
Mr Tom Sawyer Rhetorical Analysis

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Jim: “Ef it wuz him dat ‘uz bein’ sot free, en one er de boys wuz to git shot would he say, ‘Go on en save me, nemmine ‘bout a doctor f’r to save dis one’? Is dat like Mar Tom Sawyer? Would he say dat? You bet he wouldn’t! Well, den, is Jim gwyne to say it? No, sah” (286-287). Explanation: After Tom Sawyer was shot while carrying out the plan to free Jim, Jim prioritizes Tom’s safety and health before his own freedom. This is an extremely noble gesture by Jim, which clearly shows his kindness and consideration towards others, enough to risk his own dreams and goals as a free man. Jim breaks the negative stereotypes that are placed upon African Americans and justifies that African Americans are able to be just as respectable as whites. Tom …show more content…

Although he had known that Jim was actually a free man from the time Miss Watson died two months ago, he keeps this knowledge to himself and does not allow for Jim to be liberated from all of his troubles. Tom uses Jim as simply a toy for his overly adventurous needs, revealing a new level of cruelty and a new low in morality. He does not consider the consequences of his selfish behavior. Instead, he is only focused on the fact that a great adventure would result from keeping Jim’s freedom as a secret. Tom reflects the vast majority of society during the 1880s, as he views Jim, an African American, of being less than …show more content…

She wanted to care for him and educate him as she was saddened by the fact that Huck basically has no father figure. Furthermore, Huck often reflects on his actions based on what the Widow would think of it. She is a very caring woman, however, she completely adheres to the rules of society and owns slaves. Her morals are disrupted by her practice of being a slave owner. The Duke: “Because Mary Jane ’ll be in mourning from this out; and first you know the nigger that does up the rooms will get an order to box these duds up and put ‘em away; and do you reckon a nigger can run across money and not borrow some of it?” (188). Explanation: The Duke states that every African American is thieving, but this comment is extremely hypocritical as he is an overwhelmingly deceitful conman himself. The Duke does not realize his own faults as a fraud himself, when he is stereotyping African Americans, because of his racism. To him, a racist, if an African American does something wrong, then it is significantly worse than if a white man committed the same deed. There is nothing but hypocrisy behind his unnecessarily derogatory and illogical generalization. He shows an absolute lack of respect and dignity. The King: “When we got back to the raft and he come to count up he found he had collected eighty-seven dollars and seventy-five cents”

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