BANG!!! It was towards the end second period when a huge clap of thunder startled my working students and I. “Ms. Smith” said one of my students eagerly said “are we going to leave school early because of the storm?” “Probably not,” I answered. “it wasn’t bad this morning. It’ll pass soon.” I made sure my voice was steady to hide my uncertainty. The news had said there was going to be a light rainstorm, it was probably just some rogue thunder.
Then again, it looks pretty bad out.
I told the class to get back to work as I checked the weather. The rainstorm had unexpectedly turned into a colossal thunderhead in only a couple minutes. I had seen many of these storms before so I knew what to do if things go bad. Some of my students
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I counted heads as I lead my third period class through the school halls toward the closest basement entrance. We ran into one of the school librarians, Mr. Neilson, and had him join us. I almost lost my class a couple times, luckily Mr. Neilson was able to help me direct them, it was like herding cats in a sea of other cats. After a few minutes of panic we finally made it to the basement. Mr. Neilson and I helped my students down one by one. Then we helped another class and another and another. We helped almost all the classes in this section of the school to the …show more content…
He walked towards it and put his ear to the door.
He opened it, he opened the door and stepped out causing surrounding people to panic and the volume of the storm to greatly increase.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!” I screeched
“There is a child out there Ms. Smith. I’m not going to leave them out there.” He said all to camly. “Then I’m going to help you.” I responded over the storm. “How did he speak over the storm without raising his voice?” I wondered.
Isaac lead the way towards the screaming children he somehow heard over the storm. I could see once we got close enough that there were two elementary students, I’d say grade five, buried underneath about a foot of rubble. We marched toward them and got on either side of the large piece of rubble hefting it up with great force, for me at least, Isaac lifted it like nothing. He must work out. Together we carried the injured students to the basement and got them proper medical treatment. They had only minor injuries luckily.
The storm passed a couple minutes after and the town got together to clean up. Isaac and I were later declared town heroes for saving the children, who happened to be the mayor’s son and
Over one hundred and twenty five years ago one of the most powerful, disastrous, and devastating snowstorms hit the United States with a deadly vengeance. This particular storm was called by a couple of different names such as “The Murderous Blizzard of 1888” and The School Children’s Blizzard”. No matter which name it is referred as, the results after the storm were gravely unimaginable. Without warning this storm killed over five hundred people mostly children. This life changing, painstaking day would hunt families for years to come. This day in history showed a normal routine of chores being done while school children went off to school, a shift in weather, the blizzard, and life after the blizzard.
Small or big, everything we do in life is part of our journey. Reg Harris’ “The Hero’s Journey” describes the voyage one takes throughout life to grow and change as a person. He breaks the journey down into eight steps leading to the return. It starts out as a goal that isn’t always easy to reach, one goes through hardship and personal doubts only to succeed and become a better person. An example of this journey can be found in the movie, Troy through the character Achilles. Achilles is a strong fearless warrior in the movie, Troy who goes through “The Hero’s Journey” and ends up with a change of heart.
On August 26, the storm was getting weaker everyday. A cold front was moving east and downgraded the storm to tropical. Soon when the Hurricane got to Pennsylvania, the storm faded away. Some people tried to dismantle their houses to see what was left (Sherrow, 1998). After the storm over, 11 inches of rain had fallen in Louisiana, and 7 inches in Mississippi (Rappaport, 1998). 275 small planes were no longer functionable. Over 325 trees looked like they had been smacked off. Power boats were stacked on top of each other. Power lines were down because trees were on top of them (Provenzo JR. & Provenzo,
Joseph Campbell has a theory called The Hero’s Journey in where an individual is shown in a mundane world, called to an adventure, and goes on the adventure. In the adventure, the individual goes on the path of trials that consisting of making new friends, new mentors, new enemies, facing new challenges, gaining new skills, and new knowledge. When the individual comes back to their mundane world, they are the master of two worlds through their new experiences they've gained in the adventure. The Hero’s Journey has been repeated in literature and films through many years: two examples that have The Hero’s Journey are the films, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.
Joseph Campbell is a leading mythology expert and philosopher who studied all myths from around the world and found the “Hero’s Journey,” a pattern or algorithm that appears in common in myth, religious ritual, and storytelling. The Hero’s Journey has three elements, separation, initiation and return. If I think about myself, coming to Hawaii by myself was a separation from my comfortable zone where I was surrounded by my supportive family. First time when I came here, I could not say anything and became quiet because I thought people would think I was a stupid and not understand me. I was afraid of how people think about my language skills. However, I tried to speak from myself, asked people to collect my mistakes, accepted what I cannot do
It was a seemingly normal, sunny day in Kansas. It did began to rain, but that was normal, rain happens everywhere. I still remember everything from what I was doing, and where I was at. This is the story of the tornado that ripped through my town in 2011.
To play a role given to us, isn’t fun once we learn of it, however, breaking away pushes us further into the journey. The Hero's Journey, a repetitive process that seems to be in the basic natural structure of every human, and despite any efforts are often replicating it ourselves. Following the journey is simple and sometimes unavoidable. The whole journey is mapped out by Christopher Vogler's The Writer's Journey. Then seen in Dracula, Bedazzled, and Noah. Also, in a easier way Howl's Moving Castle and The Game.
Soon the moonlight illuminated the scenery. As I was standing on the balcony admiring the scenery something finally went wrong, a huge black cloud covered the moon. I soon heard the thunder. It seemed to be nothing to worry about, so I didn’t acknowledge it. A few hours later the thunder grew louder and I could see the flashes of lightning headed our way. I went inside to inform my parents of the weather, but they didn’t seem to worry about it much until the cloud was almost over the lodge. My family and I left the reception alone while everyone else stayed in cover; they were the smart ones I thought.
As I was hunting through the mystical forest Herot looking for the meal of the night.I was to return to the cave by 9 o’clock to tuck in my precious son to bed.He had a fever that kept on going up and down,and the only thing thing that could help him was a small monster in the forest.I felt this sudden pain in my chest.I ignored the feeling thinking it was just a normal heart burn.I killed the little monster and brought it back home expecting Grendel to be in bed sleeping.I flew into the cave and called out to him.
The rain and thundering outside during this scene made it the more powerful; it helped the viewer understand that something serious was happening, and allowed the viewer to empathize.
My new assignment moved me to be with the fifth graders in Ms. Bolds’ room. I had heard of each of these students but hadn’t met them. It took some adjusting, and more adjusting, but I got to know each of these new fifth graders. We also invited some “pull out” students to our room every day for some extra help with Math and Writing. This made our room crazy at times. One of the things I love about this job is that I never have the same day twice.
My stomach ached with excitement. My hand clenched so tight my knuckles turned white. I felt as if my heart is about to burst with glitter and happiness. This is the moment I had been waiting for ever since I joined in the band. We were sitting and chatting so loud I couldn’t hear what my classmates said right next to me. I looked out the window with a big smile plastered across my face. I couldn’t stop smiling.
Zeke and I has been together for a year and a half. Zeke and I met August 28, 1993 I was working at the mall at the time, in a man's clothing store; and he come in with his cousin Junior. I ask them if they needed help and Junior say yes, because his the one that was buying some clothes, so instead of me helping him I started talking to Zeke and didn't help Junior at all.
Why would you get something like that? Never mind it is pretty cool. Even though its like 100 feet tall!!! I thought you guys were just going to the store and you came back with a mosterice truck! Is that what took you 5 hours? You are the best step dad ever! This is my step dad troy but his real name is adam but he doesn't like that name. That is why we call him troy. He is always getting stuff for him hos self or one of us. When he buys the stuff he doesn't tell so it is always a surprise.
Watching a film, one can easily recognize plot, theme, characterization, etc., but not many realize what basic principle lies behind nearly every story conceived: the hero’s journey. This concept allows for a comprehensive, logical flow throughout a movie. Once the hero’s journey is thoroughly understood, anyone can pick out the elements in nearly every piece. The hero’s journey follows a simple outline. First the hero in question must have a disadvantaged childhood. Next the hero will find a mentor who wisely lays out his/her prophecy. Third the hero will go on a journey, either literal or figurative, to find him/herself. On this journey the hero will be discouraged and nearly quit his/her quest. Finally, the