Despite me being late to class, Mr. Thomas didn't give me detention, which in my case is an achievement. He tends to never let anyone off the hook, so I was fortunate. Mr. Thomas took pleasure in disciplining us, unfortunately we constantly had to do things that were unnecessary as I like to call it. Sometimes he made us run around the track, as if that was such a good idea to do in the morning. Sadly today was one of those days. My classmates and I were in a single file line, we weren't allowed to utter a single word or we'd get more laps. Being in his class made me feel like a child all over again. At the moment Mr. Thomas was pacing around holding a clipboard in one hand, meanwhile the other held a pen. "Today we'll be running twenty in five minutes, failed to do so will be forced to play dodge ball with the seniors," He paused grinning. "You all know how they love to throw around those balls at the poor little freshmen's, sadly you aren't anymore. Anyways those who succeed will get to sit in the bleachers, drinking nice cold water. Get in groups of two." Everyone walked in unison towards the …show more content…
Thomas?" I politely called out, his head snapped up, arching his left eyebrow. "What?" He questioned, staring at me expectantly. "Well...could I go to the nurse's office, my stomach hurts." My lips forced into a tight line looking away. I wasn't much of a liar, but for my sake, it was a must in this situation. Mr. Thomas wrote something down on his clipboard, "Are you on your period?" He bluntly asked without looking up. My ears couldn't believe what they just heard. Clearly, whenever us girls get a stomach ache, it immediately means we're at that time of the month, wonder how many brain cells the genius that came up with such ridiculous theory had. I'd like to personally congratulate them with a big smack across the face. If a guy came up with it, indeed it wouldn't shock me, guys are such dumdums sometimes. Or all the time depending on the
“Maybe sometimes people did not actually change. Maybe you just never knew who they really were.” (Picture This quote is very relatable to many people, but perhaps more so to Thomas, Bears Brother, Black Bull because Thomas lived through the impossible, and he changed, but no one knew, truly, who he was. Thomas is a very strong, independent, Ute Indian, and is the main character in the novel When the Legends Die by Hal Borland. This marvelous book is cleverly broken into four sections; “Bessie“, “The School“, ‘The Arena“, and “The Mountains“. In each component of the book Thomas changes in various, complicated ways, but the two sections where Thomas changes the most are in “Bessie” and “The Arena.” However certain similarities for each characteristic of Tom are unmistakable. Tom is a man torn between two worlds, his Indian heritage and the world of white men and new ways. Tom’s physical appearance, actions, and emotions are the strongest variations, and yet in some ways remain the same, for his character.
Dante’s pause was short-lived before he cautiously asked, “Is… Is that a medical condition?” He stumbled over the words.
Timothy Thomas reported that he is physically, mentally, and emotionally stable. He rated his physical health a ten; on a scale of one to ten, with ten being the best. He reported that he is not being monitored or treated for any health conditions. Mr. Thomas is not taking any medication to improve his physical health. Mr. Thomas rated his emotional and mental health a ten, on the scale of one to ten, ten being the best.
ira nudged Thomas when the Singer started to begin the next verse of the Song, “Did you see that Thomas? Those things holding down on the Singer?” she muttered as she pointed at the robe. Thomas glanced at Kira with a doubtful face. “No, what are you talking? Why would the Singer be chained up?”
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I look forward to meeting with you the end of this week. I noticed the co-op below that Thomas Tire can utilize, which pays for up to 75% of advertising costs. What a great catch!! I also want to capitalize on your 35 years in the market and so on. I’m free Friday afternoon, let me know if that will work for you.
Late Entry - Mr Rodney Thomas, returned this worker's call yesterday around 5PM. He stated his children were removed from his care based on false child abuse and placed them in their mother's home in April of this year even though he has a custody granted from a Judge in California.
There are numerous instances in which Dawkins portrays holes in or a lack of research regarding the Bible and scripture. On page two of the article, Dawkins Says that the disciples only believed based upon faith. Specifically, the disciple Thomas, in the article he regards him as "Doubting Thomas", this, however, is not accurate in any case. In the Bible, specifically John 20:19, after Jesus' resurrection, he appeared in a locker room to the Disciples. He went to them and said, "Peace be with you!" He then showed them his hands to prove that he has been resurrected. Although Thomas wasn't with the other disciples when this occurred, there were ten eyewitnesses that came forth and presented him with this information. Given the multiple witnesses,
When analyzing Bigger Thomas, Richard Wright’s protagonist in the novel Native Son, one must take into consideration the development of his characterization. Being a poor twenty-year-old Black man in the south side of Chicago living with his family in a cramped one- bedroom apartment in the 1930’s, the odds of him prospering in life were not in his favor. Filled with oppression, violence, and tragedy, Bigger Thomas’ life was doomed from the moment he was born. Through the novel, Bigger divulges his own dreams to provide for his family and to be anything but a “nobody.” Although Bigger struggled to fight through obstacles to pursue his dreams for the future, his chase for a better life came to an abrupt
Once, a long time ago, I was REALLY angry. I was angry because there were going to be some BIG changes to my favorite tv show. The company that produces my favorite tv show, “Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends,” was going to get rid of three very important characters. Those characters were Edward, Henry, and Toby. The creation of the whole Thomas and Friends franchise would not have happened if it weren't for Edward. Edward, Henry and Toby are some of my favorite characters in the show. A little part inside of me died the day I heard the sad news.
No, no way! This can’t be real. She can’t be gone, she just can’t be! Everyone has got to be lying. If Leslie is really gone then I need to see the rope. This can’t be, the rope snapped! Nope, I can’t believe it, I just can’t. I never should have gone with Miss Edmunds! That was the biggest mistake I have ever made.
The funniest thing I heard this week was just listening to Robert Thomas play with those two little dinosaurs in the block. Just to hear things like Robert Thomas saying “Shhh de are sweeping in der.” Then Robert Thomas turned to me and said “We have to turn down the TV and the video games otherwise we will never get them to go to sleep.” Then talking to himself “We should let them play video games.” I said to Robert Thomas “Maybe they should go play outside instead of playing video games. It is such a nice day.” Robert Thomas looked at me and said with total seriousness “Are you cwazy its waining outside! Who would want to pway in
Once upon a time, there lived a happy rat. He lived in sewers. His name was Thomas and although he lived underground and in the sewer, he was happy. He had many friends and respected each and one of them, and treated them equally.
because no human can totally understand God. Thomas thinks that from God's perspective, the limitations of time do not work. The drama suggests that humans are anguished by the hardships and complexities that time imparts upon us, whereas determination of ourselves to be God's instruments enables us to pass beyond such limitations.
Although the word “sociopath”, tainted with malicious and even demonic connotations, may make one feel uneasy or think of a killer, the life of a sociopath does not equate to that of Jeffrey Dahmer under all circumstances. For example, in author and professor M.E. Thomas’ life, the effect of a sociopathic lifestyle more so changes her perspective on rules, boundaries, following social cues, and more. Although she does confess to sanguinary thoughts, she bears no fault at carrying these cutthroat contemplations out on anyone. For Thomas, these sociopathic customs come more specialized for a craving of emotionally hurting the people around her through manipulation. Through her experiences, Thomas displays a new way to interpret the word, ‘sociopath’ itself.
“I’m okay now that you’re in here. You look like you gonna treat me better than the last nurse.”