Mr. Wright is a 61 year old male who presented to the ED with vague suicidal ideation without a plan. Per documentation Mr. Wright has been struggling with cancer for several years and recently relapsed on alcohol after being sober for the past 7 years. At the time of the assessment Mr. Wright denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis. He reports feelings of depression increase around this time of year. He states the cancer is not his primary concern, however the loneliness from the lack of support. Mr. Wright reports feelings of depression as: feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, and insomnia. However, he later states the insomnia could have something to due with his acid Reflux. Mr. Wright appears calm and
Ms. Webster is a 28 year old female who presented to the ED via LEO under IVC by her mother for suicidal ideation and alcohol dependence. Ms. Webster denies allegations to nursing staff. Per documentation she appears intoxicated. Per documentation Ms. Webster states, "Going through withdrawals". Before assessment this clinician spoke with nursing staff about Ms. Webster, they reports she has been asking for Ativan since she has been placed in her room. They reports she informed them that she had not consumed any alcohol today. At the time of the assessment Ms. Webster is found sitting upright in her room. Ms. Webster reports she had a plan to hang herself. She states, " you know I have to say that to get into detox." Ms. Webster reports alcohol abuse as primary stressor contributing to her distress. She denies depressive symptoms. Ms. Webster states,
Mr. Saunders is a 60 year old male who presented to the ED via LEO under petition by his niece, Rachelle, for allegedly putting a gun into his mouth, him putting a gun in another individuals mouth called "legs", and increasing alcohol consumption. At the time of the assessment Mr. Saunders is calm and cooperative. He denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis. Mr. Saunders reports he has been depressed for several months and has been binge drinking alcohol. He reports relational issues with his wife has been the primary stressor contributing to his distress. He express feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, irritability, and isolation. He does admit to informing a friend, William, he see no reason to leave if he can not be with his wife. Patient does not appear to be exhibiting signs of agitation,
Mr. Gillespie is a 21 year old male who presented to the ED after an intentional overdose on 20 600mg of Gabapentin. Per documentation from ED staff Mr. Gillespie reported he became angry at his grandmother tonight and tried to "prove a point." Mr. Gillespe reported to staff threatened to overdose on his on pills, however dumped them in the toilet. He expressed after making threats to overdose on his prescribed Celexa did not phase his grandmother, he proceeded to take her Gabapentin. Per documentation Mr. Gillespe has been living with grandmother for 2 weeks and before that was living with his mother in Cary. At the time of the assessment Mr. Gillespie was calm and cooperative. He denies current suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis. He appears guarded during the assessment. He reports tonight his grandmother and he got into an argument over him getting a job. He reports his grandmother informed him he has to be out by Friday. Mr. Gillespe denies history of self harm. He
Mrs. Passmore is a 31 year old female who presented to the ED via LEO attempting to harm herself. Per documentation Mrs. Passmore reports someone taking her Klonopin several days ago and has not been able to take it. Today she allegedly tried to cut her wrist. She denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis to nursing staff. At the time of the assessment Mrs. Passmore reports a mental health history of bipolar, anxiety, and depression. Mrs. Passmore noted she has only been hospitalized when she was 15 year old for behavior issues. She denies having a history of self harm or suicidal attempts. Mrs. Passmore reports recently she has been going through a lot. She reports her father died 3 weeks ago, financial issues,
Mr. Stevens is a 39 year old male who presented to the ED via LEO under IVC for alleged threatens towards others, recent delusions, and substance abuse issues. At the time of the assessment Mr. Stevens was calm and cooperative. He reports having a history of misuse of his medications. Mr. Stevens reports recently snoring prescribed medications and taking over the recommended amount. He states, "I have tripped out (referring to experiencing symptoms of psychosis) in the past taking my Adderall." Mr. Stevens reports for the past 6 months he has suspected his wife of having an affair with various people, however most recent his neighbor. Mr. Stevens reports he has stopped using his prescribed Adderall 4 months ago. He states, "Sometimes I would take em and get paranoid, my cousin put me on, and they would make me feel high." Mr. Stevens reports for the daily use of Adderall for the past 2 years. According to Mr. Stevens a Dr. Bill prescribed them to him after he told him he had a history of ADHD as a child. According to Mr. Steven for the
Patient is a 75 year old female who presented to the ED with depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation. Patient reports for the past 3 months she has been treating a UTI. She expressed that she has been complaint with medications, however has been to the hospital 4 to 5 times within the last 2 months for the same. Patient reports since been diagnosed with the shingles last year everything has been going downhill. The patient has been treated for the shingles since. The patient reports multiple stressor including: medical conditions, inability to care for herself, financial concerns, and poor familial support.
Mr. Enochs is a 50 year old male that presented to the ED by IVC paper work from Daymark Recovery Services. Patient reported depressive symptoms and SI with a plan. Mr. Enochs stated : "I'm worried about my family and not being able to support them." He reports he has been unemployed and unable to find a Job. Mr. Enochs reports in the past 3 days consistent worrying about his sick wife, kid, and having continuous panic attacks. Mr. Enochs reports racing thoughts. He stated: "my mind never shuts down."Mr. Enochs reports he has been thinking about walking into traffic or falling into a hole at a construction site to take his life. Mr. Enochs stated: "I think if I was dead I could help my family financially." He reported only having 3 hours of
Personal beliefs and ideologies are one of the most important things that make us individual and unique. A person's morals define them, and in most cases, will directly impact how they act in their day-to-day inquiries. Usually, these beliefs will stay secure, but even the strongest people can fall victim to the vicious, mind-controlling force of mob mentality. One place where this is demonstrated is inside the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. This novel entails a battle against the ruthless nature of social pressure, and what it can do for people.
At the time of the assessment the patient reports she denies homicidal ideations and symptoms of psychosis.Patient has a history of command auditory hallucinations but denies any current and states, "Everyone in my family
E.S. had a complex case because he was not only grieving the loss of his son but he soon thereafter was grieving the loss of his grandson. The grieving process appeared to be quite tough for E.S. since his family unit had been torn apart (some lived in Los Angeles, while others lived in Chicago). Since his children come from different wives it was hard for E.S. to navigate the family unit upon the loss of one of his sons. He mentioned that it was difficult to talk with the boy’s mother in this time of grief “ because she would start crying and I just couldn’t handle that.” It appears that he felt inadequate for not being the support that his ex-wife needed. This veteran did present signs of depression and grief. E.S. attended a Bereavement Group in Building 500 at the West Los Angeles VA. Before I was forced to terminate with E.S., I found out that he was on three different types of medications. He was prescribed an antidepressant (Zoloft), medication for his blood pressure, and medication for his cholesterol. While he was on this combination of medications, this veteran reported thoughts of suicide. Veteran confirmed that the suicidal thoughts stemmed from his anti-depressant (Zoloft), and once he stopped taking the Zoloft and
At this point in time various artists will release controversial works that draw attention to issues the world faces. For example, in the final track of Christopher Wallace’s, also known as The Notorious B.I.G or Biggie, debut album “Ready to Die” titled as “ Suicidal Thoughts”; the fans of Biggie get a taste of how wealth and fame do not make you the most joyful human on the planet.
Fireworks – a device containing chemicals that create a splendid explosion when lighted. That’s the first definition that comes to mind when the word ‘fireworks’ is mentioned. However, in the dictionary, it states that there is also a figurative meaning for fireworks, which is ‘an outburst of anger or other emotions’.
I was watching to news this past summer when they had a topic on suicide. In just 2014 over 42,773 people died from suicide. It was filled with stories on individuals hardships of battling depression and many suicide attempts. Hearing many stories of American lives being taken by themselves I was very heartbroken and even a bit angered. The hardest part was realizing others knew about the problem yet did nothing.
The medical evidence shows the claimant has a history of alcohol abuse. He was admitted 9/2/15 and underwent a mental status exam. During the exam, he was notable for poor reality contact, rambling conversation, grandiose thinking, poor orientation and memory, a labile
In today’s society women and girls are pressure to worry about their body sizes. Females think they have to be petite. Women and girls should not have to be pressured about their body weight.The pressure about their body weight comes from either girls are getting bullied about their size , trying to fit in , or even think their weight isn’t good enough for an relationship. Women need to stop pressuring their self about their body size and just be happy. Always remember beauty come in any size and form.