Mr. P. was born and raised on the island of Puerto Rico by both his parents with five other siblings in a household that exhibits dysfunctionality. Mr. P. is the oldest of his five siblings. He shared that throughout his years he has witnessed violence both in his household and his community. Mr. P. also disclosed that at five (5) years old he witnessed his father beating and chopping off the hands of his neighbor. Mr. P. also disclosed being abused by his paternal uncle from the age of eight (8) years old, until he left home at 16 years old. He shared that his parents were aware of the abuse, however it was neglected and kept as a secret within the family as his uncle who was a “drug lord” and financially supported the family. Over the years,
P/O Timothy Piotrowski Hellertown Police Dept. 685 Main St., Hellertown, Pa., 18055 (610) 330-2200 was advised of the identity of Investigator Sean P. Brennan and of the confidential nature and purpose of the interview, Piotrowski, provided the following information:
It has been around six years since Brandon exposed that his biological father had continually sexually abused him between the ages 4-6 years old. Brandon is a 12 year old Caucasian American preteen. His mother is concerned that he will become a violent sexual offender if he does not get the help that he needs. Brandon’s mother also noted that his use of sexual language was likely the start of sexual behavior problems.
Ricky’s intergenerational abuse stems from living a normalized vicious cycle of domestic violence and abusive environment as a child, which has been passed down as an adult. He may not realize that he is sabotaging his marriage, interpersonal relationships with others in other settings such as work based on unresolved past issues that are prevalent today.
Reaction Officer P. Peteke was responding to an alarm activation at a commercial property. When the officer arrived at the property, the client informed the officer that two male had just stolen her purse and have run away. The officer proceeded to drive towards the direction which the suspect fled, He then parked the ADT response vehicle on the side and approached the suspect. The suspect then tried to disarm him the company by cycling his firearm and shot the reaction officer on his left arm. The officer withdrew the company firearm and pointed at the suspect ordering him to drop his firearm, which the suspect did what was instructed. The officer sustained a gun shot wound on his left hand
Mr. LePape stated that his reason for the evaluation is because his wife has promised him that he will never see the children again. He indicated that she is trying hard to stop him having a relationship with his children.
Details about Marc Lepine and his life began to surface after the initial incident, uncovering an unpleasant childhood and a broken home. Born with the name of Gamil Gharbi, he had an Algerian father and a mother of French descent. The father was a relatively successful businessman that did most of his work overseas; the mother, Monique, was a nurse with a good family background (Weston & Aubrey, 1990). The family was well off due to their career success, but what looked like a perfect marriage on paper was horrific for the mother and the children behind closed doors. Described as “a very brutal man who did not seem to have any control of his emotions” (MacDonell et al., 1989, para. 3), Marc’s father treated his wife like a servant and often physically abused her for the most minor nuances. The kids were subject to similar treatment and the mom was forbidden to comfort
A case of violence and unwarranted harassment is evident in the family’s
By utilizing theories from Urie Bronfenbrenner, Jean Piaget, and Lawrence Kohlberg, one can effectively draw insightful conclusions about how abuse affected Dave Pelzer’s childhood.
For this Case Study I chose fictional character Will Hunting from the award winning movie Good Will Hunting. Will Hunting was born in a poor region of south Boston, Massachusetts, an orphan, who lived with a very abusive alcoholic foster dad. As a kid, Will was subdued to frequent physical abuse by his foster dad, between getting beat with a wrench, and having cigarettes put out on him, Will dealt with a lot at a young age (James A. Frieden).
”Us burglars, we said to Paps the time he caught us on the roof, getting ready to rappel. And later when pap’s had us on the ground and was laying into many… Joel nodded his chin toward pap’s who was unfastening his belt” (Torres 25). Pap’s punished all three brothers physically for putting their lives in danger and causing problems, but Pap’s should have tried to punish them some other way like grounding them, than abusing them. Since pap’s wasn’t educated, he probably didn’t know the long run symptoms of physical abuse which made the three brothers more violent towards one another and people outside, they became a delinquent as they grew older. Since all three brothers still had not reached puberty yet, they had a high rate of becoming violent like Pap’s as they grow older. “Children both genders who experienced physical abuse prior to puberty presented higher rates of abusive behaviors than those with physical abuse after puberty” (Martinez, Figueriedo, Albiol 511). Since the narrator and his brothers were mostly abused by their father before the age of puberty they had a higher chance of having abusive behaviors and that is exactly what happen. They become more violent towards each other and to the people on the streets. As the brothers grew older they ended up fighting each other more even over a small argument, especially Manny and Joel. One time when all three brothers were away from home hanging around on an old man’s
LP is a female patient in her early 40’s who presented to the ED with a complaint of shortness of breath. The patient stated that she recently returned from an 11-hour international flight during which she experienced throbbing pain in her right calf accompanied by swelling and discoloration. She initially came in a few months ago to her primary care provider (PCP) for an uncontrollable itch which she suspected was an allergy. The PCP sent her to get a complete blood count (CBC) in the lab. Results came back which showed a 50% hematocrit level and 18g/dl hemoglobin. LP was referred to a hematologist for further testing which included a genetic component for the JAK2 gene mutation that came back positive from the blood sample, meeting the diagnostic
Unfortunately, there are children everywhere who endure a form of abuse. Some experience emotional abuse while others experience physical abuse. Other children, like Dave Pelzer, are faced with both. Dave had to grow up in a family of two alcoholic parents. He was severely beaten and tortured by his mother and was neglected by his father. Dave had to spend his childhood in fear of his life. Although sad, his story gives others hope that they too can experience an abusive childhood and live to tell about it.
About 6 out of 10 fall into the non-family member to the victim and 3 out of 10 of those cases are predominantly fathers, uncles, or cousins (U. S Department of Veterans Affairs, 2015). Law enforcement agencies were very well acclimated with Mel’s family, and tried to pursue criminal charges against the aunt and uncle; nevertheless, Mel did not disclose information to incur charges on the predators. Mel was the victim in this situation, and one of the reasons most victims do not disclose information because of fear, anxiety, and lack of support from the community and their family members (Adcocates for Youth, 2015). Mel experienced fear of shame and embarrassment, which is why the vignette explained that Mel’s personality traits became socially isolated and avoided places, people, and school
Previous study was conducted to assess the impression of PMPS on patients life used the MPQ-SF to identify four subscales exploring physical well-being, physical autonomy, relational life and psychological well-being in 757 disease-free patients treated for breast cancer between the years 1995 and 1998. A final analysis of 529 patients revealed that 39.7% of these women reported pain, and that the women with pain had significantly worse QOL scores on all of the subscales than those without pain
“Abuse is still seriously under reported. I was told by leading British social worker that when they hold training courses for employees, they find that a third of the females and slightly less of the males come forward to talk about their childhood experiences of being abused. Over ninety percent of parents as some time hit their children – and some people hit them several times a week – so there is a great deal of emotional hurt, fear and physical pain in the world today” (Davis 251). For this reason alone it makes perfect sense why violent crime rates are so frighteningly high.