Mr Ferguson, I must humble question your opinion that this war was a justified rebellion. I fear that we may have been wrong in our actions. While you are correct that we are out from under British rule, what has it cost us? My business in Charleston was burned to the ground during this costly war. My families plantation was sacked for harboring Colonial forces when General Cornwallace and his troops marched through the countryside. My father and brothers have all been killed in this justified war. I greatly desired to be free from the oppression that had been weighing us down while we served the whims of the king. Yet I find myself wondering if we were truly justified as I look to the future. Scripture says, "Do not keep talking so proudly
with a great amount of nationalism. While this was happening, the mother county, the British Empire was in debt from the war. The only way the mother country could receive the money was by taxing the colonists. Most of these taxes were already in the law but were never enforced. Amazingly, this angered the colonists. Most of the colonists were influenced by the small percentage of people who riled up the rest. ( Document 4). Thes pople were called the Sons of Liberty or Patriots. It wasn’t long before the colonists started a revolution So the question is were the colonists were justified or unjustified in waging the revolution and braking away from the mother
The affirmative team would have you believe that the revolutionary war was justified. However, this is not correct because First they said that the colonist shouldn't be ruled by a country(a small island as they put it)that is 4340 miles away.But what they forgot to mention is that the colonist were sent over with British supplies and money.They also forgot that the colonist didn't leave for freedom from the British but for freedom of religion ,economic gain and many other reasons, according to means the colonist knew they would be under British rule still.Also, our opponents say that the British butchered 5 of the colonist and injured more. I admitted 5 colonist died in the Boston massicure but not butchered ,they were
Were the American Colonists justified in waging war and breaking away from Britain? The American colonists were right in waging war and breaking away from Britain because they had no role in Parliament, they were unable to use the land that they won after the French and Indian war, they are scared that the government will rule even more unfairly. The colonists had no role or vote in the british parliament. In document E, the king had “Establishment over an absolute tyranny over these states.”
In conclusion, the American colonists were fully justified in their declaration of independence from Great Britain. The American colonists never deserved any of the punishment they received through taxes and the other means that were placed upon them. With the continuous counts of corruption acts being placed upon them, American colonist felt no choice but to revolt against the British. Before war commenced colonists made several attempts in peacefully expressing their disapproval, however, the attempts continued with results in
Many people will tell you that American soldiers shouldn’t have disobeyed their “mother country”, Britain, just like a children should never disobey their mother. But people holding that opinion do not realize what Britain did to make the American colonists rebel. It all started in the 1750’s when Great Britain fought a war against the French and their Indian allies, called The French and Indian War. After the war, Britain began passing harsh laws for colonists to follow which made many very upset. Were the American colonists justified in waging war and breaking away from Britain? Americans were justified in declaring independence because British commanders made colonists open their homes to British soldiers, Britain passed harsh laws that
The 1920’s, was a decade of change, when Americans owned cars, radios and other electronics for the first time. The cars brought great transportation and the need for new roads. The radio brought music and entertainment to all. Electronics became a wide phenomenon where it helped with things from transportation to cooking. The 1920’s was a new era which brought immense change to Americans but after WWI, the nation suffered with strikes and a targeted upon communists and foreigners. This was also the time of the red scare. The Red Scare had begun following the Bolshevik Russian Revolution of 1917; a nationwide fear of communists, socialists and anarchists.
If we did not fight, we would have been enslaved by the British. Which they would have taken the land that the united states taken and replace the U.S flag with the Union Jack flag. If they replaced the flag that stands for freedom and soon became the sign of peace, that is why I’m with what happens with the british. They impressed our ships and took the men that were on that ship. So they deserve whatever coming to them. There was a debate between the government if we should declare war or try to negotiate with them to see if they would return the men they took and the ships safely back to the U.S. But did that work nooo so we had to get our hands dirty, so we declared war on them.and right as we did so the british started to march through
Imagine everything that is said is heard in a British accent. It sounds funny now, but that's how it could have been if the colonists had never declared their independence from England. That isn't what happened though. Grievances were made, events came to pass, and the Declaration of Independence was written. Taking a look at the documents from that time, as well as treatment of other colonies by the British one can see that the colonists were completely justified in declaring their independence from England.
I believe the Founding Fathers were justified in rebelling against the British Government and declaring war. It all started prior to the French and Indian war (1756-1763), the colonists possessed substantial self-reliance and liberty. Following the conflict, the British Empire strongly challenged the self-reliance and liberty, and also resolved that the colonists directly pay taxes into the imperial chest to help reduce the huge debt from the war.
In conclusion, the Colonists were very justified in waging war as they were being over taxed, being ruled from across the sea, and weren’t being taken seriously. The main reason was that the King was no longer for his people and was for the money instead. They were rightly justified because a leader of a country should always be for his people. These reasons helped the Colonists because it gave them a reason to keep going when things got tough. They could see the future of this country and they continued to fight until they could live their vision and
I believe the colonists were justified in rebelling against the British, because of the abusive king and British parliament, the taxes without representation, the laws without consent of colonists (such as the Quartering Act), and deaths of the colonists in brutal events, such as the Boston Massacre. All these events combined caused outrage throughout the colonies (such as the Boston Tea Party, and tarring and feathering of British officials), and sparked a rebellion that would change the history of the colonies forever.
Throughout American history, African Americans have had to decide whether they belonged in the United States or if they should go elsewhere. Slavery no doubtfully had a great impact upon their decisions. However, despite their troubles African Americans made a grand contribution and a great impact on both armed forces of the Colonies and British. "The American Negro was a participant as well as a symbol."; (Quarles 7) African Americans were active on and off the battlefield, they personified the goal freedom, the reason for the war being fought by the Colonies and British. The African Americans were stuck in the middle of a war between white people. Their loyalty was not to one side or another, but to a principle, the principle of liberty.
The first reason the revolutionary war was justified was because the king ignored a myriad of petitions. In return, their “petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.” (7) Can you serve, respect, and honour a country that has brought death and soldiers into your land? Even after the King George III received the pleas of the settler, he continued to send more troops to their land, waging a silent war with the colonist’s. In Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, makes a very bold point that supports a big reason why the colonists were not guilty of declaring independence from Britain. He says “But...then tell me whether you can hereafter love, honour, and faithfully serve the power [ English Parliament ] that hath carried fire and sword into your land?” (6)What Paine
In 1763, the French and Indian War ended, leaving Great Britain with large debts. In order to help with the debt, Great Britain passed laws to tax the colonists. The colonists were furious. Were the American colonists justified in waging war and breaking away from Britain? Yes, the American colonists were justified in waging war to break away from Britain because the British Parliament was over taxing the colonists, the colonists were forced to stay on the East side of the Appalachian Mountains, and they had to pay to house and care for British soldiers.
The years of 1763-1765 were truly defining moments for colonist of the colonies, soon to become the United States of America. ‘’War! War! This is the only way!” American Colonist shouted,as they took to the streets proclaiming defiance of British rule. “We as a people shall fight for our freedom and have victory.No more shall we continue to let others control our countries and give our money to a monarch who has no concern for our right’s, dedication that was put forth to help fight and respect us as loyal subjects.We must fight for our freedom!” When American colonist waged war it proved to be the only way for the colonies to become free from Britian. In turn, the colonist were justified in breaking away from England because of: The