
Mr Thompson Substance Abuse Case Study

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Mr. Thompson is a 34- year old individual, born and raised in Oil City Pennsylvania. He graduated high school from Oil City High School in 2000. He continued his education at Rhode Island School of design, graduating in 2004, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in film animation and video. He indicated that he did not attend graduate school. He works at relay graduate school for education, they have campuses all over the country. Mr. Thompson reported that that he goes into Manhattan two or three days per week. He can be flexible and can work from home. He does videos to train teachers. He sometimes works weekends when he is not with the children. He plans to continue to work where he is. The commute is 50 minutes each way.

He never had learning …show more content…

He indicated that he experimented with marijuana in high school and recreationally in college. The father reported that he and his wife did it a few times together before they had children. Since the children were born they also may have done it at a party. Mr. Thompson stated that he has not done it for a couple of years. He has never used the drug more often than he is describing. There is no other drug experimentation. Mr. Thompson stated that he drinks alcohol socially, he may have a beer or a casual drink.

Mr. Thompson reported that he has no medical illnesses.

The father stated that this is his first marriage. He indicated that he has no other children.

Mr. Thompson reported no history of arrest and no one has ever had an Order of Protection against him. He indicated that he has not had an Order of Protection against anyone. The father reported that both parents submitted orders to have exclusive use of the family residence. He did this because of the verbal abuse in the home in the presence of the children.

Mr. Thompson reported that there has been involvements with Child Protective Services. He indicated that he has also been involved with the Coalition of Domestic Violence.

Mr. Thompson reported that the parents are currently residing together in the marital residence in Floral Park,

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