifications. After forming the team, using the similar assessment tools, I will assess the members. This is to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. I would provide the team with the clear idea about the project, purposes, activities included, goals and the timeline to achieve the goals. Depending on the strengths and weaknesses of the members, I will assign the job to the team. The purpose of the activities planned is to make sure the staff are in compliance with the existing policies and protocols of the unit. The team will do chart audits and tracking of the staff activities to ensure the
A time in my life when I had to collaborate with others was my junior season of basketball when we made a run to the regional finals. We didn't have a lot of talented players compared to our competition, but we worked hard all season and came together when it mattered. The biggest game was against #1 Iron Mountain for districts where we were huge underdogs. However, we played like a team whereas Iron Mountain tried to use individual talent and it cost them. This was a prime example of how collaboration was able to do more than working alone, and the season as a whole taught me how valuable teamwork can be.
In the education world of today, it is understood that one can only be effective in teaching by taking into consideration the different learning styles of students. In a classroom, it is expected that teachers would want their students to acquire a meaningful knowledge base, become proficient problem solvers and learn how to work productively with others (Biehler and Snowman, 2006, p. 370). If this is the case, teachers need to know how to be able to develop this situation in the classroom and make it more conducive to learning. Therefore, it would seem that they need to encourage students to converse with each other with group discussions and assignments, to make sure they are active in
Collaboration Is to help people in each other's needs. The individual cannot bear all the burdens of this life alone. Many of us hate cooperation and helping others. Especially in school when we have a project and the teacher asks us to help and get into group, some of us would say I will do it alone or I would prefer to withdraw and do the whole project alone.
“Through collaboration, ideas can be shared, new and better strategies can be developed, problems can be solved, students’ progresses can be better monitored, and their outcomes are evaluated effectively.”¬ (Lee, 1996).
Some teachers may say they have heard these since day one of their teaching careers. They’ve probably heard many excuses such as: ‘My dog ate my homework’ to ‘Sorry, I was just too tired to finish the assignment’. But hey, we’re just kids, we don’t know much about point proven. Students: Now answer this, Have you ever cheated on a test?, wrote a whole paper the night before it was due?, or even found some way to get out of an assignment?. If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you are in fact the definition of what it is to be a student. There are many students who have legitimate excuses to not do their homework but others just don’t do it cause the whole time they’re sitting at their desk, they are thinking to themselves: Am I really going to need to know how to find the circumference of a circle in the future?; that’s why we have Google. On the website The Atlantic it states “A 2009 Metlife study found that 45 percent of students in grades 3 to 12 spend more spend more than an hour a night doing homework [...] a study out of the University of Michigan found that American students from ages 6 to 17 spend three hours and 38 minutes per week doing homework.”. This just proves how much students don’t do their assignments and with all that extra time in their hands, they are coming up with excuses to tell their teachers the next day as to why they didn’t do their homework. The best excuse i ever
Fundamentally the role of the classroom teacher is to implement strategies to support, engage and extend the learning of all individuals. In order for this to occur we need to also consider how we involve, collaborate and communicate with parents, fellow colleagues and specialised teachers. Ashman and Elkins (2008) state that teachers need to make themselves aware of the support systems they can access or create to support the needs of all students. This in turn will ultimately enhance teaching potential allowing teachers to fully maximise learning for all. I personally believe that collaboration is not only essential to the professional growth of teachers (Cramer & Stivers, 2007), but a vital key when acting in the best interest of the students and their families.
2. Cooperative learning directed towards focusing on students’ team work while doing their project assignments.