Mr. Thompson is a 34- year old individual, born and raised in Oil City Pennsylvania. He graduated high school from Oil City High School in 2000. He continued his education at Rhode Island School of design, graduating in 2004, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in film animation and video. He indicated that he did not attend graduate school. He works at relay graduate school for education, they have campuses all over the country. Mr. Thompson reported that that he goes into Manhattan two or three days per week. He can be flexible and can work from home. He does videos to train teachers. He sometimes works weekends when he is not with the children. He plans to continue to work where he is. The commute is 50 minutes each way.
He never had learning
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He indicated that he experimented with marijuana in high school and recreationally in college. The father reported that he and his wife did it a few times together before they had children. Since the children were born they also may have done it at a party. Mr. Thompson stated that he has not done it for a couple of years. He has never used the drug more often than he is describing. There is no other drug experimentation. Mr. Thompson stated that he drinks alcohol socially, he may have a beer or a casual drink.
Mr. Thompson reported that he has no medical illnesses.
The father stated that this is his first marriage. He indicated that he has no other children.
Mr. Thompson reported no history of arrest and no one has ever had an Order of Protection against him. He indicated that he has not had an Order of Protection against anyone. The father reported that both parents submitted orders to have exclusive use of the family residence. He did this because of the verbal abuse in the home in the presence of the children.
Mr. Thompson reported that there has been involvements with Child Protective Services. He indicated that he has also been involved with the Coalition of Domestic Violence.
Mr. Thompson reported that the parents are currently residing together in the marital residence in Floral Park,
lived in upstate New York. David Smith moved Kaiko Smith and her two children, ages 12 and
Upon arrival, I spoke with the petitioner of the order of protection (Muro, Christine DOB 08/15/55), who related her daughter (Corona, Christina DOB 08/15/88) was inside her bedroom and that she has an active order of protection. Muro provided Cook County Order of Protection, which was valid and served. Corona was prohibited from entering or remaining at the residence/household inhabited by protected person(s). I made contact with Corona inside her bedroom. Corona was checked through L.E.A.D.S., which revealed she an active order of protection and warrant from Cook County. Corona was placed into custody at 0016 hours and transported to the Cicero Police Department. Muro signed one misdemeanor complaint for violation of an oder of protection. Muro was issued a Maybrook Court date (10/19/15 at 9:00 A.M. in room 104) and a Domestic Violence packet on the scene.
They are the parents of two adult children, Shari and Matthew, and the grandparents of one grandson, Cameron.
Irina Lakotiy reported her son, Oleg Lakotiy, was violating a protection order by being at her residence. Irina stated she picked up Oleg at Valley Medical Center in Renton, gave him a ride to her residence, and was concerned Oleg was possibly high on drugs. Oleg was listed as the respondent and Irina was listed as the petitioner of a DV Protection Order out of King Co Superior Court # 16-2-05363. The order stated Oleg was restrained from coming near and having any contact whatsoever in person, or through others, except by phone, and was prohibited from knowingly coming within, or knowingly remaining with 500 feet of Irina's residence. I contacted Oleg inside of a children’s play house, which is in the back yard of Irina's residence. Because
I, Yuniqua Burris observed a pre-trial case June 13, 2016 at York County Detention Center also known as Moss Justice Center. I observed a case of Domestic Violence 3rd Degree between a young woman and her boyfriend. The criminal domestic violence law apples to anyone that lives with a spouse or who have lived with the spouse, if they've been married, or have children together. In this case young lady and her boyfriend have a child together this is why it's considered a domestic violence case. The young man pressed charges against the woman. The young lady was arrested April 15, 2016. After that day the judge issued an protection order against the young man until farther notice witch was the following court date. The charge could've carried
There are many assessment processes that are used to identify substance abuse as well as many other disorders that are addictive. These processes include the SBIRT, AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test), NIDAMED, CAGE AID (which is used frequently within the counseling foundation), AUDIT-C, and also the DAST-10 which is an assessment process used to evaluate drug abuse within the patients. These are many different processes that are currently used to identify these addictions in clients. The activity of identifying these processes can be over a period of time or can be evaluated in that same day or after the evaluation is completed.
Victim’s Summary: Linda said she filed for PO-17-421 on Wenesday, November 29th, 2017 against James. Linda said James had drove by her home loacted at 35156 West 21st Street in Mannford on Wenesday, Novemeber 29th, 2017. Linda said the road to her home is on a dead end street and James did not have a reason to be by the home. Linda was trying to file a violation of protective order report over the phone on Thursdat, November 30th, 2017. Linda said she recieved a missed call from James on Thursday, November 30th, 2017. Linda said she had James served on Wenesday, Novemeber 29th, 2017 by the Sapulpa Police when James was in Sapulpa.
Simon is a 47 y/o male that was admitted to RGSC on July 22, 2010. Simon is verbal and his primary language is Spanish; he is able to communicate his needs and wants verbally. He is able to perform daily activities independently; however he needs prompting and supervision for completion of task. Simon does not have any mobility conditions and is able to ambulate without difficulty. He did not sustain any falls within the past 11 months; His last documented fall was on 1/21/15 which was presumed to be due to over sedation caused by medications.
Ms. Palmenta stated that it was a full stay away order. She indicated that Mr. DaSilva violated the Order of Protection when he stopped at the corner of her home and came out of the car to walk the child to the door. She reported that he pulled out his phone saying “fuck you”, she felt he was trying to bait her. Ms. Palmenta reported that she grabbed the child neck and walked her into the home. She indicated Mr. DaSilva allowed his dog to urinate on her
they would spend their time in PA. The father reported that the parents continued to go back and forth to court as the mother feels he should not have visitation with the children. He indicated that she wanted the court to believe that the father was violent and a danger to the children and his visits should be supervised.
The marriage had strains on it already with his parents using separated bedrooms. With his father in Washington D.C. His mother stayed in Minnesota during the summer.
On the Local level economic and social are the main key factors in determining if an agency will be beneficial in serving the community of Kankakee. Kankakee County community members’ economic status is predominately low income. In Kankakee County there is a lack of resources and occupations available. The social factors in
Throughout the Riverton interactive case, there was many beautiful and unpleasant aspects that made up Riverton. The beauty came from the art museum, friendly neighborhood, and etc. However, the downfall of the town occurred during the night when homeless individuals slept in bushes and left beer cans all over each neighbors yard. So, this social worker and county commissioners wanted to provide an alcohol impact zone.
Mr. Chronis is a 40-year old individual, born and raised in New York City. He indicated that he is of Greek decent. Mr. Chronis reported that he graduated in 1993 from Brooklyn Technical High School. He indicated that he continued his education on a full scholarship at Stern College, studying international business and management. He indicated that he obtained his bachelors in 1997. Mr. Chronis reported that he also received a bachelors in History, from Queens College. He indicated that he continued in education, obtaining a MBA from Adelphi and a Masters in Greek History from Queens College. The father stated that he also has a certificate in Brand Management from NYU. Mr. Chronis reported that he is a divisional merchant manager for Ross Stores (similar to TJ Maxx). Mr. Chronis stated that he his work schedule varies, he leaves the home at 5:00 a.m. and returns home between 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Mr. Chronis reported that he travels three nights a month and twice a year he goes to china for one week.
Two of the children have moved from the home and are no longer supported by the stepfather and mother. The eldest daughter lives in the home and is currently dependent on the mother and father for direction and assistance in caring for and raising the newborn. The father of the newborn is not in a relationship with the biological mother. He also helps to care for the child through joint custody and financial support. The son is the oldest child and is active in his own life and career but assists the family regularly by helping maintain his family’s home and property or at the step father’s business. He is not married. The youngest daughter has distanced herself and maintains minimal contact with the family. She is said to be less accepting of the new marriage of her mother to her stepfather. She maintains a monogamous homosexual relationship with her partner.