
Mr Reese Family Analysis

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Mr. Reese was born on July 23, 1950 in Albany, GA at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital. Mr. Reese is the oldest of three sons
Albany, Georgia
Mr. Reese’s mother was born and raised in Albany. His father bounced around Georgia before entering the Navy after graduation from Georgia Tech. Once his father came home he came to Albany and they have stayed there ever since.
Mr. Reese’s father’s parents spent most of their lives in LaGrange, GA and Columbus, GA. Mr. Reese’s grandfather passed when he was six years old, but he does have fond memories of him teaching him how to fish and spending days on the lake. Mr. Reese had a good relationship with his grandmother and he called her “grandmother”. His grandparents moved to Albany when his family moved down which is why he has such fond memories of them. His mother’s father died when Mr. Reese was around two so he has no memories of him, but his maternal grandmother ended up living a very long time. Therefore Mr. Reese was able to …show more content…

Reese had regular chores such as mowing the lawn when he was a child. If he was not involved with anything at the time, Mr. Reese and his friends would just spend the day outside playing until their moms yelled at them to come home. Mr. Reese went hunting and fishing with his dad and friends which was great because his father did not like to hunt or fish so they filled that gap. These guys, Chuck Lingle, Guy Carter, Matt McKinney, and others, would always pick him up and take him fishing or hunting. Mr. Reese did all forms of hunting including quail hunting, duck hunting, and deer hunting. He grew up with Labrador retrievers. He actually brought his black Labrador, Ace, to Tech with him and he would go with him to class. He has a yellow Labrador right now that he got from his middle son. Mr. Reese hunts wild quail at some of the plantations in Albany. He does not hunt at the free release quail plantations because that requires an entirely different skill

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