Mr. Ed Rutland, a Criminal Investigator, received information from TCEQ PST Investigator Kompanik regarding Mr. Manual Tavira. She said that Mr. Tavira submitted a Site Closure Report for Stop in Food Mart (Fuel Express #4) located at 8500 Old Galveston Road in Houston, Texas. The report documented that the fuel tanks, fuel dispensers, and the piping was removed and that soil samples were obtained from the four walls of the tank pit, from the three dispensers and pipe trenches. Ms. Kompanik conducted a site visit to verify the work finding that the fuel dispensers and pipes were still in place. She did not believe it was possible to obtain soil samples from the dispensers and pipe trenches if pavement still covered the piping and the dispensers
On 8/3/15 worker spoke with Ms. Lisa Welch, SW at the VA, for the purpose of gathering information on Mr. James Kimbrell's current situation. Ms. Welch stated the VA had been involved with Mr. Welch for some time. During their involvement, Ms. Stacy Grey, primary caregiver and rents a trailer from Mr. Kimbrell. She refuses to pay rent but transports him to doctor appointments and grocery shopping. However, she charges him money for transportation. and when he buys groceries, she puts personal belongings into the buggy. Mr. Kimbrell is blind and is not aware of what he purchases until he gets home and she starts taking groceries just purchased out of the home.
Roger Shockley was incarcerated in Madison County jail at the beginning of the case opening. Roger was placed in reception at Graham Correctional Center for the months of January and February. In the end of February Roger was transfer to Big Muddy Correctional Center. Roger has not made contact with this worker about his transfer or services he is engaging in at Big Buddy Correctional Center.
On the day of October 21, 2015 the accused, Johnny Joshua Uy was nearing the end of his trial. Mr. Uy's case was presided over by Madam Justice Power and was tried on the Supreme Court Criminal level; Mr. Uy also elected to be tried by judge and jury. Mr. Uy was charged with three serious indictable offences. The charges laid against the accused was importing/exporting a controlled substance, possession for the purpose of trafficking, and possession of a controlled substance. All three charges can be found under the Canada's Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. The first charge importing/exporting a controlled substance can be found under section 6(1) of the act. Section 6(1) states: “Except as authorized under the regulations, no person
Mr. Larry Boston, a Maryland resident, took a miscellaneous itemized deduction for his education expenses relating to his M.B.A. courses on Schedule A of his 2013 tax return. From 2002 to 2007, Mr. Boston was employed at a private school where he taught physical education, coached athletic teams and conducted administrative work.
Travis attends Devereux Glenholme, a residential treatment center in Connecticut based on a March 27, 2014 settlement agreement between BISD and the parents. Devereux Glenholme primarily serves high functioning children with a medical diagnosis of Asperger’s, ADHD, OCD, Tourette, depression, anxiety and various learning difficulties.
Mr. Goins is a 52 year old male who presented to the ED via LEO following a 4 day binge on alcohol and requesting help with his dependence. Mr. Goins reports he moved to Asheboro recently and found work, however recently lost his job. He reported a history of alcohol use and depression. Dr. Keith requested an assessment on Mr. Goins.At the time of the assessment Mr. Goins denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis. He reports 5 days ago he became unemployed. Mr. Goins reports his fiance who is his primary support system left town to go to a doctor appointment in their home state of Georgia. He reports binge drinking for the past 4 days attempting to cope with his recent stressor. Mr. Goins reports calling his fiance last night an expressed to her he need help. He states, "I told her I felt at the time no reason to live." Further Mr. Goins stated, "I just had too much in me last night, I had about 14 of them airplane bottles." Mr. Goins denies a history of self harm. He does report a prior hospitalization for depression in Georgia. He also reports a history of attending substance abuse treatment, which was a positive experience for him.
After his IUSD appointment, Mr. Haley was seen by his internist and received a prescription to help alleviate his foot pain. What’s the most likely reason for his foot pain and which medication would you expect his internist prescribed? (3 pts)
If unlawful acts are occurring by another group trying to disrupt the peaceful assembly, I believe that the police would have no choice in the matter of disbanding both groups in order to restore the general order and provide the safety of the general public. There would not be a way of knowing who were the original peaceable protestors and the opposing group. If police allowed for the assembly to continue by only arresting the individuals committing unlawful acts there is the possibility that the opposing group would hide in the crowd until police are not in the area to observe and then commit those unlawful acts to avoid arrest.
On Thursday, July 9, 2015 I interviewed Shirley Herron at her residence in regards to the complaint she filed against Dr. Justin LaMonda. Mrs. Herron’s complaint alleges Unethical Behavior, Negligence, and Unprofessional Conduct.
Mr. Gotcher is in compliance with his treatment plan this reporting period. He has not had any known incidents raises concern about the safety of others in the community, self, and the staff at Ambitions.
Walter McMillian filed a petition after spending six years in prison. He had been convicted and facing a death row at Alabama State. On 1986, Ronda Morrison was murdered in Monroe County. Walter McMillian and Ralph Myers were convicted for this murder. Myers pleaded guilty to a lesser offence presented at court and also testified against Walter McMillian. Walter was convicted for capital murder and was sentenced to death. The murder conviction was reversed, after the petition had been filed, on the grounds that the state had excluded exculpatory evidence.
What Earl Rochester is trying to explain in his argument is that he wants to make a law that help
Purpose: The purpose of the Memo is to address the problem at Henry Stewart’s property.
On Sunday, September 6, 2015, at approximately 1915 hours, I, Officer Juan Virella, was contacted by Ameer Heyward (Operations Supervisor-Food Services) to conduct a stand audit at Dockside Fries. I immediately notified Sergeant Frank Long (Investigations Sergeant), who then instructed Officers Cassidy, Rankin, Summey and I to proceed to the location and conduct the Stand Audit. The Stand Audit produced $47.53 in various locations including under the register, in the freezer and in the wine box. After updating Sergeant Long on the status of the Stand Audit, we were instructed to conduct Compliance Verifications and interview all Associates working at Dockside Fries.
While agree with you concerning the right of the New York Times to publish the documents they received, I differ with you concerning Mr. Ellsberg. I do not think Mr. Ellsberg had the right to steal the documents and provide them to the press. He was bound by the rules of protecting classified material, which prevents discussing classified information with others with the appropriate clearance level and the need-to-know. Even from the whistle-blowers stand point; he should not have removed classified documents. The only means I can see of him providing any information to the press would have been to provide basic information that the government was lying to the public via an anonymous tip.