
Mr Robison Monologue

Decent Essays

My fist wailed through the air and came into contact with the hard, round object. I thought to myself, there is no way I can make it over, but I’m going to try my best. I tried many time but no matter how hard I tried, I could not do it. That didn’t stop me from trying even harder. “Give it a shot,” said Mr. Robison. I said, “Sure, why not.” I looked at coach and then tried a few times and didn’t make it over the net. I kept trying but still I couldn’t make it no matter how hard I hit the ball. Hit after hit, I watched the ball come into contact with the net. I did not have enough strength to make it over. I wanted to give up, but Mr. Robison came over to me and helped me not to back down. Mr. Robison then said, “Put all your power behind the ball and to project it up and out so you can make it over.” …show more content…

My coach ran up and gave me high five and he smiled at me. I thought that I wouldn’t be able to do it until I gave it a go. I learned that if I tried hard at something that’s very important to me, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to it. This year I overcame my fear of not being able to serve overhand, and learned to block out all distractions and just play the game. One day when I was serving in a game against the hardest team in our league, Mr. Robison decided to pull me out for serving. He said to the ref, “Can I have a switch

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